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The marvellous human body

Surprising facts about human body

By Kainat NaeemPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

The human body is an intricate masterpiece of nature, a complex symphony of organs, systems, and functions that work tirelessly to keep us alive and thriving. In this exploration of the incredible human body, we'll delve deeper into its astonishing features, dispel common myths, and uncover some fascinating facts.

Chapter 1: The Remarkable Stomach

Our stomach, often underestimated in its capacity, can hold up to half a gallon of liquids. To put it into perspective, that's equivalent to a large bottle of soda. While it's challenging to estimate how much solid food it can accommodate due to the varying nature of foods, it's clear that a turkey would be too ambitious. However, a good-sized chicken could find a place in this remarkable organ.

Chapter 2: The Elusive Appendix

The appendix, a mysterious vestige in the human body, continues to puzzle scientists. Its function remains uncertain, and some believe it may have aided our ancestors in digesting tough substances like tree bark. Nevertheless, its disappearance from our daily diet has rendered it obsolete, with no apparent consequences to its absence.

Chapter 3: Wisdom Teeth Woes

Wisdom teeth, often a source of discomfort and dental appointments, used to serve a purpose in our ancestors. They provided replacements when teeth were lost. However, in today's world, they tend to cause more problems than solutions, resulting in extractions and expenses.

Chapter 4: The Microbial Majority

Surprisingly, more than half of the cells in our body are microbial, living primarily in our gut. While our own cells make up less than half of our body, these microscopic inhabitants number around 100 trillion, highlighting the symbiotic relationship within our bodies.

Chapter 5: The Brain's Night Shift

Our brain doesn't rest when we sleep; it takes on different tasks. Processing information and consolidating memories require its attention, showcasing its relentless dedication to our well-being.

Chapter 6: The Unsung Hero - The Nose

The nose is a powerhouse, not only for smelling but also for filtering and conditioning the air we breathe. It plays a crucial role in our perception of taste, enhancing our culinary experiences.

Chapter 7: The Liver's Guardian Role

The liver, often overlooked, acts as our body's personal bodyguard. It defends us against toxins and harmful substances, demonstrating its remarkable regenerative capacity.

Chapter 8: The Aging Brain

As we age, our brain gradually shrinks, a natural process that doesn't necessarily correlate with a decline in mental strength.

Chapter 9: The Limits of Memory

Our brain's short-term memory has limits, allowing us to hold only a few pieces of information at once. This capacity is crucial for everyday activities, from conversations to navigation.

Chapter 10: The Body's Shrinking Act

As we age, not only does our brain shrink, but our bones and spine compress, making us slightly shorter at the end of the day compared to the morning.

Chapter 11: The Uniqueness of Human Walking

Among mammals, humans are the only ones capable of walking on two legs throughout their entire lives, showcasing our distinctive evolutionary adaptation.

Chapter 12: The Versatile Bones

Bones in our body serve various functions, including providing structure, protecting organs, and acting as a calcium reserve. They continuously adapt to our changing needs.

Chapter 13: The Curious Case of the Humerus

The humorous bone in our upper arm adds a touch of humor to our skeletal system. Its amusing name is a testament to the remarkable variety found in our bodies.

Chapter 14: The Ears' Hearing Secrets

Our ears are equipped with unique bones that enable us to hear. The stapes, the smallest bone in the body, plays a crucial role in transmitting sound vibrations.

Chapter 15: The Adaptability of Human Bodies

Our height, body shape, and skin color are shaped by our ancestors' environments. Human bodies exhibit an incredible ability to adapt to new conditions.

Chapter 16: The Internal Biological Clock

Our lifespan appears to be genetically programmed, with our cells having internal timers. Scientists are still exploring the possibility of extending human life indefinitely.

Chapter 17: The Protective Role of Body Fat

Body fat isn't just a nuisance; it acts as insulation, energy storage, and a shock absorber. It plays a vital role in protecting our internal organs.

Chapter 18: The Quirky Anatomy of Owls

Owls' unique eye tubes and necks, allowing them to rotate their heads nearly 270 degrees, illustrate the wonders of nature's adaptations.

Chapter 19: The Feline Sensory Marvel

Cats possess Jacobson's organ, which enables them to detect undetectable odors in the air. It also allows them to communicate through pheromones and identify each other.

Chapter 20: The Myth of Dog Colorblindness

Dogs aren't colorblind; they perceive a limited range of colors compared to humans. Their vision consists mainly of yellows, blues, and violets.

Chapter 21: Human Fingerprints and Uniqueness

Every human has a unique nose print, just like fingerprints. This distinct pattern can be used as a form of identification.

Chapter 22: The Morning Height Surprise

Humans are slightly taller in the morning than later in the day due to gravity's compression effect on cartilage in the spine and knees.

Chapter 23: The Astonishing Brain

The human brain, composed of over 86 billion nerve cells, has more connections than there are stars in the Milky Way. It's a complex organ that governs our thoughts, memories, and actions.

Chapter 24: The Lethal Stomach Acid

Stomach acid is incredibly powerful and can dissolve bone and metal. Thankfully, the stomach's lining prevents it from digesting our own organs.

Chapter 25: The Mysterious Nose Print

Each individual has a unique nose print, similar to fingerprints. This distinct feature can serve as a form of identification.

Chapter 26: The Curious Case of Sleepwalking

Human beings are the only animals that voluntarily delay sleep, often pushing their bodies to the limits.

Chapter 27: The Constant Blink

Throughout our lives, we blink around 25 sextillion times, illustrating the significance of this involuntary action in protecting our eyes.

Chapter 28: The Miraculous Human Body

In conclusion, the human body is an incredible marvel of nature, filled with astonishing features and functions. From the resilience of our bones to the adaptability of our senses, our bodies continually surprise and amaze. Embracing the complexity and uniqueness of our physical selves, we can better appreciate the wonders that lie within.


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KNWritten by Kainat Naeem

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