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Want To Lose MY Respect?

Use any of these phrases, or do any of these actions, and its over.

By Halden MilePublished 4 years ago 6 min read
So much to say.

Respect is a big thing. It is about how high or low we think of another person. It is something not given, it is earned. Yes, an old saying I concur, but its true. Nothing in life is given to anyone freely. Regardless of what any Leftist would want to believe, nothing is ever free.

I am here to say that doing any of these things, or saying them, will cost you dearly. So please avoid these while you can.

First, lets start with the phrases that irk me greatly.

1. "What Do You Want Me To Do About It?"

This is just a fancy way of saying a certain four letter word. Or, if you want to become more expressive, a fancy way of saying how one does not care about either my issues or your issues. It is as though they do not want to help you in any way shape or form.

2. "What's In It For Me?

Unless you are joining in a partnership, anyone asking this just wanting something for nothing. Or they seek to have some form of payment in something that normally does not involve payment. Yet, people who say this to me just want to express a selfish or greedy mentality. Its as though the only way to motivate someone is to offer an award.

3. "You're missing the point."

I cannot begin to tell you the times I've heard someone say this to me. It is usually when I was in a debate with them. Once I heard this sentence, it was clear I won the debate. To hear someone this leads me to conclude they've run out of things to say.

4. "Wow, it sucks to be you!"

Whenever someone says this to me, it just sounds wrong. It is as though the person saying this to me is mocking my misfortune. Also, whenever someone gave this phrase to someone else, the tone sounds just outright cruel. In other words, the person who says, "It sucks to be you" seems to take pleasure in the misfortune of the poor fool who has a bad stroke of luck.

Now that we know the phrases, here are the actions that will cost you my respect for you.

1. Laugh at me when I am having a serious conversation.

Seriously? I am having a very serious discussion with you and you laugh!? I do not recall being some kind of joke to you. I had a serious thing to say to you and you blow it off with your humor. Then, the person says, "I am laughing at you, I am laughing with you." At that point, I just want to say, "Well congratulations, you've lost my respect!" From then onward, I know that person is not worth my time in speaking to because everything is a joke to them.

2. Moving the goalposts.

Here is a fallacy I hate the most. Once I have told you something in an argument, that settles it. No more need to discuss it. Yet, some people feel the need to move the goalposts. This is because they are not satisfied with their argument being defeated. Therefore, the defeated side continues to push the issue from the original terms to enable their side winning the argument.

3. Pestering me with the same tired old topics.

Look, I do not like talking about the same tired old topics every single day. I desire new information and interests. Talking about the same things over and over again do not cut it for me. It gets old and tiring very fast. Yet, some people continue to talk about the same things as if they are still relevant. Not me, I desire something new. Speaking of which...

4. Bring up my past or continuously attack me for my past.

I get it. We've all made mistakes. Yet, the question is why do you constantly attack me for my past mistake? I understand it was wrong and I have to live with the guilt. However you seem to want to bring up my past as if its somehow still fresh. I do not care how old it was, it could be a month old or decades old, the thing is WHO CARES ANYMORE!? Its in the past! Let it go!

5. Holding a grudge against me.

Funny, I am starting to see a pattern here! This could go with numbers #3 and #4 on this list. I have personally known people who hated me because of something I did ages ago! Get over it! If I admitted I was wrong, the fact you hold a grudge is just foolish!

6. Hating me just to hate me or hating someone just to hate someone.

Damn, I do not know who pissed in your cornflakes, but I can tell you it wasn't me! Nor do I understand the logic in hating someone for whatever trivial reason. Oh well, haters gonna hate as they say.

7. Chewing your food too loudly.

Ugh. I don't even know where to begin. I may not have misophonia, but after spending time with a former coworker, I began to question it. The way he began chewing his food so loudly began to grate on me. I would sit next to him behind the desk and he would smack...smack...smack... Believe me, when he left, I was overjoyed at not being able to hear that anymore.

8. Taking a side against me without knowing my side of the story.

This one really grinds my gears. I have always found it infuriating when people side against me without hearing my side. Its akin to taking sides just to take sides. While I am not the only person to have experienced this, it really frustrates me.

So there it is, phrases and actions that will cost you my respect for you.

Now, while it may not cost you my respect for you, it does aggravate me greatly. I hate it when people cut me off. This one I really hate. I hate when people do not take the time to listen to what I have to say. Its as though my opinion does not matter. Now, if I ever have cut off someone, I usually realize my mistake and give them a chance to speak their piece.

Being cut off is no fun and its really something that has to stop. Yet, we all want to be heard. I want to be heard. However, we just do not want to wait to be given a turn to speak. We all want to say our side. However, no one seems to listen. Therefore, I guess we have to make people listen.


About the Creator

Halden Mile

I am am American actor, author, ASMRtist, Cosplayer, Novelist, Poet, and Screenwriter.

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