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La Giraf was not having the best day

By Ali SPPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
La Girafe

It was a beautiful morning and the sun had just risen above the horizon. The birds could be heard along with the sounds of multiple animals making their presence known. It was surreal and fascinating to be on a safari in a huge animal reserve. The hope was to see and capture the images of as many wild animals as possible as my time in Africa was coming to an end. As we made our way through the reserve, I saw it. I called it ‘la girafe’ because for some reason everything sounds so much more refined and educated when said in French.

As the safari approached 'la girafe', the plan was to capture an image of its entire body including the face. It was essential to getting the best photograph. However, the face was the only part that remained hidden. There was hope that 'la girafe' would turn around. It gave me nothing.

“Maybe it’s being shy,” I thought, “Or maybe it’s saying a big FU to the world.”

This was the only pose that 'la girafe' gave. I had to take it or leave it. The photo shoot was over before it even started and left me irritated and more so disappointed with that experience. We all wanted a better view. When would there be another opportunity to visit Africa and to indulge in an African safari? Who knew. It took forever to get there and it was hella expensive too so I needed to make the best of my trip.

As the safari pulled off, the only way to lessen my disappointment was to use my imagination. A question popped in my head. What would I do if someone came to see me in my habitat? Would I want to be interrupted by humans driving around in little go-go karts on safaris.

We have all spent time creating imaginary worlds and scenarios. Some women have been called crazy for making things up and exaggerating. They just never understood what being innovative meant. There was nothing left to do but create my own scenario of what was going through 'la girafe’s' head.

“Oh, here they come again (while I suck my teeth and roll my eyes. Include a long sigh as well)! Let’s see if they will pull out their tiny, little, flashy things to point at me as usual but today is not the day. I am in no mood and as a matter of fact, where is my privacy for once. How about I stick my long neck up above all those trees and put it to use while minding my own business. If they see no movement, they will eventually go away. That would be great. In the mean time, the only thing that they will get a view of is this beautiful physique; more of my side profile and derriere. Yes, my neck, my back, take it all in. My body is built with hard work, and a healthy diet. Very impressive. Don’t you think? Vegetarian here and doing my part to help the world. Here is what you all get to experience as 'show and tell' today. Oh, my goodness, look at my skin! Isn’t it absolutely gorgeous and glistening against the early morning sun? Can you believe that there isn’t any moisturizer? I’m au naturel. Anyways, I wonder If they are still there. Just keep being still and they will think you are a statue. I don’t care at the moment. Can they please just leave?

Let’s see what’s going on in the sky today. Oh my, look at Carly and the kids going on their morning flight. Shaila has grown so much since I last saw them at the gathering. It sure didn’t turn out too badly for deciding to stick my neck out there for a while. This boldness should be a call for action since “I’m sticking my neck out there”and all. Ha Ha. But there is boldness on my part. I am turning the table around. Instead of putting my foot down, my way of standing my ground is with an elongated neck.

What’s that now? Oh, there are noises. Maybe they’re leaving. Thank goodness! It’s been about time they left me alone so I can continue my day in peace. One can only hope that there aren’t many of them today. Some of us just want some quiet time every now and then and today is just one of those days.”

I chuckled at my story wholeheartedly. Those were the best laughs; the ones where you laughed till your belly ached, especially if you were laughing at yourself. We have all experienced it. What was left to be said? As for 'la girafe', I got it, everyone has experienced a day like that. It was still a pleasure meeting you from afar. You sure left an impression on me.


About the Creator

Ali SP

Ali has found a renewed passion for reading and creating. It is now a form of expression for her– another creative outlet which she works to improve upon.

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