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The Ugly and Ignorant side of human beings

This side is often hidden in public and usually comes out only in private.

By Aryan KapoorPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Today I was talking to one of my school friends. We are not the best of friends, just normal types. The conversation was going like this.

He: Man, you know what, it’s great to be in a relationship.

Me: Yeah, I know. It’s a great feeling. The emotions that come along with it are awesome.

He: No no. I mean the physical aspect of it. That’s what’s great.

Me: Yeah, sex is great. But it’s phenomenal if you are connected on an emotional level also.

He: F##k emotions man. I just want to have a good time with my girlfriend.

Me: Man, if you both are not emotionally connected to each other, then it’s not a relationship and she is not your girlfriend in a true sense.

He: I don’t know. I don’t need her anyway, just physically. You know what, I also take services from a call girl sometimes! It’s exciting man!

Me: Exciting! No, it’s not. Dude, you have a girlfriend already and you are treating and using her as a call girl. Isn’t that enough bad already and now you are cheating on her also?

He: Man, that’s the thrill. You should experience that one day. I will get you a good call girl at 15k approx.

Me: No, man. I don’t need that. You know these call girls are not doing these things for pleasure. These girls either are forced into doing that by some illegal means or they are completely paralyzed by their poor conditions(financially) and hence doing this. My dream is to liberate at least one of them from these shackles so that she could live her life to the fullest.

He: Hahaha, you are a fool man. They love their work and that’s why they do it. I know this, okay.

This conversation made me sad today. I was shocked by his ignorance of the subject matter(brothels) and it’s not just him, there are millions out there who have the same perception as him. Plus the way he thought about his girlfriend is just a physical object of satisfaction tore me down to the core.

It doesn’t mean if a person is doing work like prostitution, she is happy with it or is doing it with pleasure. You gotta take that smiling mask off to see that reality. People often concentrate on superficial things.

For example, if a person is doing a job, there are two notions about it among the general public, both of which are extreme,

A. He/she loves his/her job, that's why he/she is doing it.

B. He/she hates his/her job, because let's face it, nobody loves there jobs.

A very few people are able to see the every person is different and the situation can lie anywhere between these extremes too. This generalization often give rise to various misconceptions regarding "N" number of things among people which makes the entire society misdirected as well as ignorant.

Now this question arises,

Why people often have misdirected extreme notions in the first place?

The answer to this is, lack or misdirected emotions which are flawed due to a flawed upbringing.

Hence, the most important that I have learned in my life is,

Humanity and emotions are surely lost somewhere. We gotta find it and instill it in our lives people. Have some empathy for people in distress. Try to help them and not maul them as others are doing.

The more humans will understand each other, the better and more stable the society will become thereby promoting equality and bringing prosperity to everyone. Discrimination and marginalization of people that happens due to this inequality resulting in them resorting to professions such as prostitution will then stop.

So, let's try our best to contribute our fair share to make the society a more equitable one.

Aryan :)


About the Creator

Aryan Kapoor

I am gonna blow your mind!

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