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The Relationship Theory

Using a mathematics approach by applying it to a relationship

By Johnny VPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
From the 1968 film "Un Homme Et Une Femme"

Defining a Relationship

What is a relationship? A relationship is the common bond that forms and exists between two people. It is unique in which it creates an undeniable connection between two individuals. This connection can be mental, emotional, physical or sexual. When we think of a relationship, we tend to disregard the inner workings of how a relationship is formed and how it actually works. We do not think about the different factors or variables involved - we just think of relationships with ideas of love, emotions and great sex.

Using a Mathematical Equation

In theory, I do believe that a mathematical statistical equations can be applied to a relationship. Within the relationship is complex equation which involves intricate variables that become part of the whole equation. These variables can affect the overall relationship. In a simple relational equation - [(x+y)^2](p) = z; the x and y represent values each individual (x =male, y=female) would rate the relationship overall as it equates to where z represents the value of the relationship. p = 0.500 the significance value of the relationship. In its purest form, the relationship is simiplified as it is resolved within the equation. In another equation - [(x-y)^2 - (v)(y)^2))](p)= -z, this where the unknown variable (v) becomes part of the equation as it represents a third party involved in the relationship.

In a more complex equation in which there are known variables which are based on values defined by each individual, the relationship equation will look like this: (rx)+(ry)^2{[(a1x)+(a1y)][(a2x)+(a2y)]+[(c1x)+(c1y)][(c2x)+(c2y)]+[(s1x)+(s1y)][(s2x)+(s2y)}/{[(tx)(ty)+(hx)(hy)]+[(lx)(ly)+(fx)(fy)]}+[(x1)^2+((y2)^2](p)=z where p=0.500 the significance value of the relationship. The end result will determine whether or not the relationship is perfectly significant between both parties based on the values given by each individual.

Defining and Applying Variables

In both simple and a complex equations there are variables that are applied to the equations and can be defined as below. Each variable is followed by a question that is asked of the partner in the relatioship. Each partner can answer each question based on a numeric value system: 1 - Strongly Disagree, 2 - Disagree, 3 - Niether Disagree or Agree, 4 - Agree, 5 - Strongly Agree

Reciprocity (r^2) - Reciprocity is the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit. It has a direct correlation not only to affection and spontenaity but to also the overall relationship. In a relationship, the practice of reciprocating can defined as doing something for your partner unexpectedly and the return is mutual. An example would be showing them affection unexpectedly and then they return the favor. Whether it is a simple kiss, an unexpected hug, a verbal acknowledgment of saying “I love you” or a sending a simple text message, reciprocation in a relationship is important and is beneficial in keeping the relationship healthy.

Question: Do you feel that your partner is receptive when it comes to the relationship?

Communication (c1) - Communication is the key to every relationship. It is what creates the connection between two people. Healthy relatioahips normally have a very good communication level, whereas relationships that are unhealthy have a poor communication level.

Question: Do you feel that your relationship is strong in communication?

Trust (t) - Trust in a relationship is one of the most important keys in having a healthy relationship. It is one of the foundations that can determone whether or not a relationship will continue or end.

Question: Do you feel that you and your partner do not have any trust issues when it comes to the relationship?

Honesty (h) - Honesty in a relationship leads to Trust as it solidifies honesty. It is important to be clearly be honest when in a relationship because it builds trust. To be in a relationship in which honesty isn’t valued creates a negative relationship.

Question: Do you feel that the person you are currently with completely honest when it comes to the relationship?

Supportive (s1) - A supportive relationship occurs when either party commits a type of support act (emotional, financial, physical) to the one another. Being supportive can drive spontanaeity because the act can have no conscious effort. In a relationship, you need to be supportive no matter what.

Question: Do you feel that you and your partner are supportive to each other when it comes to the relationship?

Spontaneity (s2) - Spontaneity in a relationship is a act of doing something with no conscious effort. It is has a direct correlation to reciprocity. It is a spark that makes any relationship interesting.

Question: Do you feel that you and your partner have spontaneity in the relationship?

Affection (a1) - When two people are in a relationship, the act of affection keeps the relationship healthy. Affection can be defined as holding hands, kissing, caressing are forms of showing acts of love. One must remember that in a healthy relationship it must come from both parties.

