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The Sleuthing

(And The Little Black Book)

By The Ghost WriterPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
The Little Black Notebook

Mariah sighed, thinking about all there was to accomplish today. While something lingered in the air; an instinctive uncomfortable feeling overcame her. Now fidgeting, waiting in line at her favorite coffee shop. Beginning to look around the room, nothing seemed unusual. The chatty upbeat couple in the corner having breakfast, the older man by himself seemingly absorbed in the daily newspaper, and the table full of what appeared to be young executive types, having an informal meeting; where the tension could be felt on the surface of forced laughter and frivolity.

Sighing again but this time it was in relief, relief of not having to deal with that kind of nonsense anymore. Loving working for herself, albeit hard as it could be at times.

“How may I help you?” snapped her back into the present.

“Large black coffee to go, please,” echoed in the air as someone bumped into her and kept walking. Seeing only the tan trench coat round the bend to where the restrooms were. A little miffed by the lack of apology, going to unzip her maroon satchel. Just then a grey trench coat-laden individual whizzed by, as she realized her satchel was open.

“I must have foolishly left it ajar. That is so unlike me, I am usually so careful,” slid out of her mouth muted in agitation. As the intense heat that was flooding her body suddenly stopped in its tracks while pulling out her wallet; all was good. The biggest sigh yet escaped as she looked up, thanked Randy, and paid.

Exiting the coffee shop; that lingering feeling seemed to hover clinging on route to the car. Now needing an extra moment while sitting in her vehicle, to just breathe. The intoxicating scent of the coffee wafting in the air was a feeling of home. Not a physical residence, but a mental one. A place of pleasure, power, and relaxation all intertwined upon inhaling Ah yes, just a sip, to center herself before heading to the office.

Noticing a black edge poking out of her satchel. Hmm, that is strange! floated through her mind while accounting for her belongings. All of the satchel's contents were there, but what is this? she wondered upon opening the small black notebook.

Well now that is especially odd! she pondered, as the first page had today's date. Friday the 13th,3:00 pm., Griffin Park, rusty bench, maroon bag, don't be late, with 20k circled. Quickly rifling through the rest of the pages, none of it made sense.

Her mind replaying the bump, when appearing through her rear-view mirror was the woman in tan talking to the man in grey. Mariah reached for her door as they both took off in different directions, in a hurried state, before she could even decide whether to approach them. After all, why would someone leave something in her purse rather than steal from it?

Compelled to go back in and talk to Randy; Mariah once again entered the shop, being thankful the line was short this time. Arriving at the counter, to order a bagel with cream cheese figuring there may not time for lunch today. She inquired of Randy about the two individuals in trench coats, but he said he had never seen them before today. Perplexed yet curious making her way back to the car. Passing the older man with a newspaper; they smiled at each other going their separate ways.

Her mind began puzzle piecing the small black notebook's mysterious appearance and meaning. Thinking this is a dilemma I do not have time for today; attempting to shake it all off while heading to the office.

Settling into her desk the dread of her five o’clock meeting surfaced. It was always tough when having to tell a client an investigation had come to a critical point; critical in that it would cost more money to continue. Melinda has worked so hard building her empire while putting a personal life to the side, until last year when all the trouble started. Of course, it never seems like trouble when one is busy falling in love. Melinda had finally met her soul mate Mark. Yet sadly it was Melinda who was his mark in the end. He was the most deviously cruel kind of con man, the kind that pulls at the heartstrings to achieve payday. Managing somehow to study her to a tee, god only knows how long he was at it before making his move.

So far the investigation had lead to a shell company Mark created; to siphon off millions of her company's worth. Leading this investigation to the Cayman Islands. The Cayman's were always a tough nut to crack. To attempt to retrieve any money Mariah would have to venture over to the island herself, which came at a cost. Knowing that cost would crush Melinda as her company was on the brink of disaster; with all the bad press and legal issues that came her clients were dropping like flies, as the expenses rose day by day.

