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What If Love Wasn’t a Mystifying Sensation?

What if it was easier?

By Eshal RosePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What If Love Wasn’t a Mystifying Sensation?
Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

I wish love was easy.

I wish life turned out like the fairy tales I read as a child. I wish I could tell you that somewhere on this journey, the stars will align at a pre-destined moment. A moment when the world comes to a standstill. The moment your eyes meet theirs.

In a sea of millions, you meet that one person and life is a long happily ever after. You will love them, and they will love you. And that will be enough.

But is it ever that simple?

You will fall in love with time and often. And each time, it will be for a different reason. You will give your heart to someone who doesn’t want it. You will love them anyway.

You will love people who are not good for you. You will hold on anyway. You will offer the world to some, even when they can’t do the same.

You will run, chase, beg only to have your feelings trampled on. And you will do the same, to someone whose love you cannot accept. You will break hearts the same way they broke yours.

You will love people who are firm as trees, their roots entwining with yours forever. And you will love a few who touch you, only to blow away like a feather caught in the breeze.

Some will give you joy and happiness. Others will give you tears and pain. The best ones will give you lessons, teaching you of the power within, that you failed to see.

I wish relationships were easy, but it is not.

It requires work, effort, and consistency to keep the flame going. It's messy. You will hurt your loved ones, the same way they hurt you. You will have to face your deepest fears in order to create something worthwhile.

You will shatter into pieces only to pick them and fix yourself back up. Along the way, you will cut and bleed- your wounds cutting yourself and others.

But it is not for nothing.

With each love, crack, and wound, you will learn little truths. You will gather these lessons at various points of life- each making things a little easier.

You will learn that the best way to grasp life is to accept it all. Accept the bad and soak in all the good.

The best way to push through pain is to accept that sometimes, things don’t work out the way you want. But, sometimes, it does. And the little moments of happiness that come with it are what you must live for. Those are the ones that will remain etched in our memories forever.

As you grow stronger, love will get easier showing you that you were all you needed from the beginning.

You will be sure that you deserve love and all its magic because you know you do. You will find yourself walking on a path that is entirely yours. A path that shows you what you want even if it was difficult. A path that was built for you.

You see, the difficulty is what makes love so beautiful.

The lessons learned are what make it attractive. The power you discover within yourself is the biggest gift.

This is what makes it the most beautiful experience in the world. This is why we want it in our lives. Because without it, life has no meaning.

The difficulties and heartbreaks are what make us value love and life. And someday, when your path finally crosses another, you will find your fairy tale.

In a broken, battered and bandaged yet powerful soul.


About the Creator

Eshal Rose

Writer of thoughts.

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