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The Mandela Effect

and the end of the world

By Junine KealaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

As a teacher of 10 and 11-year-olds, I believe quality education is based on inquiry and exploration. Every spring I take the 12 or so students that I am responsible for on a long ramble. For 3 days and nights we explore this Eden we call earth; pausing to sketch different creatures and plants on our treks during the day and stirring up the ancient energies with our dancing in the forests at night.

Occasionally we will come across an artefact from the old days; a piece of tin, rusted heart shaped locket or a car tyre that the earth has not yet reclaimed and that always sparks a bunch of questions. The kids want to know what happened to all the people and why did they leave such a mess? ‘Why is there just us left?” someone will ask. It is the most important lesson of the journey and I wait until evening when we have eaten and we are sitting around the embers of a roaring fire and I tell the story.

I tell them about the start of the internet and how everything got very strange when the Vatican was hacked. Buried in a thousand pages of information was a single sheet with instructions on ‘How to End the World.’ I mention there was a rumour at the time that Nelson Mandela had previously been given the instructions and used them to end the world of apartheid, though that has not been verified.

By this time the students are intrigued, the circle of faces luminous in the shadow of the firelight, and someone will ask on behalf of the group; ‘what are the instructions?’

I tell them there are five steps.

Step One: Consider why the world needs to end and how you want it to end. Whether the reason be political, religious, cultural or personal there must be an absolute personal conviction of what needs to happen and why it needs to happen.

Step Two: Develop a symbol that can be shared with others. This will provide a focus for the gathering of energies required for the eventual manifestation desired.

Step Three: On 99 separate occasions, in a meditative state visualise yourself offering the symbol you have created to different individuals and their receiving the symbol with gratitude.

Step Four: Remain open to the flow of opportunities to discuss your ideas for the end of the world and to share your symbol with others you encounter along the way.

Step Five: Calmly wait, without surrender to doubt or fear, for the world to end.

At this point most students are confused and their questions all come at once;

"So did all the people do that? "

"If people made the world end, how is it still here? "

"How are we still here? "

I explain that the instructions were somewhat misleading. You can’t really end the world; the world has her own destiny. What you can do is end the world from your perspective, all you need is to reach a tipping point of expectation. If enough people have a strong enough desire to have a particular experience on the earth, they will all resonate at a very particular level of vibration and the earth, who is always interested in contributing to growth, will oblige them and create a facsimile earth to allow them to have the experience they desire.

I look around at the enrapt faces and I laugh. “Things were crazy for a while. At first just small groups of 100 people would disappear and as it happened over and over again people became more and more concerned. The single biggest mob disappearance was all the Christians who were concerned they were missing the rapture and decided to create their own. The most spectacular parallel reality occurrence was all those who wanted the experience of dying in atomic war. Now that was a drama. And as people started to panic others would offer them what was called the “Jim Jones” alternative and groups of them would gather to take poison and die together on earth.

“So, what happened to the people for whom the world ended” someone asks, and I shrug; ‘That is the magic of our world, we live in a multidimensional universe, they are all having different experiences at different levels of vibration, according to their chosen perspective.’ A solum face looks up from the flicker of the flames to ask; “what about when they die.?’ I smile. “The same thing that happens when anyone dies. If they believe they are going to heaven, they will go there. If they believe they will be surrounded by virgins that is what they will have. Some who believe there is nothing after they die, will float around in nothingness for a while, until they realise that they are still thinking.”

I tell the kids that eventually the earth settled down and a great peace started to descend. I look around the group and say that “all that were left were the meek, the independent thinkers, the Indigenous peoples and the children” before I stand up to throw a log on the fire, sending sparks up into the night sky and continue, growling with mock severity; “we have inherited a paradise, let’s keep it that way.” Then I pick up my drum to signal the start of the dancing.


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