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The Secret to Instagram Money Making 🤑

Eventually, I found a guy named Pat, who agreed to Skype me for ten minutes or so. He explained to me that he made $100 every time someone purchased a sponsored post on his page, which at the time had 600k followers.

By Anjan GuitarPublished 12 months ago • 5 min read

It all starts to make money on Instagram, Come back to me when I'm still using the Apps for leisure purposes. inside Once I follow an Instagram page Related to the supercar that posted the photo of a Ferrari and Corvette. One day I noticed I was beside me The following did a sponsored post. advertising for t-shirts, luxury cars Accessories, and even high-end wallets. At first, I thought the website was Advertising your product. but over time Going further, I realize luxury cars' Instagram pages are just ads for company products.

Eventually, I found a guy named Pat, who agreed to Skype me for ten minutes or so. He explained to me that he made $100 every time someone purchased a sponsored post on his page, which at the time had 600k followers. I then asked him how much time he spent running his Instagram page. The answer? Only 20 minutes each day.For the time commitment that was a fantastic return! And what was even better was that people with over a million followers were making $500 plus per post.

After that Skype call, I instantly jumped into the Instagram game, learning

everything I possibly could about the platform. It's now my main and greatest source of income, making me over six figures each year. The best part is that you can run an Instagram page from anywhere.

In a coffee shop, in a hotel, and it only takes minutes of your time to post. You don't need to be a master at creating content or even be an entertaining character. All you need to do is find quality pictures that you can repost

Online Social Media Jobs That Pay $25 - $50 Per Hour. No Experience Required. Work At Home.

The Unique Mindset -

Ready To Expand your Knowledge free stockTo start this book off, I'd like to personally thank you for purchasing my e-book and taking a chance on me to further your knowledge and expand what you know about Instagram. By taking this first step, you have already proven that you are willing to invest in your education.


This is a crucial idea that you will have to embrace in order to become successful online. The reason is that the online world of social media is constantly changing. From my experience, the people that make the most money on the Internet, are the ones that are constantly learning and teaching themselves new tricks and techniques to further their business.

So keep that in mind as you begin to make extra income off of social media and the internet. Always set aside a portion of your earnings that you will use to further develop your knowledge and understanding of Internet business and Internet marketing. There's always something new that can be learned, and even the slightest detail can give you the upper edge.

Just to give you an example of this, a friend of mine was making a great deal of money from his Facebook page that he used to target a very specific niche. Using Facebook ads, he quickly grew his business and began making a lot of money selling various health-related products to his targeted following. As time went on, the niche that he was targeting started to become more and more saturated, making it harder for him to make a large profit from the products that he was selling.

The Instagram Battle

In order to make money on Instagram, you need a large following of people. The more followers that you have, the more money you will make. With that being said, gaining followers on Instagram can be extremely tiresome and grueling. Always remember the endgame, and constantly remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place. There will be days during your Instagram journey when you just don't feel like posting and feel like you are making no progress. This is all part of the process.

Gaining a following on Instagram and building up a network of niche-related followers is something that requires an insane amount of patience and persistence. You don't need to necessarily be smart to make money on Instagram, in fact, anybody can do it. The skills that you need are only patience and persistence as I said above. If you have those two qualities, you are more than capable of building accounts that will have over 1 million followers.

By Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Do not use numbers in your username

Using numbers in your username will only confuse people and will hurt your ranking on Instagram's search. If you start a page called "puppyphotos31" that posts puppy memes, what's to stop someone else from making a page called: "puppyphotos32." It will simply leave everyone very confused. The only exception is if the numbers are directly related to your niche, such as "420humor."

Use your niche's keyword first

Trucksdaily will always be a more effective username than dailytruckposts. When looking for a username, you want to make sure that your main keyword is first, as that is what people will be searching for. Underscores are ok if you are separating words. I actually own an Instagram page with an underscore that gained followers extremely quickly. At first, I was skeptical about using an underscore, but it actually proved to be more effective because I could isolate my keyword. Something like trucks_daily is a really good username. Another tip is to try to only use two words when using underscores. Truck_postsdaily isn't a username that you would want.

Online Social Media Jobs That Pay $25 - $50 Per Hour. No Experience Required. Work At Home.

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