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Top Notch Qualities Of An Ideal Partner

These qualities are the epitome of an ideal partner.

By Silena Le BeauPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

New Year’s Day has come and gone and most single people are thinking about hopefully finally finding an amazing person we would be happy sharing our lives with long-term.

The exact reasons we fall in love may be elusive but the reasons we stay in love are far less mysterious. That is why this New Year’s, I proposed a few resolutions about what I particularly look for in a romantic relationship.

There may be no such thing as the perfect partner, but an ideal partner can be found in someone who has developed themselves in certain ways that go beyond the surface.

As young girls we often see our inner romance coming to us and bringing joy to our life and undeniable love.

Let's face it, we all dream of the perfect partner to come and sweep us off of our feet and ask for our hand in marriage. More often than not we have fallen short multiple times and are in the mindset of getting your shot and getting it right once and for all.

Dating Resolutions

It’s safe to assume that one of the major reasons that finding lasting love proves to be a challenge is that the qualities we continually seek in a partner aren’t always those that lead to a durable, sustainable relationship.

Two Qualities That Show Someone Who Is Ready

  • Maturity
  • Openness

More often than not whether we want to believe it or not because we loved them so much and they make our toes curl on any given snowy night they can be a bit immature. But you accept it because of the amount of love that you have for them.

This is because you choose to look past any annoying quirks that they may have that may even potentially upset you. An immature man will not be ready for marriage within your time frame or before 1o years until they have matured enough.

The ideal partner is willingly open, undefended and able to be vulnerable. Being open and honest in our most intimate relationships help you establish an emotional connection. This is great if you can have this from the start because it will eliminate any future problems. Trust me. Without an emotional connection one or both parties will not feel loved or attached to their partner.

Perfect unions do not exist, so finding someone with whom you can talk about an area that you feel is lacking in your relationship and who is open to evolving means you're winning more than half the battle.

No human being is perfect, so finding someone who is genuine, dependable and receptive to feedback can be a huge advantage to a lasting union. On the other hand, when someone is free-thinking and open-minded, it enables them to be forthright in expressing feelings, thoughts, dreams and desires, which allows you to truly know them.

Top 5 Keys To A Great Partner

Their maturity and openness is also an indication of their interest and often contributes to the development of the relationship. Many of these qualities listed below definitely won’t be apparent to us when we initially meet someone, but as we get to know the people we date, these are invaluable traits to look for in them.

We've come up an easy acronym S.H.A.R.E. to help you remember these characteristics. These ideal characteristics include:

  • Sense of Humor... A sense of humor is like a lifesaver in a relationship. To be able to laugh at one’s self and with one another allows a person to have a lot of emotional growth and intimacy connecting you together on a deeper more invisible level that you cannot see or fathom with the eyes alone. Couples who maintain a sense of playfulness are better able to connect and are happier around each other. A good sense of humor definitely diffuses the tense moments that arise in relationships. Being able to laugh at ourselves makes life much easier. Plus, it's brings great joy to be able to laugh with someone who we consider to be close to us.

  • Honesty . With honesty comes Integrity. Trust is built between people with honesty. Dishonesty destroys the other person, as well as the relationship. when someone betrays a loved one they shatter their sense of reality. of relationships. Nothing has a more destructive impact between two people than dishonesty. The blatant deception involved is often more hurtful because it came from someone whom you held close to your heart. An ideal partner aspires to live a life of integrity so that there are no inconsistency between words and actions. This goes for all levels of communication, both nonverbal and verbal.
  • Affection: For some, physical contact is a very important thing. The ideal partner very easily makes every effort to show affection and responsiveness on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically and verbally. They are personal, acknowledging and outwardly demonstrative of feelings of warmth and tenderness. Lack of affection in a relationship can be damaging. No affection is a sign that things have grown apart. Your person should enjoy closeness in being sexual and feel uninhibited in giving and accepting affection and pleasure. Being open to both giving and receiving affection adds a warmhearted feeling to our lives.
  • Respect: An Ideal partner values each others’ lives separate from their own. They feel like minded and supportive of each other’s overall goals in life. They are sensitive to the other’s wants, needs, desires and feelings, and place them on an equal foundation with their own. Ideal partners treat each other with respect as well as sensitivity. They do not try to control each other with manipulative behavior. They are respectful of their partner’s personal boundaries, while at the same time valuing and respecting their partners’ independent mind and not trying to persuade them to change who they are. You are loved unconditionally by them.

  • Empathy: An ideal partner assesses their significant other on both an intellectual, observational level and an emotional, intuitive level. This person is effortlessly able truly understand and easily empathize with their partner. When a couple establishes a level of understanding of each other, they become aware of the commonalities that exist between them and also recognize and appreciate the differences. When both partners are empathetic, and capable of communicating with feeling and with respect for the other person’s desires, attitudes and values, each partner feels understood and more importantly, validated. Developing an ability to be empathetic helps us understand and attune to our partner and allows us to love them that much more!


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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