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The path you take

To continue or Give up

By CasperPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The day it all changed.

Change. Bad or good. Can you leave and start over.

Given an opportunity would you take it. To pick up and leave and do it a different way. Could it be possible to give it a try, OR keep at it till something changes it for you. The pros and cons of this change. I'm the kind of person that relies on all the knowledge I grew up with, but if I were to leave a place I didn’t grow up in, I wouldn’t know much. It’s the basic principle, you don’t notice it, but while you're growing your learning to remember, to thrive with the world and see things, experience things. To make a decision that could change everything, about this life you’ve created. Or that has created you. I firmly believe it could happen, you can be happy somewhere new, I've seen it happen to people in my life, they’ve picked up and left and they are much better people for it. Of course, in these situations life mainly changed it for them, but it worked in the long run, running isn't always a good thing when you want to start over. However, in some cases like this one. It's to live a better life than the one I have now. I want to leave. I want to find something better and nicer. Experience new things. Live more freely. Given the opportunity to start something, where no one else knows you. Would it be something good for the family, would it be something so terrible in the eyes of everyone.

Or would everyone understand, understand that everyone takes a break.

Not everyone needs constant familiar faces all the time, living in a small town does that, you turn there's someone you went to high school with, for someone like me who doesn’t want to be seen,

Being somewhere you're not known, is something beneficial. To start off were family oriented is my main problem. You don’t just not see them any minute you can, I mean I would love to live around my family, to see them often, just to see them. Not to get anything from them, not to be around them because I have to be, Responsibilities aren't my biggest worries there's not a lot holding me down more than family. Starting somewhere new isn't very new to me, I've had to do it for a while now. The stakes were high at one point, I've had very low days and now I realize a move like this, isn't something bad.

New and different. What difference does it make., and if it makes your day one bit nicer, why not.

I've only learned my biggest lessons, by life changing it for me.

By throwing really hard obstacles in my way and not letting me thrive and show myself how hard working, I can be. I am more than life has showed me. I have more to offer. Any way that’s my main concern. Other than that, how do you make such a drastic move. I've read article after article about how high crime is around these areas. There's not much going on around here other than poverty and greed. If you want to be more, do more. Not here though. Here no matter how hard you work, you're still the same person everyone thinks you are. If you weren't good enough back then you're not good enough now. They take one good look at you and if you're doing better and they don’t like you, opportunity is taken away somehow. That could be one of the reasons why it's better, when you’re an adult you take big steps, big decisions. You won't know what your potential is if you keep living life based on everyone else but you. Your decisions matter, if you don’t take a step forward if you don’t make a decision you'll never know. You'll never know if you got what it takes for something new. Something that could be the best decision You'll ever make or if it's worth at least the experience. I can be the one to tell you, new experiences aren't bad, they prepare you for adulthood, the change and what you're learning day after day doesn’t go waisted, there will be times your scared, or nervous, but what's gotten me through all those times has been to tell myself” I'm the adult here it's my responsibility to stay focused and not freak out, clear thoughts, clear decisions. It's worked every time. Don’t be afraid to do something new. Be wise, know when to ask for help, know your limits if something doesn’t work out instantly, be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Or does it? I grew up believing that if I was patient enough id get what I deserve but life has a good way of letting me know that’s not an immediate action. I guess I either have to write my own future and make it happen, instead of letting life hand me good karma. The idea of going away seems silly and sometimes it feels weird. I told myself id never do that. Time changes everything. But when there's greed and hate. In such a small town. The only thing you can do is be somewhere different, where your happy and safe from all the negativity you’ve had to encounter. Overall change is good and bad; however, you can make it a good thing. Don’t run because you want to hide, run because you want to live to your full potential. Be who you’ve always wanted to be, take the courage and think out of the box, live life to the fullest no regrets, do what makes you happy, do what's going to give you the strength to live another day and succeed. To stay true to yourself. And to make your life more worthy than what's making you unhappy.


About the Creator


Free Spirit


Firmly believe anything is possible

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