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The Science of Laziness

If you're trying to avoid the work

By Durga PrasadPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

If you're trying to avoid work or get away from anything physically taxing, it can feel pleasant to relax and do nothing from time to time.

Activity We've all experienced those days, but why are some people much lazier than others? Is there a gene for being a couch potato that contributes to being lazy? Our brains and bodies have been shaped by evolution to react favourably to natural rewards like food, sex, and even physical activity. yep

For many, the pleasure from exercise can become just as addictive as food and sex, but while we're all up for more food and sex, many struggle with the desire for physical activity despite the fact that it's an essential part of human biology. The pleasure we experience comes largely from the dopamine system in our brain, which transmits these messages throughout the body and ultimately helps to ensure the survival of our species.

After dividing mice into two groups—one that decided to run more often on their wheel and one that decided not to run as much—scientists discovered an intriguing genetic connection. After 10 generations, the running mice would continue to run on their wheels.

It appeared that their drive for physical activity was less than the typical 4 miles.

genetic activity We all inherit genes from our parents that are important for the development of our brains, and these genes can cause some people to literally crave activity. In fact, the running mice's brains had larger dopamine systems and regions that deal with motivation and reward; without activity, their brains would react like an addicted rodent would if they were denied access to cocaine or nicotine. We also inherit genes that are important for learning and memory.

Thus, stop if you believe you are a genetically lazy person.

the sofa and battle your DNA. In the end, your brain will reward you if you have some assistance getting there. Check out our previous video on the science of productivity to see if it can help you get more motivated and fight laziness. If you want to learn more about the fascinating science that underlies exceptional athletic performance, pick up a copy of David Epstein's book The Sports Gene.

It is satisfying to do nothing but lounge about on the couch all day. Everyone experiences those days. It's certain that there may be occasions when you feel too lethargic to work or do anything. You only want to sit around and be lazy.

This is a typical occurrence since it feels wonderful to act in this way. Why, therefore, are some people more lazy than others? Why do some individuals have the drive to get up, do something, and accomplish something, while others would rather sit around and become lazy?

Continue reading if you want to learn the genuine secret that separates those who are productive and get things done from others who are idle and do nothing.

You must first comprehend how our brains function before you can comprehend the science of laziness and how it functions.

Our brain has been shaped by evolution to respond favourably to food, sex, and exercise. You read it correctly: when we engage in activities we enjoy, such as eating, having sex, or exercising, our brains will reward us.

The dopamine system exists to guarantee human survival for many generations. The majority of people are aware that eating and sex may provide a pleasurable reward, but others find it challenging to associate exercise with pleasure. We need to look at a study that involved two groups of mice in order to fully grasp this.

Is being lazy a gene trait for you?

The question of whether being lazy is a trait we inherit has been the focus of numerous studies and sorts of inquiry. Two groups of mice were used in the study that was done. The research also revealed that there was a clear difference in the progeny of the mice who opted to run on the wheel more frequently than the other group.

The descendants of the mice who ran more frequently after ten generations revealed that they shared the same feature. Compared to the other group, their offspring run 75% more frequently. And after sixteen generations, the mice are running seven miles per day, as opposed to the typical mouse population of four miles.

His research demonstrates that our desire to exercise is inherited. Our parents provide a portion of our activity gene to us. That is to say, you will inherit a portion of that gene and will also have a greater desire for physical activities if your parents had a strong interest in physical activities like sports and exercise.

In addition, the mouse study revealed that mice who run more frequently have a stronger dopamine system and are more motivated to respond to rewards and pleasures.

In other words, running is a hereditary addiction that the mice inherit. The same holds true for people. According to science, diligent parents will raise diligent kids, and the reverse is also true.

People with a hereditary addiction to activity will seek and desire activities; otherwise, their brains would respond similarly to the addictive effects of drugs like cocaine and nicotine. Due to better gene reception, people will crave the things they want.

In addition to the genes for physical activity, we also inherit the genes for procrastination, impulsivity, work ethic, and sloth. The "couch potato" gene, often referred to as the laziness gene, is in charge of a particular dopamine receptor in human brains. You'll be more likely to do nothing if you don't have this receptor, too.

What Can You Do To Overcome Laziness

You are aware that your tendency towards inactivity may not entirely be the result of your own willpower. That does not, however, imply that you are powerless to influence or alter the situation.

Although other environmental circumstances will and can also determine your trait, your gene does play a role in this. Consequently, you are not destined to lead a life of indolence.

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About the Creator

Durga Prasad

My "spare" time is spent creating for myself and writing for others.

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