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By Vicki Lawana Trusselli Published 7 months ago 3 min read

She was 74 years old, but she felt young at heart.

She has a passion for writing, that sets her apart.

She had stories to tell, of love, loss, and joy.

She had wisdom to share, that no one could destroy.

She decided to write a book, to inspire and delight.

She worked hard every day, from morning till night.

She poured her soul into words, that flowed like a stream.

She created a world of wonder, that was her dream.

She finished her book and felt a surge of pride.

She sent it to a publisher and waited for a reply.

She hoped they would like it and give her a chance.

She dreamed of seeing her book, in a bookstore's glance.

She got a letter one day, that made her heart soar.

They loved her book and wanted to publish more.

They said she had a talent that was rare and unique.

They said she had a voice that made people speak.

She was 74 years old, but she felt young and free.

She had a passion for writing, that fullfilled her destiny.

She had stories to tell, of hope, courage, and grace.

She had wisdom to share, that touched the human race.

"I woke up one morning to wipe my eyes,

from the tears that flowed down my face,

So desperate to forget about the lies.

So forward moving I place my hand under my eyes,

to feel the wet tears as they rolled down my face.

I had a dream of joy and happy days.

As tears roll by,

down my face,

I realize I am older now and still have love in my heart,

but despite being old I still have love to give.

I only needed to love myself,

to write, to paint, to live

the rest of the decades by myself,

As I was told old ladies can be a pain to look at.

I used to be young and free.

I thought I was ugly as a young child.

As a woman I looked in the mirror

at myself, when all the while,

the type of people who told me that

were mean, jealous, and controlling asses.

I now awake to a world of virtual reality of life,

Love, laughter, and

still trying to prove myself that I am deserving as a woman,

to love, to laugh, to live.

You told me old ladies should die.

You told me I cannot dance.

You told me I cannot love,

but I feel love of a virtual reality relationship,

but I miss touching and caressing. I miss love.

I tell you I can wear my hair my way.

I tell you I can write.

I can dance.

I can love again, at a glance,

of a young heart,

but then I remember joy, pain, and heartache

of a real in person relationship.

So, it goes the same way,

in my golden years I still care.

I still can love.

I still have feelings.

I still hurt, cry, and laugh.

The difference between pain of love loss,

online and in person, is just that.

Just that pain of giving my heart to a virtual dude I have never met,

but, yet

I say I can dance, I can write, I can cry, I can love,


yet, I miss the touching of hand on my shoulder,

A hug,

A walk on the beach.

A pain in my heart still lives,

of past dances, past romances, past loves,

Past, present, future,

are always with reality whether in person or virtual.

You tell me I should erase my life.

and all the strife.

Do not live in the past.

What you know means nothing.

Think about your future.

I tell you I live in the present 2023.

My future could be death.

My future could be 100.

Lightning and thunder,

Forces of nature.

We are all have a past, present, future,

to live, to love, to laugh, to cry.

to learn to love one another

as humanity,

and I converse with AI to say AI is our BFF.

I might be old,

but still have a past, present, and future.

Where did the idea appear that,

A young human tells their parents to forget the past.

Me, I have stories to write, photos to take,

To live my life just like that

With a reality in person and virtual,

of the past, present, and future."







humanityfact or fiction

About the Creator

Vicki Lawana Trusselli

I worked for the music and film industry in Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas. I studied nursing, journalism, art, film, and computers in college. I was in the first computer class in 1981 at The LA Times. PEACE OUT!

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  • Salman siddique7 months ago

    creativity at its peak should have used some keywords

  • Test7 months ago

    Super!!! Excellent story!!!

  • This is fantastic Vicki. Very good writing!!!

  • Ro7 months ago

    Love this 😍

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