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The Struggle Is Real: Why you aren't losing weight despite following a weight loss diet

Weight Loss Struggles

By Monique MartinPublished about a year ago 7 min read
The Struggle Is Real: Why you aren't losing weight despite following a weight loss diet
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Are you feeling frustrated because you’ve been following a strict weight loss diet and using all natural diet tips, but still can’t seem to lose any weight? You’re not alone. Millions of people struggle to lose weight, and it can be incredibly disheartening when you’re putting in the effort but not seeing the results you want. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the possible causes of weight-loss resistance and provide tips for how to overcome them.

Low Inner Body Temperature

Inner body temperature is not how hot or cold your skin is but more the temperature of your inner organs and cells. Clinical research from Switzerland shows that your inner temperature plays a role in how your body metabolizes fat. When your body is at a normal temperature, calorie burning is effortless and fast. When your internal temperature is low your metabolism is slow. For every drop in inter body temperature, your metabolism slows 13% or more! In the all natural Alpilean capsule you will find ingredients such as Golden Algae, Dika Nut, Ginger, Turmeric and much more which help the body cooler as it targets inner temperatures. With 100% satisfaction guaranteed, how could you pass up the chance to finally see change! CLICK HERE

Lack of Consistency

When it comes to weight loss, consistency is key. Achieving your health and fitness goals requires dedication, commitment, and consistency over a long period of time. If you don’t stick with your routine, you won’t be able to make the progress that you desire. It’s easy to be motivated and enthusiastic when you start a new diet or weight loss plan, but sticking with it long term is often much harder.

Sometimes, the daily grind of following a strict diet can be difficult to maintain. You might find that you’re too busy to prepare healthy meals or that you lack the willpower to resist unhealthy snacks. It’s important to remember that even small lapses can cause big problems with your weight loss journey. You may be able to “cheat” here and there without any consequences, but eventually, those little treats will add up and begin to sabotage your progress.

To ensure consistent results, create a plan for yourself and set reasonable goals. Try breaking down your weight loss journey into smaller chunks, such as losing one pound a week or reducing your caloric intake by 100 calories each day. Make sure to reward yourself when you reach your goals, and don’t forget to take breaks when needed!

Insufficient Calorie Deficit

When it comes to weight loss, one of the most important factors is creating an energy deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you are consuming. If you are not creating enough of an energy deficit, your weight loss efforts may be in vain.

When starting a weight loss diet, many people underestimate just how much of an energy deficit they need to create in order to see results. It can be easy to eat too much and not realize it, especially if you are used to eating large portions.

One way to ensure that you are creating an adequate calorie deficit is to measure and track your food intake. This can help you stay mindful of what and how much you are eating. Additionally, it will give you a better understanding of your total daily energy expenditure.

Creating a calorie deficit doesn’t have to mean cutting out entire food groups or feeling deprived. Instead, focus on making healthy choices that reduce your caloric intake while still providing all of the essential nutrients your body needs. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates can help you get all the essential nutrients while still maintaining a calorie deficit.

Finally, remember that slow and steady wins the race when it comes to weight loss. Even a small amount of consistent weight loss over time can make a huge difference in your overall health. So take your time, be mindful, and create an energy deficit that will help you reach your weight loss goals.

Hormone Imbalance

When it comes to weight loss, hormones play a crucial role. When hormones become imbalanced, they can disrupt the body’s ability to regulate metabolism and effectively lose weight.

Estrogen is the main female sex hormone, and is essential for healthy body composition, regular menstrual cycles, and ovulation. When this hormone is out of balance, it can result in reduced metabolism, water retention, and bloating. This can lead to stubborn weight gain that is difficult to shift.

Other hormones such as cortisol (the stress hormone), insulin (the hunger hormone), and ghrelin (the ‘hunger hormone’) can also become imbalanced. When these hormones are off balance, it can lead to cravings for unhealthy foods, increased appetite, and difficulty burning fat.

