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Welcome to America part 2

A British woman alone in the US

By Leanne JonesPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

So, I left London, England, and arrived at JFK, NY Airport, and see that my connection flight will be leaving from LGA, NY airport. Toms's mother had to pick me up and drop me off in LGA, NY. Now keep in mind I had never spoken to this lady in my life, it was a very awkward drive, for those of you that have never been to New York that short mile drive can take you hours. It seemed to go very well until find out from my take off from LGA airport to RDU, NC Airport she had told the whole of Toms family that I was from Mexico and I made a large amount of money in porn….. (of course, all untrue, I am British and can count on one hand how many men I have slept with).

I arrive at the RDU, NC airport, tired from traveling for 19 hours and not sleeping the night prior where I am greeted by Tom. I fight so hard to not have the first 30 minutes of us meeting in person for the first time, be me drooling with my mouth open knocked out in the car… Of course, we know I fell asleep. I woke up a few times glanced out the window and it seemed like this drive went on forever…Eventually we pull into a small country town (keep in mind I grew up in a city) everything around me is different… I see all these store signs that made no sense to me… Jiffy lube…. Do they sell lube…. Is it a sex store…? It may sound stupid to you, but I had never seen a store called Jiffy Lube… And let us not forget trees…. Trees…. And more oh trees….

SO! Back on track… Remember in the first part I told you that his dad was moving out and giving us the house? Well now we are driving 25mp on a waterfront, we are passing all these beautiful rich people houses. I grew up in a busy city in the hood, so these houses were amazing… like the homes in the movies… I keep wondering which house is where I will be living. He turned on his turning light and I see a dirt path, I think maybe it's just a long path… nope we pull into a trailer park. Now, keep in mind I have seen beautiful trailers, but I am from England, we do not live in trailers however we do vacation in trailers. I am staying positive (what choice do I have I gave up everything I own, my home, my career) We are finally able to turn onto the dirt road, as we hit ditches I am bouncing around, tired, hungry, and ready to just get into a bed at this point. We pull up to this poorly painted trailer, with holes in the metal, dirty windows and we are surrounded by woods and then it came… my first mosquito attack! (I never had a bug bite before in my life that bite itched me for 3 days!)

I take a deep breath as now I feel like I was misled on this home we were going to be given, we step inside and there is his father. His father is a short black man who had long braids that looked like his hair is about to fall out, ashy from head to toe, Jeans that were clearly too long for him, a shirt with holes in it, and a smell of dirt, like somebody had dug a hole on a wet day. Then shortly after his father’s girlfriend came home, who is best described from American movies as trailer trash. She was only 9 months older than me, so she was 20 years old, with his father (her man) sitting at the age of 49 at the time. She had fried bleach blond hair in a bushy long ponytail with her roots looking like they were pasted onto her scalp from so much hair gel. Poorly done tattoos that had many blotches and poor lining.

So, if you have not guessed by now, the father and girlfriend still lived in the home that I was told: “they are moving out and giving us the house”. To make matters worse, that weekend Tom had to attend a drill for his unit 4 hours away, so he spends the night on the base. I am now left in a home with people iv never said anything but hi to one time. I gather myself together and leave the bedroom for the living room, after all, I’m in their home, I should have manors and socialize.

Toms dad hands me a small can of beer, to me, it was small because all beer cans in England that I had seen had always been bigger than a can of soda pop. We are all talking back and forth which leads to standing outside, where (we will name her Alice) asks me if it looks different in England I stated that NC has a lot of trees, and I’m not used to being basically in the woods. She instantly responded with “England has no trees?” still tired from my short recovery nap from traveling I respond with that I thought was witty stating “yes, we have to breathe to you know, photosynthesis and all”. She thought photosynthesis was a different type of pill to get you high, after I explained to her that it wasn’t I found out that deeper and deeper into our conversation that this girl is not the brightest spark. She was also very open to the fact that she slept with Mexican men in the trailer park that paid her in bags of quarters.

At this point, Toms's father who we will call Tom SR has gone into the home. Alice and I shortly follow. We continue our conversation as I am nursing the same beer, I was handed three hours ago. I sit down on the sofa which is sitting across from a second sofa where Alice and Tom SR are sitting to the right of us is a TV. The TV was the size of the whole wall, they even had to scoot past the edge of the TV to get into their bedroom. Now that you had a picture of how big this TV is, Tom SR starts to play porn on the tv.

Find out Monday what happened next in part three!


About the Creator

Leanne Jones

I was born and raised in the UK and moved to the US at the age of 19. I'm writing about my story of living in the US. Everything from health, culture shock, discrimination, love, and hate from American people protesting BLM.

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    Leanne JonesWritten by Leanne Jones

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