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Twin Flame Relationship Pitfalls

Sleepers, runners, false twins, and more

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Top Story - February 2022
Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Pitfalls are common in any relationship but in a twin flame relationship the stakes feel much higher, as a result, pitfalls can be more difficult. Sometimes the pitfalls in a twin flame relationship are related to lessons or timing. Other times they are a warning that you haven’t met your twin at all.

When I was an intuitive reader, I read for thousands of people all over the world and the most common topic was about love. It has given me unique insight into love and relationships as a result. The topic of twin flames came up in many readings, although who I saw in a reading, wasn’t always a twin.

Sleeper twin flame

If one twin is not awakened to the sacred connection of the twin flame relationship they are known as a sleeper twin. They are not on the same page as their twin. So much so that they are often not willing to be in a relationship at all. If they are in a relationship it can mean that they don’t show up in a way that is meaningful. They don’t take it seriously or they are distracted by other things in their life.

The bottom line is they aren’t giving back what they are getting from their partner. Their partner is awake and recognizes the significance of the relationship and they do not.

Sometimes, it’s a divine timing issue, and the sleeper will catch up. Other times they need to grow and possibly heal from their past before they can be ready for a twin flame relationship. Until they do this, they stay asleep, much like someone who keeps hitting the snooze button on their alarm.

Runner twin flame

Along the same line as the sleeper twin, a runner twin is not ready for the twin flame experience. Unlike the sleeper twin, the runner does recognize the significance of the relationship but it scares them. So they run, afraid of facing what the relationship offers.

The runner is running from themselves in truth, not their partner.

They typically have unhealed wounds from their past that create insecurities. For whatever reason, they do not feel worthy of love deep down. Especially the profound love a twin flame relationship represents. They run so they don’t have to deal with the emotions that love brings up.

Eventually, they will have to heal in this lifetime or another. They prolong their own misery by their avoidant behavior.

False twin flame

Not really a twin at all but a partner that mimics one. They are a form of karmic partner. A karmic relationship, in the early stages, feels a lot like a twin flame relationship. There is a strong draw, things can feel very passionate and it can feel like a fairy tale come true.

The difference is karmic relationships will have a lot more highs and lows and uncertainty. A karmic partner will come on strong in the beginning but not really deliver in the middle and end. Whereas a twin flame partner will feel more stable, certain, and heartfelt throughout.

False twins prepare each other for their true twin relationship. Many of the lessons within a false twin relationship are for the purposes of helping both partners heal whatever they may need to in order to be ready for their true twin.

The false twin often triggers awakening and builds momentum for the future twin relationship.

One of both are married

If one or both partners are not available it can be an agonizing experience. Part of it is divine timing (more on that below) but a larger part of it is based on recognizing when and if the marriage(s) is something that is for the highest good of all involved. Often, people feel stuck, limited, or otherwise unable to grow in a marriage.

Marriage should never be rushed into nor should it be rushed out of. Counseling should be considered even if the relationship is over, counseling can help exit it in an amicable manner.

It will take time if waiting on someone to leave a marriage, and any romantic relationship ideally, would be put on hold until that happens. Otherwise, the partner still in the marriage might think they can have their cake and eat it too. It only complicates things and makes everything more painful.

Timing is everything

Divine timing is very integral to a twin flame relationship. When it’s there the couple is drawn together, when it isn’t delays and roadblocks occur. The reason for divine timing is that it allows both partners to work on whatever they may need to before entering the relationship. There are often lessons we go through before starting a twin relationship to prepare for the level of heart and soul connection that a twin flame relationship offers.

Divine timing means that all of the things that must happen to open the way to be together, happen. It means the sleeper twin awakens, the runner twin faces their inner demons. The false twin moves on, if there is a marriage or any other unavailability it ends, and the timing is now there, the way is clear.

No matter what the pitfall, it provides a lesson. Most pitfalls tie into timing, sometimes it's a matter of patience, other times it’s letting go. The journey of love starts with these important steps and often divine timing won’t be present until they are exercised.

Twin flame relationships are a profound experience, even when there are pitfalls, the experience brings you important opportunities for growth, healing, and especially love.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!

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