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What does Bullying Have to do with Politics?

Because It Never Did

By Janay EaleyPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
A guide to understanding and preventing school bullying, USC Rossier:

I saw an article on my feed yesterday when I was doing research on the Parkland shooting. My dad used to work near that school, and he remembers seeing the memorial. I know that the terrible massacre happened back in 2018 but I tend to get obsessed with tragedies like school shootings. Once something happens, I have to find more about it. Even, the shooter himself.

I am guilty of that and I can admit to that unlike some people. The article was titled Lunatics are blaming Parkland students for massacre so I clicked on the article and after reading the first line, I exited out of there because I couldn’t understand what the second amendment and the right wing has to do with the fact that people have had enough of the bullying. Students at the schools are tired of being blamed for these school shootings. Now, when you tell me students. You are telling me that we in general are not like that.

To be honest, some of you are like that. A student can get bullied by multiple people. I’ve seen and heard the stories. It’s crazy how people can recall those memories that happened years ago. Those people never stood up for themselves and choose to move on. I do know that Nikolas Cruz was not bullied.

He was the bully and had a history of violent and aggressive behavior. I will never condone murder to solve bullying. It should never have to go that far. I am aware of most scenarios of school shootings that school shooters never target the ones who have tormented them but only ones who never did wrong by them. I do know that sometimes school shooters aren’t necessarily bullied.

My point is that you know people have an issue with bullying. They are tired of kids doing things to others and getting away with it. I was never a bully in school. I don’t treat others any kind of way so I understand that side. Maybe it wasn’t in my blood to make someone feel like they are worthless.

Who in the world is saying that you have to be nice and sweet to someone who is the complete opposite? SAID NO ONE EVER. Please don’t spread a like like that. Bullying isn’t just a problem in America. It’s a problem in other countries like Australia, United Kingdom and Korea. Just because someone brings up bullying, doesn’t mean that they are involved in politics. It doesn’t make them a republican.

They don’t have always be on the right. These writers annoy the hell of me when they even mention the right. You might not agree with everything on the right but the right is right on some things and that’s all I’m going to say. Rest in peace to the seventeen victims that lost their lives in that school. That should have never happened.

I live in Broward County, but I never went to Sherman Douglas High. I went to Norland Senior High, the home of the Vikings but there was a tragedy that happened to one of our staff members. We all were in the same building with a man who was capable of murder and didn’t know. The kids loved him and the staff respected him. May she rest in peace too!

I was never fond of the teens at my old high school but only a few that I did like. My school never played around when it came to our safety. During lunch time, we could never walk down the hallways and spend time in the library anymore. They wanted us to stay in the court where we would be seen. When it was time to head to class, we had to be there and no place else unless it was important.


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Janay Ealey

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