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The one sided love story


By Muhammad FarmanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emily. She was a smart, kind, and beautiful girl who had a passion for art. Emily lived in a small town where everyone knew each other, and she attended a local high school. She was popular among her peers, but she always felt like something was missing in her life.

One day, Emily met a boy named Alex. He was tall, dark, and handsome with piercing blue eyes that captured her heart the moment she saw him. Alex was new in town, and Emily was the first person to welcome him. They quickly became friends, and Emily found herself falling for him.

Alex was everything she had ever wanted in a guy. He was kind, funny, and intelligent. He shared Emily's passion for art, and they would spend hours talking about their favorite artists and paintings. Emily felt like she had finally found someone who understood her.

However, there was one problem - Alex only saw Emily as a friend. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend and wasn't ready for another relationship. Emily was devastated when she found out, but she didn't want to lose Alex as a friend, so she decided to keep her feelings to herself.

Months went by, and Emily tried to push her feelings aside. She dated other guys, but none of them could compare to Alex. She found herself thinking about him all the time and wondering what it would be like to be with him.

One day, Emily mustered up the courage to tell Alex how she felt. They were sitting in her room, and Emily couldn't keep her feelings inside any longer. She told Alex that she had feelings for him and had been struggling with them for months.

Alex was surprised by Emily's confession. He had no idea that she felt that way about him. He gently told her that he didn't feel the same way and that he valued their friendship too much to risk it. Emily was crushed, but she understood.

After that conversation, things between Emily and Alex were never the same. Emily tried to act like everything was normal, but she couldn't help feeling embarrassed and rejected. She stopped hanging out with Alex as much and tried to move on with her life.

But no matter how hard she tried, Emily couldn't stop thinking about Alex. She would see him at school and feel a pang of longing in her heart. She would hear his laugh and feel a rush of emotions she couldn't control. Emily knew that she had to do something to get over Alex, but she didn't know what to do.

One day, Emily was walking in the park when she saw Alex sitting on a bench. He looked sad, and Emily felt her heart break for him. She walked over to him and sat down next to him. They talked for a while, and Emily could see the pain in Alex's eyes. He was still struggling to get over his ex-girlfriend.

As they talked, Emily realized that she still cared about Alex deeply, even if he didn't feel the same way. She decided that she didn't want to lose him as a friend and that she would do whatever it took to keep him in her life.

Over time, Emily and Alex grew closer again. They started hanging out more, and Emily was able to put her feelings aside and focus on their friendship. She found that she enjoyed spending time with Alex, even if it wasn't romantic.

As they entered their senior year of high school, Emily realized that her feelings for Alex had changed. She no longer saw him as a romantic interest but as a dear friend. She was happy to have him in her life and looked forward to spending time with him.

One day, Emily was sitting in class when she received a note from Alex. It read, "Emily, I just wanted to let


About the Creator

Muhammad Farman

..Hey. I'm Muhammad Farman and I upload my ideas on vocal media my ideas are based on stories, biography, Health diseases, education

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