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The Perfect Merlot

by Kaye

By KazaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I found myself getting excited about a new online dating prospect, which I never usually do, but with all the chaos and lockdowns, I can’t remember the last date I’ve been on. Tall (or so his profile says), dark and more handsome than most. He’s maintained a sweet spot of communication over the last few weeks, that is to say showing interest but not seemingly waiting by the phone. We have a video chat scheduled for tomorrow, fingers crossed!

I call my girlfriend Sheila on the way home from the gym to check in; she’s recently been experiencing the dark side of the catering business and I try to be supportive. I want her to do well. In any case, I mention to her my proverbial “iron in the fire” (a healthy distraction) and that surely got her attention.

“My, my am I pleased to hear you’re putting yourself out there again!, Quarantine Tammy was no fun!” says Sheila

“Haha. Very funny, but it’s just some cautious fun so don’t get carried away, but I hope it’s worth the risk, meeting someone new, I’ll just be sure to take my vitamins beforehand and my mace with me before meeting in person.” I say

“Vitamins are all well and fine, but I tried this custom wine recently, I swear it tasted like it was made for me! I bet it would be perfect for a date!” says Sheila

“In true form, you, my dear, are carried away! It’s just a video chat!” I exclaim

“Well” laughs Sheila “you never know, now do you? Haha”

The timer for my baked ziti dings as I step out of the shower, and I simultaneously hear a notification come through on my phone. The handsome David from Tinder, confirming our video chat at 6pm. I take a bite of ziti and grab a new midi dress from the closet, I call it comfort fashion. As I sit down at my desk and get my computer going I start to feel nervous which is strange, ‘perhaps I’m just out of practice’ I think.

I answer the video call to a pleasant surprise and wonder if I’m underdressed. Tinder match David, is literally wearing a three-piece-suit! I inquired about his attire and he assures me he hasn’t had a chance to change clothes after work. We talk for an hour or so, getting to know one another, discussing current events, relationship history, and personal interests. I tell him that I’m from Texas, living in Arizona as a linguist, 28 years old, no kids, married briefly after college. He tells me about growing up in Kansas, his real estate investment company, he’s 31 and about his 7-year old son. ‘Finally, someone that matches me in the effort and skill to keep a conversation going!’ I think to myself.

We end the conversation with plans to meet for a real date the following day. Although at this point I’m not sure what I’ve agreed to as all he said, in his smooth voice, was “I know exactly where I’d like to take you.” I agreed, wondering to myself if it was arrogance or confidence I’d heard in his tone.

I meet him at an address he’d sent in my “Good morning” text, and I notice it’s a bit further out than I’d ever explored, almost isolated. I send a quick text to Sheila with my location and a note to look for me in an hour.

Turns out he is tall, I was glad it was true, and holding a picnic basket.

“How romantic” I greet him as we close the gap between us.

“Wow” he says “I’m glad I didn’t wait to meet you. Follow me”

While we walk and partake in small talk, I partially go into panic mode and slow my pace as I second guess whether I’ll end up in the desert for taking a chance on a handsome creep. But at that moment we turned a corner that led to, *twinge of guilt* the Botanical Gardens! I silently jump for joy and think ‘wow I guess he was listening to me yesterday’. We start a conversation about likes and dislikes while admiring the greenery surrounding us, both agreeing that our current atmosphere was a unanimous ‘like’. Moments later we come to a clearing with a picnic blanket, cushions and candles; I see a flash of humble mischief cross his face. This time, I could not contain my smile.

“Omg, I love it” I gasp and take a seat.

He winks and taps a finger to his temple as if to say “I know”. He begins to carefully unpack the basket full of sweet-smelling strawberries and melons, an impressive charcuterie spread, and an unfamiliar bottle of wine. I take a glance and find myself once again impressed. How coincidental is it that his wine bottle was the same brand Sheila had mentioned, I think ‘what are the odds’? Well at least I know Sheila only drinks quality. We clink glasses of the bodied red and toast to “new friends”.

As we begin to clean up, he turns to me and says “If you don’t have plans, there’s one more place I’d like to take you, but it will be better if you ride with me”. I give him a suspicious look, only half-jokingly.

He chuckles “I haven’t done this well so far just to kidnap you now”.

“That’s what all killers say” I respond, really just kidding this time.

I consider and decide I really am having fun and how nice of a surprise it’s been, as we arrive at our cars. He opens the door for me to his sleek silver sports car and we’re off!

We drive for about 20 minutes, and again arrive at a clearing and I think ‘I know I've seen more places to park in this city than this’! He must have noticed the worry in my face, he squeezes my hand and says his already famous words

“Follow me”.

Through a small alcove of trees, I see it. A perfect sunset view. We could see for miles and the sun greeted us warmly as we stepped through. My eyes light up and I ask him

“How did you ever find this place”?

He says “You wouldn’t believe it. I got a flat tire about a mile away from here once and stumbled upon it. I almost forgot about my tire for at least 5 minutes.”

“Yes, I can see why” I respond.

Neither of us speak for the next 20 minutes. Instead of feeling awkward I was in a sense of awe and thought better of it than to disturb such a sacred place. Watching the sun set, in all of its magnetism, he breaks the silence saying

“I can’t imagine a better date”.

I laugh, “Of course you can’t, this was all your idea! But it really has been special, thank you”.

He smiles. Our gaze connects for a time, and almost like a magnet we began moving closer to one another, on the path for our first kiss. I’d believed I’d outgrown having butterflies, yet there they were, and just as our lips met … I woke up.

Thank you for reading :)

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