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The Pursuit of Happyness

After being both "successful" and broke out of my mind; I now know that my happy place is creating solutions to other people’s problems.

By NicoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The One + Only Lonerd volunteering at Fabscrap (June 2021)

The Pursuit of Happyness

Enter stage right, a young extroverted introvert with a head full of dreams in a world full of issues. She/they tracks a circle of strangers, scanning the room but hesitant to make direct eye contact...

“Hi everyone, my name is Nico and I have a confession …I-I am a creative problem solver.”

Instead of the typical monotone greeting, the audience has unexpected responses:

“Oh really, pick me I have problems!”

“Do you create problems, or do you solve them creatively?”

“Can you create things for me, but for free?”

“Did you just make that up?”

Yes, I did just make that up, but it works for me. You see I believe that humanity can truly think, do and exist however the hell we choose – it is of our own responsibility and consequence. But it took so much undoing of mental programming, removal of limiting stories and retrieval of infinite power for me to derive to this conclusion.

Now that I am here, I decided its only fun if I can share it with others. I remember when I was working in corporate America as a Computer Security/Forensics Consultant, making $80,000 within a year of graduating college. It was like “Mama I made it, but I am depressed,” because there are people with my background, from my family, from my friend groups, still living in unfavorable situations. Because I was helping billionaires sue each other while witnessing people on the street with no food, clothes or shelter (while living and working in Los Angeles). Because my creative self – who was writing stories, leading chorus, acting, dancing, and rapping since the age of 8 – was slowly dying in a career that promised excitement, but only delivered headaches.

And I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have much to my name right now. After leaving technology, I went down the ever-expanding rabbit hole of re-exploring my natural gifts. But the wisdom I gained from leaving a soul-sucking career and following my heART (corny I know) is worth more than my weight in gold.

However, it is the journey that holds the true value. While on my path, I learned that I was made to create and express deep esoteric truths using every single one of my senses, and that I didn’t need a degree or formal education to do so. It’s why I can confidently say today that I am a painter, singer, rapper, producer, writer, dancer, etc. (the list might go on exponentially…)

I also learned that there was a purpose for my problem-solving career, but it wasn’t to make computers any smarter or more important. It was for me to learn how to think rationally and productively so I could be prepared to solve some of the tougher problems facing humanity like: why are millions of people hungry and homeless? Because what good is tech if its not making our lives, its creator, easier?

So what am I doing now? Well being “The Lonerd,” that’s what! 😁

The Lonerd is my lifestyle brand that is focused on helping others find and honor their inner truth, to ultimately spread that energy outwards to help other people and the planet. This is accomplished by me following my path and setting the example, primarily through sustainable, customized/upcycled fashion, music/photography and other artistic experiences (head to for more information.)

I wish the show and tell could last a little longer, but my business is in the stage of gestation where its important to keep certain things a mystery (shhhh 😉). However, it’s almost ready to be shown to the world! I can’t wait to share the video where I was walking barefoot in my neighborhood in Brooklyn (this past Easter) to honor the homeless experience and found several pairs of shoes just sitting on the sidewalk. Can you say #blessed?! Or how I recently went to FabScrap, a Brooklyn-based non-profit that’s focused on reducing textile waste, to learn about the ins and outs of recycling garments. Just be patient and all will soon be revealed 😊

In short, my happy place is not only creating anything, but creating a better world by first recognizing my power and my place in it, and then reminding others of theirs. Even if I don’t win any money, I hope you join The Lonerd on this journey because there’s something here for you too! Regardless of race, religion, or any identity, The Lonerd is within all of us; that eternal, internal magic waiting for us to remember, recognize, and claim it.

“One Equals One.”

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About the Creator


Multitalented artist; UFO

suspended in an infinite canvas

breathing poetry

disrupting matrices

exhaling magic

...with a smile, of course 😘

[okay only sometimes 🙄😅]


IG: nonconformity_

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