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What Causes Discoloration and Stains on Teeth

and How Can You Restore Your Smile?

By Elijah ShephardPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Are you noticing your teeth are not their usual bright and shining selves? After drinking coffee or tea, or indulging in darkly colored foods, do you find your smile doesn’t have the same sparkle as before? Don’t despair - it's more common than you might think!

Read on to learn the causes behind tooth discoloration and stains, and how you can restore your pearly whites!


Discolored teeth can be very embarrassing and can make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Fortunately, it is possible to restore your teeth back to their natural beauty. In this guide, we will explore the causes of discoloration and staining, and how you can restore the whiteness of your teeth.

Discoloration and staining of your teeth happen for a number of reasons, from dietary choices to external factors. When tooth enamel starts to become more porous through regular wear and tear over time, it can absorb staining particles more easily than healthy enamel. Common foods that fill our diet such as coffee, tea, chocolate and red wine all contain a type of pigment called chromogens that attach themselves to the porous areas on our tooth enamel, causing discoloration. Other lifestyle habits such as smoking contribute to the staining and discoloration process as well.

With proper care, you can prevent further damage to your tooth enamel or even reverse some of the daily damage; restoring your smile back to its natural brightness! In this guide we will provide information on both preventive approaches like keeping up with oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste together with professional cleaning treatments available through a dentist’s office that help keep our smiles sparkling white.

Causes of Discoloration and Stains

Discoloration and staining of teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle habits, medical conditions, age, trauma and medications. A number of foods and drinks can also cause discoloration or stain buildup on your teeth; some of these include coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco products. Additionally, tartar buildup due to improper oral hygiene can lead to yellowing or darkening of your teeth as well.

It’s important to identify the cause of your discoloration or staining before attempting any type of treatment; what works to restore one person’s smile may not be successful in restoring someone else’s.

There are a few options in terms of restoring your natural white smile:

  • Professional whitening treatments may be used if your discoloration is more severe and cannot be treated with over-the-counter products.
  • Lifestyle practices such as regular dental check-ups and avoiding certain foods and drinks can reduce the risk of discoloration or staining in the future.

Types of Stains

When the natural whiteness of teeth become discolored, it's referred to as staining. Discoloration can be caused by many factors, such as aging, certain medications, and extended exposure to certain foods and beverages like coffee and wine.

The two primary types of stains on teeth are extrinsic and intrinsic:

  • Extrinsic stains are those that form on the outside layer of your teeth enamel. These kinds of stains can usually be easily removed with proper professional care. Common causes of extrinsic stains include smoking or eating certain foods or drinking certain drinks that darken the enamel surface over time.
  • Intrinsic stains are more difficult to remove since they have penetrated deeper into the enamel causing discoloration from within. Generally, these types of stains cannot be removed with typical brushing but require professional treatment to reverse the damage done from staining agents, injury or aging. Intrinsic stains come from tooth injuries including excessive fluoride ingestion during childhood (dental fluorosis) and from tetracycline antibiotics taken during tooth development which cause pronounced yellowing in adult teeth.

Both forms of discolorations can have a profound impact on a person’s smile; luckily there are treatments available in both professional (teeth whitening) and over-the-counter products that can help restore your smile to its former glory.

Effects of Discoloration and Stains

Discoloration and stains on teeth are caused by a variety of reasons, such as lifestyle choices, genetics or various medical treatments. The most common cause is the use of tobacco products. Foods and beverages like coffee, tea and red wine can also lead to tooth staining; foods with strong colors may leave behind residues that entrap in the porous enamel layer. Sugary drinks with food dyes may further contribute to the yellow discoloration of the teeth. Medications, such as tetracycline antibiotics, can lead to permanent discoloration in children and youth; exposure during tooth formation will result in gray or white patches on the moved bacteria’s surface.

Poor oral hygiene increases plaque buildup causing yellowish hues and staining around your gum line; inadequate brushing will make it difficult for you to remove plaque buildup leading to deeper discolored areas around your gum line.

Dental professionals have several methods for restoring your smile and reducing discoloration and staining. Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment used to reduce staining from food coloring and diminish mild discolorations from aging or tobacco use. Professional whitening treatments are accomplished quickly with bleaching solutions under specially trained professional supervision; this involves protecting your mouth gums with a special gel or tray containing peroxide-based bleaching agents then activated by powerful light rays (laser therapy).

