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Welcome Back to the 30-Day Meditation Challenge


By My HoàngPublished 6 days ago 4 min read
Welcome Back to the 30-Day Meditation Challenge
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Hello everyone, welcome back to the 30-day meditation challenge. Today's meditation will help you envision and manifest your highest, grandest life, giving you clarity and inspiration to move towards your dreams. Let's start in a comfortable seated position with our palms facing up. Close your eyes. We'll take five deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Inhale and exhale.

Deep breath in, fill up your belly, and exhale through your mouth.

Deep breath in and exhale. Let it out.

Another deep breath in and exhale out.

One more deep breath in and a big exhale. Let it all out.

By Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Take a moment and return to breathing through your nose, observing your breath, observing the rise and fall of your belly. With each exhale, allow your body to relax deeper and deeper. Relax your mind, relax your face, relax your shoulders, relax your heart, relax your stomach, relax your hips, relax your thighs, relax your calves, and relax your feet. Feel your body totally relax. Enjoy this moment of peace and calm.

By uriel on Unsplash

In this present moment, you are as light as a cloud. Your heart is as light as a cloud. You're floating gently and freely, with nothing weighing you down. Our reality is a reflection of our mind. Everything you perceive in the outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. Whatever you believe or feel within is what you are going to see on the outside. Truly understanding this, you realize that our reality can expand as big as we dream, as big as we imagine. So why not stretch your beliefs, expand your dreams, and expand what you believe is possible? Your thoughts become things, and that is one of the greatest magic of being alive. We have power through our intention, through our consciousness, to shape our life and to shape our reality.

Let's begin by envisioning your dream life. What is the highest, grandest potential that you envision for your life? Take a moment to try to envision it in as much detail as possible. Do this from the perspective that anything and everything is possible. You can start by visualizing your ideal self. Who is the highest, grandest version of you in this lifetime? What would you be if you were shining as your brightest self? How do you look? How do you feel? How do you carry yourself throughout the day? Be as detailed as possible.

You can also begin to visualize the life around this self. So, what does your life look like? How do you spend your time? What is your home like? Visualize the environment around you, the places you go. You can also envision your relationships. Who are the people in your life? What type of relationships do you have? You can also consider your career. What are you proud of doing in this lifetime? What are your greatest accomplishments? What is the legacy that you leave behind?

Even if you can't be clear with what you want, envision the feeling that you want to have. Maybe you want to feel proud and accomplished, but you don't need to know exactly what will get you there. Focus on the feelings that you get from every area of your life. Consider your hobbies and your free time. How do you spend this free time in your ideal life? How are you living from your joy? What are the things that make you come alive?

In this beautiful, grand vision, how are you feeling in that reality? How do you feel living that life? These emotions are the key to manifesting that reality along with your vision. The clearer your vision is, the closer and quicker you will manifest that reality. But the power is in the feeling. How you feel once you're living that life. Why that is so powerful is because feelings are something we can bring into the now. Before you reach that desired reality, you can already choose to feel these feelings now in your current life. Find ways to cultivate these feelings in your life now. It can be through small actions, small experiences, but do them intentionally. Cultivate these feelings intentionally.

Now find gratitude for this grand reality that you've envisioned. Feel the gratitude as if this reality is already here. Feel the gratitude for the abundance, for the expansion, for this new leveled-up version of you. Feel this gratitude growing and growing from your heart. You are overflowing with gratitude. Life is so good and so beautiful for you. The best part is that life only keeps getting better and better with time, so find joy and gratitude in that. You are so lucky. Your life is so beautiful. You are so worthy. You've always been so worthy throughout this entire journey, and it's not so much the end result. It's this entire journey of creating this beautiful reality for yourself. It's the journey of who you become and how you grow in this process of achieving your dreams and becoming your best self. That journey is so fulfilling in itself.

Take a deep breath with gratitude. Take another deep breath in and on your exhale, affirm this new reality and this new self. This new reality that you are inviting and this new self that you are becoming. The more you focus on your vision, the faster you bring it to reality. There are already so many aspects of this vision that are already real right now. The feelings that you like to cultivate, those feelings exist right now. You can bring them into your current reality. The rest is simply a matter of time. All you have to do is hone in on this vision, take the steps towards that vision, then trust and surrender to the process.

I will share some positive affirmations. Feel free to repeat them in your mind or out loud:

I love and respect myself.

I radiate love, compassion, and kindness.

I am confident.

I am brave.

I believe in myself and my unlimited potential.

I am strong.

I am capable.

I am boldly creating a life I love.

Take three final deep breaths with an open mouth exhale. Blink open your eyes.


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