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Treating you like the other half

Men take the initiative to give you these things

By Seamons MahallPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Treating you like the other half
Photo by Dominik Lange on Unsplash

From ignorant girls to middle-aged or old women, the most popular question women ask and the one thing they want to know is always whether men love them or not.

But if the man's answer is quickly out of the mouth, then most women will feel that he did not think about the answer, obviously perfunctory; if the man seriously thinks, many women think that such a problem also needs to think seriously, obviously because of the weight in his heart is not enough.

So, the woman's face is disappointed, and the man is more frantic.

He loves you don't need to keep asking because, for men, action is always more honest than words. A man who is willing to take the initiative to give you these things, even if he does not say anything, you can rest assured that you are already properly the other half of his heart.

01. Of course, his money

"Men's money where the heart is". There may be literary girls who feel that talking about money is too vulgar, but you must understand: not talking about money only about love is more dangerous.

Xian O is very fond of her boyfriend Chen Chen, who is tall and handsome and is also attentive and patient with Xian O. Xian O has always felt that she should have saved the earth in her last life, to meet such a good Chen Chen in this life.

The only thing that makes her a little uncomfortable is that Chen Chen is too stingy with her. Although he says all sorts of nice things, he always says in practice that his money is used to start a business, to take care of his parents in filial piety, to help his friends ...... anyway, for various purposes. In the case of the "A" and "B", there is no one that is used to meeting Xian O.

But Xian O does not care too much, although their family conditions, but not drag their own, and she has a job and will be careful to live, as long as Chen Chen people in, Xian O thinks who spent the money is not the same?


But when she overheard Chen Chen please his beautiful ex spending tens of thousands of yuan to buy bags for others, she looked at their own body to pluck a few dozen dollars of clothes and no longer have the complacency of good value for money, there, but only the sense of humiliation after being cheated.

The boyfriend that Xian O found after breaking up with Chen Chen, although never like Chen Chen liked to say love words to Xian O, but after they officially lived together to hand over their salary card to Xian O. The occasional opportunity to earn some extra money is also either as much as the amount to pay or left for various holidays and anniversaries to buy gifts for Xian O as a surprise.

Of course, now Xian O understands what kind of man, is loving themselves to take their own as the other half of the view. Sometimes there is no comparison, there is no wisdom, when you love a man too much, often ignore their own needs, but when your rational approach to love, you will find that the man loves you, and will know how to meet your needs in moderation, and if he always excuses more, mostly because he is not enough love, take you as a spare tire.

02. his mind and his past future

In heterosexual relationships, if a man is willing to tell you what he is thinking now, willing to share his past with you, then congratulations, he has taken you as his other half. Because he wants you to understand his past, and know his present, to better participate in his future.

Lina is a salesperson at a wholesale building materials station, and she has for some time found a customer named Ye Gang very interesting.

Ye Gang not only accepted her recommendations every time but also liked to chat with her - from his childhood anecdotes and embarrassing stories to how he struggled step by step to become a boss and his future aspirations.

Over time, Lina slowly to Ye Gang also can not help but and more to understand. It was not until Ye Gang confessed that his past and dreams had been explained to Lina, and asked Lina if she wanted to accept him and participate in his future, that Lina suddenly understood: it turned out that Ye Gang had already moved on himself and was planning to let himself become his other half before he would be willing to let himself know more about him and accept him.

A man is indeed tight-lipped to you, you may think he has some kind of mysterious charm, but willing to develop a relationship with you, the man will not be to maintain their charm and let themselves in front of you silent.

Psychologically speaking, the partner is to heal the damage in our family of origin and existence, when we meet the person who is destined, must have too many words to say to him, we hope they understand our past so that they will love us better; we hope they can be our soulmate, understand all the embarrassing things we do; we hope to find a person who can fully accept us, and love us unconditionally. We want to find someone who can accept us completely and love us unconditionally.

In front of such a person, we will drop our defenses, and will be completely free of guards, because he is our trustworthy person, so if he is willing to share his past and future with you, he is willing to let you know what he is thinking at the moment, he does not love you, what is it?

03. His time and energy

Read a joke: the girl and the boy went shopping, a wedding dress store on the street window display a valuable wedding dress, the girl extremely liked it, the boy to see the girl liked it, it stood there with the girl to see the whole day ......

This joke is ironic to some men, but a man only willing to give you time to accompany you is not necessarily moved sincere, but a man who cares about you will put his time and energy to use on you is indeed true.

The Internet has circulated the phrase "he is not too busy no time, he is just not empty to you" this sentence has poked how many infatuated women's tears?

We all know that the amount of time is always the same as the degree of care. If you don't care enough, drink too much, someone else has something to do, work is busy ...... a random thing can be an excuse for not having time to care about you. But if he has you in mind, it just happens to be on the way, no trouble, not busy ah ...... will also be a casual "lie".

He Han can cross the city to send an umbrella to Z Jun, kill the stranger can say for the small bone "white painting you if you dare to hurt her a point for your disciples I will slaughter your door, if you dare to damage her for the world I will kill all the people in the world" - to know that they are not because there is nothing to do, but because enough care, enough love to give their own. Enough love to be willing to give their time and energy ah.

I once had a female friend whose husband once quarreled with her and spoke very heavily, and she called me and complained about him for nearly 20 minutes.

She was stunned at the other end of the phone, and then said, "I'm just saying."

She did not say I know why she would count her husband so righteous anger, and let her leave, she could not.

Because she once said, she can not forget that he did for her a thing: when she did not succeed in the exam, bad mood, on a phone call to recruit him, he accompanied her all night, to see a night movie, the next morning she woke up, she realized that she called him when he was feverish, but think of her mood, he still went to accompany her, even to stay up all night, he also accompanied to the end.

After she touched his scalding forehead, she immediately sent him to the hospital and ended up being a bear of a doctor, and after hanging water, he hemmed and hawed toward her and said, "Actually, fever is detoxification."

At that moment, she was set for life with him.

Yes, when a man can take your mood as the priority, at any cost to give their time and energy, even regardless of their own body, you still can not feel the love.

Love is such a selfless thing, how selfless he is, how much he loves you.

04. Me Goiania said

For women who like to listen to love words, good love words are indeed a lifetime of listening to enough, but for men who prefer to do rather than more like to say, can do the above three points of the person has put you on the heart want to hold hands with you for life.

As women, we better shine our eyes to see what men do for themselves rather than what they say. Because the casual words of love like the words on the beach, morning and evening, the tide will be blurred and even no trace, in this case, such men are often unreliable, and willing to do the above three points for us, such as those carved in the rocks of the vows, through the storm does not change the original intention, such people are worthy of our love for each other.

advicefact or fiction

About the Creator

Seamons Mahall

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  • Rodvold Blades2 years ago


Seamons MahallWritten by Seamons Mahall

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