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The Power of Society's Definition

Society's Influence on Self-Perception

By Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPPPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Now You See When Your Identity is Defined by Society, You Cannot Resist It

In today's society, individuals often find themselves trapped within the boundaries of societal definitions. Whether it is through the expectations imposed by others or the influence of media and institutions, our identity becomes entwined with the perceptions and definitions projected upon us. This article explores the power dynamics at play when one's identity is shaped by society and the consequences it has on our ability to resist, think critically, and strive for true freedom.

The Power of Society's Definition

Society plays a significant role in shaping our identity. The way others perceive us, the roles we are assigned, and the expectations placed upon us all contribute to the definition of who we are. When our identity is defined by society, we become subject to its influence and control.

Lack of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Resources

When we accept society's definition of ourselves without question, we often lack the necessary knowledge, wisdom, and resources to understand the underlying dynamics at play. We become oblivious to the fact that something is being imposed upon us, limiting our ability to break free from these constraints.

Society's Influence on Self-Perception

Society's influence seeps into every aspect of our lives, shaping our self-perception and determining our sense of agency. We start believing that we are free agents, not realizing that this belief stems from our lack of freedom. Society's identification of us becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and we are left unable to resist.

Education as a Means of Control

Education, a fundamental pillar of societal development, is not immune to the forces of control. The reason education fails to empower individuals is deeply intertwined with why it remains broken. The interests of those in power prevent education from truly fostering critical thinking and empowering individuals to challenge societal norms.

The Influence of Wealthy Business Interests

Behind the scenes, the real owners of the country exert their influence. Big, wealthy business interests control the decision-making processes, manipulating politicians and ensuring that their own interests are prioritized. This consolidation of power allows them to shape policies, laws, and institutions in their favor.

Politicians and Illusion of Freedom

Politicians, often viewed as representatives of the people, are strategically placed to give the illusion of freedom of choice. However, the reality is that these politicians serve the interests of the wealthy elite, reinforcing the existing power structures and ensuring that true change remains elusive.

The Ownership of Land, Corporations, and Media

The real owners maintain control over the most valuable assets. They own and control the land, corporations, and media companies, giving them the ability to shape public opinion and control the flow of information. This monopoly on news and information further solidifies their power over the masses.

The Suppression of Critical Thinking

The wealthy elite have no interest in cultivating a population capable of critical thinking. Informed, well-educated individuals pose a threat to their interests. Instead, they promote a culture of obedience, discouraging independent thought and fostering a workforce that is just intelligent enough to carry out menial tasks.

Obedient Workers and the Deterioration of Jobs

The system perpetuates a cycle of increasingly unfavorable conditions for workers. Good, honest, hard-working people find themselves trapped in low-paying, precarious jobs with reduced benefits and longer working hours. The concept of upward mobility becomes a distant dream as the gap between the rich and the rest continues to widen.

The Attack on Social Security and Retirement

The wealthy elite's insatiable greed knows no bounds. They relentlessly pursue the accumulation of wealth, even at the expense of the average citizen. They aim to dismantle social security and retirement systems, diverting funds to benefit themselves and their allies on Wall Street.

The Big Club and Exclusion

In this game rigged against the majority, the real owners thrive within an exclusive club. They remain out of reach for ordinary individuals, holding power and privilege that perpetuates their control. The exclusionary nature of this system further reinforces the divide between the haves and have-nots.

Manipulation Through Media and Consumerism

The media plays a pivotal role in manipulating public opinion and shaping consumer behavior. The constant bombardment of messages telling us what to believe, think, and buy is designed to keep us passive and malleable. It becomes increasingly difficult to see beyond the veil of manipulation.

The Tilted Table and Rigged Game

The very fabric of society is rigged in favor of the wealthy elite. The system operates on an uneven playing field, where power, influence, and wealth determine the rules. Despite the notion of equal opportunity, the reality is far from it. The game is stacked against the majority, perpetuating the cycle of oppression and control.

The Willful Ignorance of Americans

One of the most perplexing aspects of this system is the willful ignorance displayed by a significant portion of the American population. Many fail to recognize the reality of their situation, remaining blind to the exploitation and manipulation they endure. The truth is obscured by distractions, complacency, and a lack of critical thinking.

Awakening to the Truth

In a world where our identity is defined by society, breaking free from its clutches can seem like an insurmountable challenge. However, through awareness, critical thinking, and collective action, it is possible to reclaim our autonomy. Awakening to the truth and questioning the systems that bind us is the first step towards true freedom.


About the Creator

Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPP

Being a veteran of armed forces, I have a vast experience in multifarious fields of life from devotion to dedication, from commitment to loyalty, from fitness to healthcare, from war to peace and from conflict to solution..

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  • Hessam Shaikh11 months ago

    Nice work

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