Veneers are another form of cosmetic dentistry that works well for deep stains that do not respond to professional whitening treatments . Porcelain veneers offer an excellent way of masking deep stains while providing you with a natural presentation without sacrificing strength or integrity. These shells cover damaged teeth making it more aesthetically pleasing while protecting them from further damage due to erosion tips over time.

Prevention of Discoloration and Stains

Preventing discoloration and stains is key to maintaining a healthy smile. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to prevent discoloration and staining of teeth so you can enjoy life with confidence.

Good oral hygiene is essential in preventing discoloration and staining of teeth. This includes daily brushing and flossing with a fluoride toothpaste. Regular cleaning by your dentist is also recommended to remove plaque that can contribute to discolorous staining over time. Additionally, use of an antibacterial mouthwash can help combat bacteria in your mouth that can cause stains and yellowing.

Diet affects dental health as well. Acidic or sugary foods can wear away the enamel on your teeth, making them more prone to stains and discolorations. Reducing your intake of acidic or sugary drinks such as sodas, fruit juices, coffee or tea may help limit the amount of damage caused by these types of drinks if consumed in excess or consistently over time.

Limiting the amount of tobacco use is also important for preserving the natural color of teeth since nicotine has been known to cause yellowing and other discolorations on tooth surfaces over time despite regular brushing, flossing and trips to the dentist for cleanings.

Finally, dress up your look with cosmetic dentistry like professional teeth whitening treatments at a dentist office as part of a regular care regimen; this extra step can make all the difference when it comes to having white, bright crystal shine smile!

Treatment Options

Discoloration and staining of teeth can be caused by a number of different factors. Diet, habits such as smoking, genetics, wear and tear due to age, and enamel thinning can all play a role. Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options to restore your smile.

To start the process of removing discoloration from teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist for an evaluation. This evaluation will involve taking x-rays, measuring existing discolored areas, and discussing the various options available to you for restoring your smile. Common treatments to improve the color of teeth include:

  • Teeth whitening: A bleaching agent is applied to the surface of the teeth which helps break down stains on the enamel for brighter teeth; this process is often done in the office or at home.
  • Veneers: Thin porcelain caps that fit over your existing tooth structure providing improved color and shape without drastic measures; these will often last 10-15 years before they need replacement.
  • Composite bonding: A strong material made up of resin and glass is applied directly onto the tooth or used in combination with veneers or crowns; this type of restoration is usually done in the office.
  • Crowns/Caps: Fitting over existing tooth structure like a cap to alter size, shape and/or color; typically made from porcelain or acrylic material which makes them more resistant to staining than other types of restoration materials; this type requires multiple visits for proper fitment.

Professional Solutions

For those who want to restore their white smile, there are professional solutions that include tooth whitening, veneers and bonding.

  • Tooth Whitening: Tooth whitening is the process of bleaching teeth to remove discoloration or stains. This procedure can be done professionally in a dental office or at home using an at-home whitening kit purchased from the dentist or store. The easiest and most common type of whitening is an in-office procedure done with peroxide gel and a laser light that intensifies the gel's effects on the enamel.
  • Veneers: Veneers are thin porcelain shields made to fit your front teeth. They are a type of cosmetic dentistry designed to significantly improve the appearance of discolored, fractured, unevenly aligned teeth by covering them up with customized pieces bonded permanently to the front surface of each tooth. Veneers provide an aesthetic option for people who don't qualify for other restorative procedures because they won't have drastic structural changes made to their tooth enamel.
  • Bonding: Bonding is similar to veneers in that it uses a customized thin piece formed out of composite material that attaches directly onto teeth and helps them look “real” again by masking chips, cracks, stains, or other signs of discoloration. The composite material used contains enamel particles so it has a natural feeling and appearance when applied over existing teeth; bonding also requires no anesthesia before application. Results from dental bonding can last around five years with typical wear and tear before requiring repair or replacement from your dentist.


As you can see, there are many causes of tooth discoloration and staining. Seeing a dentist for professional treatment is the best way to achieve beautiful, bright teeth again.

At The Dental Office, we offer everything from tooth whitening services to porcelain veneers in order to restore or enhance your smile. If you are experiencing discoloration or staining on your teeth, contact us today to learn more about available cosmetic treatments and receive one-on-one guidance. We work to make sure that you get the perfect smile so that you can show it off with confidence!


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