Mariah pushed her discontent aside with a sip of coffee. Mind flipping back to the small black notebook. Looking at the clock it was already 10:00 am., leaving her four hours to decide what to do. It would take about an hour in downtown gridlock traffic to get to the park. Why was she even contemplating going? What purpose could it serve? Was 20k money owed for something? If so what? drugs? blackmail? It really could be anything. It was none of her business. A myriad of dangerous scenarios crossed her mind. After all, this was not a case of hers. Did the lady in tan drop it in her bag because the man in grey was after her? He did not act violently in the parking lot. Actually; it is my business, after all, I have the small black notebook and I am sure someone will want it back for something.

Albeit not having been tailed back to the office, Mariah had her guard up more than usual and rightfully so. The clock ticked on while taking care of some paperwork and phone calls. It was 1:00 pm. and time for a break; as she pulled out her bagel and the small black notebook. Once again rummaging through pages. Then it clicked, the numbers on page two are bank account numbers. Caymen Island bank account numbers to be precise. What were the odds? Strange indeed! there was no leaving this alone now.

Tracing the numbers to find an account holder, Darren Malone. Darren happened to be a name that arose during the investigation of Mark. Were they associates after all? or one and the same? Hurriedly going back through Melinda Shillings' files. One puzzle coming together in a way that could only be considered a gift. There was no turning back now; overwhelming curiosity leads to Griffin Park.

The clock read 1:45 pm. and the rain had come as forecast. Sliding into a tan trench coat, grabbing her parasol; while tossing the little black notebook with her 45 into the satchel, and zipping it up. On her way, knowing she could be walking into anything. Driving around the outskirts of the park checking for anything out of the ordinary before making her way into the parking lot. Thoroughly scanning the lot before exiting her vehicle. It was almost barren due to the rain. Attentively walking towards the center of the park, looking for a rusted bench. Noticing one man walking his dog, and a family under the main canopy finishing up a barbecue. Past the main canopy rounding the corner, there sat an older man on a rusted bench. No woman with a trench coat to be seen, other than herself. Getting closer she unzipped her satchel resting her hand on the 45 inside. The man tilted his head up and smiled. The same man and the same smile from the coffee shop, minus the paper this time.

“Well hello there,” he said, I have been waiting for you.

“I don't understand?”

“I believe you have something of mine? A small black notebook?”

Mariah nodding began asking about the woman in the tan trench coat.

Interrupted with," ah yes she is an associate of mine. You see we play a game once in a while my associates and I. We have been watching you for quite some time now and when we see someone we think may be a good fit for our company we test them to see if they show up here or not. Understanding the danger they may be putting themselves into. Did you find our gift to your liking? We have vast resources."

“Yes thank you, what company do you all work for?”

“You can just call us the 20k club for now.”

“Why are you called the 20K club?”

“Because that is your second gift today!”, he made his way into his pocket slowly to pull out twenty 1,000 dollar bills. "After all, it did say maroon bag did it not? (As he pointed to her satchel) that is where this belongs,” handing her the money.

Having one hand still on her 45, she put her other hand out to accept the money while asking, “what is the catch?”

“No catch, you were timely after-all. Just consider it a gift for playing along with our game today, and of course for considering to come work for us. I’ll tell you what you keep the small black notebook for now as I think you may find a few other gifts in there to discover yet. The twenty thousand dollars is yours free and clear but if you want to know more about us, and I hope you do, you must meet me at the coffee shop in one week at exactly 3:00 pm. Just tell Randy to seat you with Mr. Green.”

Mariah while sizing Mr. Green up, found him cheekily coy, yet friendly, with stern corners to his lips. Eyes depth, that only came through years of life experience, shining glimmering flecks of hardness due to things seen. She smiled and said, “well then I guess I shall thank you for today, Mr. Green, and get back to work.”

Mr. Green cut her off again and said, “yes to your five o'clock meeting,” smiling wryly. “You do want to be timely, after all, you have better news for her now. Take care and I look forward to seeing you next week.”

Mariah left feeling intrigued by the encounter. Already lighter for the meeting with Melinda, still having the small black notebook to explore, with a surprise 20,000 dollars to spend. Her mind immediately took to planning an overnight indulgent spa stay for herself, for the rest of the weekend. Sighing now, exuding trickles of light laughter. After all of today’s events what better way to relax and ponder new opportunities?


About the Creator

The Ghost Writer

The writer that speaks mysteries from a place of anonymity

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