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What Happens When You Sleep on an Old Mattress?

Do you understand why sleep is so important?

By Patricia GravesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What Happens When You Sleep on an Old Mattress?
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Let's be honest: most of us have no problem spending huge sums to change our wardrobe every season, but we turn up our noses when it comes to buying a new mattress.

However, experts warn us that it is very important to pay attention to the condition of the mattress we sleep in and to change it 5–10 years after the purchase, as a general rule. If you decide to ignore these warnings, your health will be affected more than you can imagine.

Health problems caused by old mattresses

Because it is always hidden from view, the condition of your mattress can remain a real mystery. But experts are sounding the alarm that we shouldn't overlook: here's what conditions you're exposed to if you sleep on an old mattress!


One of the most common health problems in the contemporary world - allergies - can be caused or aggravated by old mattresses. These become true foci of infection due to the accumulation of dead cells and secreted oils in the skin, which tightens during the night when the dermis regenerates.

But the old mattresses still hide a "dirty secret": they are mites, attracted like a magnet by the warm and humid space that your bed represents. This situation is especially problematic for those who are already prone to allergies and eczema.


Indeed, you don't get asthma if you sleep on an old mattress, but your condition can get worse. Experts believe that patients may experience worsening breathing problems and nasal congestion due to old mattresses.

You may become sensitive to mold. Accumulation of dead cells, sweat, and dust, a phenomenon associated with old mattresses, can lead to mold.

Even though it usually forms on the bottom of your mattress, which is less ventilated, it will still affect you, contributing to the formation of an acute sensitivity to mold.

You will experience back and neck pain.

An old mattress no longer supports your spine properly; therefore, the ligaments, tendons, and joints of the back will be affected. The slightest irregularity caused by the dullness of the mattress can have serious repercussions on you.

By sleeping in an improper position every night, you will end up suffering from severe pain over time.

You will always be stressed.

Are you upset about anything, even if you have no reason to? Your old mattress may be to blame! There is a strong link between sleep quality and stress levels, so if you sleep in an unfavorable environment, you may suffer more from it.

You will have memory problems.

A study cited by subjected two groups to the same task. The group that was allowed to sleep before the execution of the project did better, which led the researchers to conclude that memory is influenced by the quality of sleep.

An old mattress is often equivalent to poor rest, and from here you can draw your conclusions.

You have trouble sleeping. Perhaps the most important consequence of sleeping on an old mattress is a lack of quality sleep. When you constantly turn around at night, looking for the best position, it is clear that you will be very far from a baby's rest.

Furthermore, you are at risk for heart problems, high blood pressure, increased risk of diabetes and cancer, depression, low immunity, and premature aging. We are sure that all these dangers will convince you to invest quickly in a new mattress!

How do you know you need to replace your old mattress?

We have been alarmed by the long list of dangers above, so we are determined to do our best to rest forever on a mattress in perfect shape.

But how do you know when to start shopping for new mattresses?

Normally, as I specified in the first lines of our article, experts estimate that a mattress should be changed every 5–10 years. But there are mattresses younger than 5 years that look deplorable, but also some older than 10 years that are still in the best condition. Many factors can come into play here: jump care

Normally, as I specified in the first lines of our article, experts estimate that a mattress should be changed every 5–10 years.

But there are mattresses younger than 5 years that look deplorable, but also some older than 10 years that are still in the best condition.

There are many factors involved: the care of the mattress (if you clean it and ventilate it regularly, you will enjoy it longer), the number of kilograms it supports (a mattress on which only you sleep will be more "rested" than one that supports an overweight couple, for example) and, of course, quality.

Therefore, it is vital to take a look at your mattress and not necessarily take into account the number of years that the producers anticipate. Here are the criteria to consider in deciding to give up old mattresses!

The quality of your sleep, but also your partner. If you feel tired, although you always check the 8 hours of sleep, or you wake up with back and neck pain without having them when you went to bed, you should change your mattress.

But also notice how your boyfriend sleeps, because it is possible that, due to the difference in weight, the mattress will have broken only on his side.

Mattress condition.

Remove all bedding and carefully analyze the condition of the mattress! Is it damaged, has bumps or swellings, mold deposits, or blackened areas? Any of these signs and any deterioration in the original condition of your mattress should worry you and make you buy another one.

Sleep quality when sleeping elsewhere.

When you spend the night with your boyfriend, do you wake up more rested than at home? When you go on vacation, do you get out of bed in a sublime state? Your mattress may be to blame for these mood swings!

Therefore, it is vital to pay close attention to the condition of your mattress and not hesitate to invest in another if necessary.

Old mattresses are more dangerous than you think, so if you find yourself in any of the situations we've described to you, take action now!


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