Question: Do feel that your partner shows signs of affection when it comes to the relationship?

Loyalty (l) - In every relationship there is a test of loyalty that takes place during a relationship. If either party is not loyal in the relationship then that is an indication that the relationship will not last.

Question: Do you feel that your partner is loyal in the relationship?

Forgiveness (f) - The ability to forgive in a relationship is very important and a key in every relationship. The true test of a relationship can be determined of either party in the relationship can forgive or has the ability to forgive.

Question: Do you feel that your partner is a forgiving person when it comes to the relationship?

Attentive (a2) - In a relationship, to be attentive is to understand the thought of micro-attractions. Microattraction can be defined as follows - A moment of microattraction is where you either felt drawn to another person because of something they did, or they told you they were drawn to you because of something you did. Being attentive creates the attraction you have for that person.

Question: Is your partner attentive to when it comes to the relationship?

Connection (c2) - Connection is the bond that exists between two individuals. A connection can be a share of interests (subjects, music, values etc.). These interests are usually established during the conversational process or during the beginning of a relationship.

Question: Do you feel you and your partner have a connection when it comes to the relationship?

Solving for z

In order to solve for z in the complex relationship equation, each individual represented by x or y provides a value (1 - Strongly Disagree to 5 - Strongly Agree) of how they feel about their partner based their answer to question for each variable. i.e. if two individuals are currently in a relationship that is very strong on a communication level then each person may rate it as 5. C1x = 5 and C1y = 5 and so on. Once all the variables are accounted for, then solving the equation can take place. The result of z will demonstrate the health of the relationship based on a percentage ranges as follows:

A score of 100 to 80 range equates to a healthy relationship

A score of 79.99 to 50 range equates to a normal / average relationship

A score of 49.99 to 29.99 range equates to a below average relationship

A score of 0 - 30 equates to an unhealthy relationship

Example using the Simple Equation

Simple Equation Formula: (x+y)^2 + (x+y)^2](p) = z

Variables: x=3, y=3, p=0.500

Applying the variables into the equation to solve for z:

[(3+3)^2 + (3+3^2](0.500) = z

[(6)^2+(6)^2] (0.500)= z

[(36)+(36)](0.500) = z

[(72)](0.500) = z

Solution for z:

36 = z

The end result of z indicates that the value the relationship is below normal and is considered unhealthy.

Example using the Complex Equation Formula

Complex Equation: (rx)+(ry)^2{[(a1x)+(a1y)][(a2x)+(a2y)]+[(c1x)+(c1y)][(c2x)+(c2y)]+[(s1x)+(s1y)][(s2x)+(s2y)}/{[(tx)(ty)+(hx)(hy)]+[(lx)(ly)+(fx)(fy)]}+[(x1)^2+((y2)^2](p)=z

Variables: rx=5, ry=4, a1x=4, a1y=4, a2x=5, a2y=4, c1x=4, c1y=4, c2x=5, c2y=5, s1x=4, s1y=3, s2x=5, s2y=5, tx=4, ty=4, hx=5, hy=3, lx=4, ly=4, fx=4, fy=3, x = 4 , y=3 and p=0.500

Applying the variables into the equation to solve for z:


(9)^2{[(8)][(9)]+[(8)][(10)]+[(7)][(10)]}/{[(16)+(15)]+[(16)+(12)]}+[(4)^2+((3)^2](0.500) = z

(81){[(72)]+[(80)]+[(70)]}/{[(32)]+[(28)]}+[(16)+(9)](0.500) = z

(81){[(222]}/{[(60)]}+[(54)](0.500) = z

(81){[(222]}/[(114)](0.500) = z

(81){1.94738}(0.500) = z

Solution for z:

78.868 = z

The end result of z indicates that the value the relationship is above normal and is considered healthy.


In conclusion, it is possible to apply a simple or complex mathematical equation to relationship based on variables. Mathematics can not only be applied to finance, economics, science or statistics, but it can be appplied relationships.


About the Creator

Johnny V

Also known as Jonathan, a part time musician, writer, life stylist at night but a full time business intelligence developer during the day.

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    Johnny VWritten by Johnny V

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