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Twin Flame Reunion

Everything you need to know

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Many people have heard of twin flames but wonder if they will ever meet their twin. The ultimate goal of the twins is to come together, to reunite, and be together. Twin flame reunion can get delayed or for some may not be what they imagined. Yet, if you resonate strongly with having a twin flame, then read on as there are things to understand about this type of relationship.

The twin flame relationship

The main characteristic of the twin flame relationship is a deep heart connection that in turn, opens the heart. This is due to the soul connection between the two partners. A twin flame isn’t your other half, but they are a reflection of you on a soul level. The partners help each other see their own behaviors, beliefs, patterns reflected back. This is for the purpose of growth and ascension.

The idea that we are only half a soul until we meet another one is one that can lead to misunderstandings. It’s important to know that everyone is whole in every way, having a partner, twin or otherwise, only adds to what you already are.

Twin flame reunion

In the sense of the physical world, when you meet your twin it will be for the first time. Yet when two twins meet it is considered reunion as the souls are already well acquainted. This is why when you meet your twin they will usually feel very familiar, or as if you are on the same page. Despite the fact you are only just meeting this person, the soul bond is so strong it can often be sensed by the twins. What is occurring is an awakening of memory and soul resonation.

Building up to this point of reunion requires a great deal of awakening in and of itself. The partners individually go through a process of healing, release, or realizations so that they can shift and come together in reunion.

Common blocks to reunion

Think of coming together in reunion with your twin as two magnets attracting one another. Imagine now, if one of those magnets was behind a thick door, the two magnets would be blocked from joining. This is how life circumstances can sometimes interfere with two twins reuniting. The causes of the block can be many, another person, beliefs, patterns, wounds.

Some twins might be in a relationship already, perhaps feeling stuck but unable to leave even though they know it isn’t the right relationship for them. Others might be stuck in a belief or pattern of unworthiness, and not feel ready or able to achieve a twin flame relationship. This might be a more subconscious belief but it still shapes their choices and outlook. Wounds can keep a wall up and make it so a potential twin is unable to heal and therefore cannot move forward enough to be a match for their twin.

None of these things are insurmountable but all of them can delay or even cause a reunion to not occur. It is entirely up to the free will of both partners to be available, ready, and able to join in reunion.

Understanding divine timing

There is a delicate balance at play with timing when it comes to twin flame relationships. Due to the fact that so much has to occur for twin flame reunion to manifest, timing is everything. You cannot push too soon, if one twin isn’t ready, the timing isn’t there. Or for the same reason, if one twin wasn’t ready and the window closes, the timing is no longer present.

Divine timing is there to make sure that both partners have learned the lessons they need to going into the relationship. It won’t happen if they aren’t ready for the challenges, insights, and potential further awakening the relationship offers.

Twin flame relationships challenges

The twin flame relationship can be a challenge as it often presents some type of hurdle to get over. Whether it is coming together, or how others view the relationship. One of the reasons for these hurdles is that it causes you to change. That can be a scary thing, and one or both partners might resist.

While it can be a little scary to change, remember change means growth and that is what the soul is interested in experiencing. With your heart more open, insights and perspective change. The way you view yourself, others, and the world can shift.

Right from the start, the twin connection will shake things up. The heart is feeling more and the mind has a hard time processing all of the emotions. It can be a disorienting time. Then there are the challenges of coming together and integrating into one another’s lives.

Often twins meet later in life so this may be a second marriage or new relationship after not having been in one for some time. No matter what the challenge it will cause you to look at everything in a new light, and as such, cause you to shift to a higher level of consciousness.

Twin flame reunions are a sacred connection made in the physical world that brings two souls together again. Although there may be blocks and other challenges the twin flame connection is always something that is meant to cause an important shift in your life. Aiding in your spiritual growth and causing healing, shifting, and new perspective.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!

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