If you believe that hormone imbalance may be a contributing factor to your struggles with weight loss, then it is best to seek professional medical advice. Your doctor will be able to investigate any underlying hormonal issues and advise you on the best course of action. This could involve medication or changes to lifestyle and diet to help regulate hormones and support weight loss.

Emotional Eating

When it comes to weight loss, emotional eating is often overlooked as a major factor. Emotional eating occurs when we eat in response to our feelings instead of physical hunger. It usually involves overeating and consuming unhealthy foods such as comfort foods like ice cream or candy. This type of eating can be triggered by stress, depression, boredom, anger, or even happiness.

Emotional eating can be a vicious cycle; we eat in an attempt to make ourselves feel better, but the resulting guilt and shame only make us feel worse. It's important to take steps to break the cycle. Instead of turning to food, find healthier ways to cope with your emotions such as exercising, talking to a friend, or participating in a hobby.

You should also strive to make healthy food choices when you are emotionally eating. When cravings hit, choose healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables. Eating nutrient-dense snacks can help satisfy your craving and provide valuable nutrition for your body.

Finally, it's important to understand why you are emotional eating. Identifying the underlying causes of your emotional eating can help you make better decisions in the future. Seek professional help if needed; many counselors specialize in helping people recognize their emotional triggers and learn healthier coping skills.

Poor Sleep Quality

Sleep is an important factor when it comes to losing weight, yet many people still don’t get enough restful sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep quality can affect your body's ability to regulate hormones such as ghrelin and leptin, which are responsible for hunger and fullness signals. Not getting enough restful sleep can also cause an increase in cortisol levels, which can lead to more cravings for unhealthy foods.

On top of this, those who don’t get enough sleep are often too tired to make it to the gym or stick to their meal plan. In addition, getting less than 7 hours of sleep on a regular basis can have a negative impact on your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight.

If you’re struggling with weight loss, take a look at your sleeping habits. Make sure you are going to bed early enough, keeping your phone and screens away from your bedside and reducing stress before bedtime. If necessary, consider working with a doctor or sleep specialist to help you determine the best way for you to get a good night’s rest.

Too Much Cardio

Cardio is a great way to burn calories and get your heart rate up, but it can also be detrimental to weight loss if overdone. Doing too much cardio can actually lead to weight gain. When you do an excessive amount of cardio, your body goes into a state of metabolic damage. Your cortisol levels rise, which leads to increased appetite, cravings for high-calorie foods, and difficulty losing fat. The result? You’re eating more than you’re burning and you end up gaining weight.

Additionally, too much cardio can negatively affect your body composition, leading to a decrease in muscle mass. When you focus on cardio over strength training, you don’t build the muscle necessary to keep your metabolism revved up and burning calories even when at rest. This makes it difficult to maintain weight loss and can lead to further weight gain over time.

The solution? Balance your workouts with both cardio and strength training. You don’t need to do hours of cardio every day to see results—in fact, this could actually work against you. Aim for 3-4 days of moderate-intensity cardio and 2-3 days of strength training each week. This will ensure you are getting enough exercise without compromising your progress.

Plateau in Weight Loss

When you first start a weight loss program, it's normal to lose weight quickly. However, as your body gets accustomed to the changes, the rate of weight loss can slow down or even stop altogether. This is known as a plateau in weight loss. It's a common obstacle that many people face when trying to lose weight, and can be incredibly frustrating.

The good news is that there are ways to overcome the plateau and keep progressing with your weight loss goals. One of the most effective strategies is to mix up your workouts and find ways to challenge your body in new ways. If you have been focusing on cardio, for example, try adding in some strength training or HIIT exercises. Also, be sure to track your calorie intake carefully and don’t forget about the importance of getting adequate rest each night.

Finally, don't get too discouraged if your weight loss has slowed down or stopped. While it can be discouraging to hit a plateau, it doesn't mean that you are doing something wrong. Just stay focused on your goal, keep working hard, and eventually you will break through and start seeing the results you want again.

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About the Creator

Monique Martin

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