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By Daniel OkoroaforPublished about a year ago 3 min read

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Title: "Tips for a Better Night's Sleep: From Layering to Unconventional Tricks"

Are you constantly feeling cold while sleeping, no matter how heavy your duvet or comforter is? Try layering! Instead of using one heavy comforter, try using two lighter ones. By layering them, you create a trapped layer of air between them, providing better insulation and keeping you warmer throughout the night. Even though the comforters may feel lightweight, you'll be surprised at how warm you feel. Just remember, if it's hot outside, stick to using only one duvet.

Speaking of comforters, some modern ones can literally hug you, providing a cocoon-like experience. While you may resemble a caterpillar, trust me, it can lead to a night of quality sleep.

If you're someone who struggles with sleep due to cold feet or hands, a helpful trick is to crawl under a wet blanket. However, use this technique with caution, as it may not be suitable for cooler temperatures and can potentially cause a cold.

When it comes to hair care, it's essential to avoid going to bed with wet hair. Sleeping with wet hair can lead to hair damage, tangling, a weakened immune system, and even dandruff. Consider using a satin bonnet to protect your hair while you sleep. It will prevent tangling and result in smoother, silkier hair in the morning.

In Guatemala, people use worry dolls to improve their sleep. These small dolls allow individuals to share their worries and concerns, symbolically transferring them to the dolls before placing them under the pillow. According to legend, the dolls carry away the troubles, promoting a sounder sleep. If worry dolls are not available, you can also try placing your favorite teddy bear under the pillow for a comforting presence.

Avoid consuming cheese before bedtime, especially if you experience occasional nightmares. Cheese, particularly blue cheese, contains bacterial cultures that have been linked to causing strange dreams. Instead, opt for sleep-friendly foods like berries, which are rich in antioxidants and can enhance productivity. Remember, the darker the berries, the more antioxidants they contain.

Consider the timing of your meals as well. It's recommended to avoid eating at least one hour before bedtime, and opt for lighter meals in the evening. Alternatively, breakfast for dinner can be helpful for those looking to fall asleep faster. Bananas, eggs, and toast are excellent choices as they contain potassium, protein, and carbs, respectively, which promote relaxation and aid sleep.

China has a unique approach to sleep in its corporate culture. Some companies allow employees to take naps during the workday, acknowledging its benefits for productivity. While a trip to China may not be feasible, you can still incorporate elements of relaxation and stress relief into your sleep routine.

Acupuncture clips or acupressure clips can help relieve stress and headaches, leading to better sleep. These clips provide pressure on specific points of the body, promoting relaxation.

Light exposure during the day is essential for a good night's sleep. Lack of sunlight can make it harder to fall asleep and affect sleep quality. Aim for at least two hours of light exposure a day to boost sleep efficiency and increase the duration of sleep.

To protect your sleep from the negative effects of blue light emitted by electronic devices, consider wearing blue light-blocking glasses. They can help filter out the disruptive blue light and promote better sleep.

Exploring alternative sleep patterns can be interesting. Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla are known for their unconventional sleep schedules. Da Vinci slept for short periods of 20 minutes every four hours, while Tesla claimed to have only slept a couple of hours a day. While these extreme sleep patterns may not be practical for everyone, finding a sleep schedule that works for you can improve sleep quality


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