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What are best ways and time to eat dry fruits?

Dry fruits are a great source of essential nutrients and are a healthy addition to any diet. Here are some of the best ways and times to eat dry fruits

By alexPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Dry fruits are a great source of essential nutrients and are a healthy addition to any diet. Here are some of the best ways and times to eat dry fruits:

As a snack: Dry fruits make for a healthy and filling snack option. You can carry a small packet of mixed dry fruits with you when you are on-the-go.

As a topping: You can add a handful of dry fruits to your cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, or salad to increase the nutritional value of your meal.

With milk: Soaking a few almonds or cashews overnight and having them with a glass of milk in the morning is a great way to start your day.

Before a workout: Eating a handful of dry fruits before a workout can provide you with the necessary energy and nutrients to power through your exercise routine.

As a dessert: Dry fruits can be used to make healthy and delicious desserts. You can make energy balls, truffles, or bars using dry fruits, nuts, and seeds.

In terms of timing, there is no specific time that is best to eat dry fruits. You can have them anytime during the day, but it is recommended to have them in the morning or as a mid-day snack for maximum benefit. Just make sure not to overeat as dry fruits are high in calories.

What You Should Know Before Trying TikTok's Viral Fruit Roll-Up Hack


Every '90s kid knows the telltale smell and sound of unfurling a Fruit Roll-Up from its plastic sheet. I can't remember the last time I indulged in a Fruit Roll-Up...maybe grade school? So when I came across the frozen Fruit Roll-Up and ice cream hack trending on TikTok, I had to try it—who knew the sticky snack was still being produced?

In 2021, the frozen Fruit Roll-Up hack went viral, but this one is an updated version with ice cream. I went to my local supermarket, worried I wouldn't be able to find my favorite childhood snack, only to realize "fruit snacks" is listed on an aisle sign with shelves of Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups, and cartoon character fruit snacks. And to think I thought Fruit Roll-Ups were dead. Now the real dilemma: deciding which flavor. I opted for Tropical Tie-Dye and then grabbed a pint of strawberry ice cream like this this user did, but you could even use mochi, like @allukasakura.

Many of the videos I saw on TikTok involved wrapping the Fruit Roll-Up around ice cream in a dumpling-like shape, so I thought I'd give it a try.

It's fairy simple—just pull each of the four corners into the center. You'll notice as you add the ice cream, the Fruit Roll-Up becomes hard, making it crunchy and quite messy when you take a bite.

Between the tropical-fruit Fruit Roll-Up and strawberry ice cream, there was a lot going on flavor-wise. I would probably opt for vanilla ice cream instead. To troubleshoot the messiness, I decided to roll the ice cream into the Fruit Roll-Up like @golisdream, and I had a much better experience.

My biggest qualm? It gets stuck in your teeth—badly. The hardened Fruit Roll-Up literally hardens onto your teeth, so you might want to reconsider trying it if you're weary of the dentist.

Would I do it again? Probably not. But it's worth trying for the nostalgia factor, or if you just really want to live on the edge in terms of your dental health. My tips: really consider the flavor combination and rollup the ice cream—I mean, that's what Fruit Roll-Ups are for, right?


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