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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence:

Top 10 Jobs Replaced by AI

By sameen waseemPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence:
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, bringing about significant changes in the workforce. While AI has created new opportunities and enhanced efficiency in many areas, it has also led to the automation and replacement of certain job roles. In this article, we will explore the top 10 jobs that have been significantly impacted by AI and how this technological shift is reshaping the employment landscape.

Data Entry Clerks:

AI-powered systems and optical character recognition (OCR) technology have made data entry much faster and accurate, rendering the role of data entry clerks largely obsolete. These intelligent algorithms can swiftly extract and input data from various sources, reducing errors and minimizing the need for manual data entry.


AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have taken over many telemarketing tasks. They can handle customer inquiries, provide information, and even make sales pitches. With natural language processing capabilities, these virtual agents have become more adept at engaging customers, ultimately reducing the need for human telemarketers.


The widespread adoption of self-checkout systems in supermarkets and retail stores has eliminated the need for many traditional cashiers. AI-powered technologies, such as computer vision and barcode scanning, allow customers to scan and pay for their items independently, reducing waiting times and minimizing human error.

Travel Agents:

The emergence of online travel platforms and AI-powered recommendation systems has disrupted the travel industry. These platforms can analyze vast amounts of data, such as flight schedules, hotel availability, and customer preferences, to provide personalized travel suggestions. As a result, the demand for traditional travel agents has significantly decreased.

Manufacturing Workers:

AI and robotics have revolutionized the manufacturing sector by automating repetitive and labor-intensive tasks. With the ability to operate 24/7 and maintain high precision, AI-powered machines have replaced many assembly line workers, leading to increased productivity and cost savings for manufacturing companies.

Bank Tellers:

The rise of AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants has also impacted the banking industry. Many routine customer service tasks, such as balance inquiries and transaction history requests, can now be handled by intelligent virtual agents. This automation has reduced the need for bank tellers, enabling them to focus on more complex banking operations.

Toll Booth Operators:

Automated toll collection systems, such as electronic toll collection (ETC) and license plate recognition, have replaced human toll booth operators in many regions. These systems use AI algorithms to identify and charge vehicles automatically, eliminating the need for manual toll collection and reducing traffic congestion.

Insurance Underwriters:

AI-powered algorithms can now analyze large volumes of data and assess risk profiles more accurately than human underwriters. This has resulted in the automation of insurance underwriting processes, as AI can quickly evaluate factors such as claims history, demographic information, and industry trends, improving efficiency and reducing costs for insurance companies.


Intelligent virtual receptionists equipped with voice recognition and natural language processing capabilities have replaced many human receptionists. These virtual agents can efficiently handle incoming calls, schedule appointments, and provide basic information, freeing up human resources for more specialized tasks.

Delivery Drivers:

The development of autonomous vehicles and drones has posed a potential threat to the job security of delivery drivers. With AI-powered navigation systems and sensors, these vehicles can navigate routes, avoid obstacles, and make deliveries without human intervention. While widespread adoption of this technology is still in progress, it has the potential to significantly reduce the need for human delivery drivers in the future.


In conclusion, the rise of artificial intelligence has led to the replacement of various job roles across different industries. Jobs such as data entry clerks, telemarketers, cashiers, and travel agents have been significantly impacted by AI automation. While this technological shift raises concerns about job security, it also presents opportunities for reskilling and the emergence of new roles that complement AI systems. Society must address the ethical implications and ensure fair transition strategies for affected workers. By embracing AI and focusing on developing skills that complement automation, we can navigate the changing employment landscape and create a future where humans and AI work together for mutual benefit and progress.


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