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The happeniess I found

What makes you happy?

By Naila Published 3 years ago 3 min read

The only thing important is to love what you do. Being able to express yourself through Painting, Writing, Drawing, Arts and Crafts, and other ways is important as long as you're happy. I love the feeling of making things, making something I can call my own, something no one can take because it was made by me. I think it's vital for people to find what they are passionate about as a way of a distraction or to simply put a smile on your face. If it's important for people to have a passion then what's mine?....Well I love to do arts and crafts!!! I know most people do but why is my craft different from most people simply because I created it.

I love the feeling of holding a pencil in my hand and carefully planning my next move. The process of creating my vision can become a long and stressful experience with myself. The anger and frustration of these memories fades away because I made it even through all the hard times because I choose not to give up. Looking at the final product of my creation I thought will never come true or be real makes me happy because I did it. Though I play a risky game with scissors trying not to mess up or having to start over. When I get it right it feels like a huge accomplishment because with experience I know the littlest mistake can ruin a lot of things. My favorite part of Arts and Crafts is coloring because colors can represent so many things but it's mainly used as a way of conveying emotions.

My favorite Arts and Crafts is a simple flower. Just as colors can represent many things a flower can hold a powerful message. My flowers never die; they live holding a message I create. These flowers are not ordinary flowers because they are a representation of me and my growth as a person. Just like any flower I was once a seed wondering what the outside world will be. As I soon sprouted up from the ground I couldn't wait to become a beautiful flower seeing, knowing and exploring more. Every flower represents my childhood years, a time we all want to go back to but can't but just like how a flower can't turn back into a seed I continue to grow and everyday I learn more. As I grow I see more of the outside world I was fond of as a kid.

Every planning, cutting, folding, and coloring, are all part of a long process of something I find happiness in. When doing Arts and Crafts I can focus on one thing at a time instead of handling so many things at once. Not only is hobby a way for me to relax but it's a reminder that I should not hold myself to standards; because I only limit myself and the possibility of the endless things I can do. As people we compare or criticize our own work because it's not good enough or it's not better than another person but sometimes we fail to realize the beauty in our own creations. Sometimes we take the beauty of our imagination for granted and view something so amazing as a horrible thing.

That's why I believe no matter what you do in life be confident in what you love. Be open to explore different possibilities because there is more than one craft in the world. Everyone deserves to have or do something in their lives that makes them happy. So what makes you happy?


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