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The Gemini and Love

Plus, how to attract one!

By S. G. MarinPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Gemini and Love
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Are you interested in dating a Gemini? Are you already married to one? Well, here is the breakdown of how Gemini's are in love.

I wrote a piece about the Gemini personality earlier and so I want to put a similar note in front of this piece, too. I had obtained my information through lots of research and, if you're a Gemini, some of this information may not be true to you as an individual since every human has their differences. What is true for you is your truth. I hope you enjoy this piece, nonetheless.

A list of How Gemini's are in love...

~They love to talk~

By Christin Hume on Unsplash

Geminis are always ready for an intellectual challenge. They will see love first through communication and verbal contact. Having good communication with their partner is just as important as physical contact with them. All obstacles seem to fade when they find these two traits combined.

Their ruling planet happens to be Mercury which signifies communication and cognitive function. You'll notice just how much they enjoy talking. They love asking questions because new information really intrigues them. If a Gemini never wants to stop talking to you, he/ she is most likely pretty smitten with you.

I cannot stress this enough: Geminis appreciate open and honest communication. If you want to keep a Gemini around, communication is key! They would be perfectly happy talking to their partner all night long, after all, who needs to dream when reality feels so much more beautiful? That's what Geminis are thinking, anyway.

That being said, Geminis are willing to spend a lot of time with various lovers in order to find the right person that can match their energy and intellect. When they find the right person who is a lover, a friend, and someone to talk to, their partner's heart will always be treasured and the Gemini will always be faithful.

~Family and Friends are important~

By Ball Park Brand on Unsplash

To the Gemini, their family and friends are extremely important. The moment they introduce you to their people, you know that they consider you a part of that group. However, they will most likely keep you separate from the rest of their life if they are just trying to keep things casual. They need to be positive that they're in love before these big introductions because they don't take emotional attachment lightly.

~They'll always want to include you.~

By Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

There are often times when Gemini's will need to recharge or retreat from everyone for a while. It makes sense, considering how bubbly and social they are. They will spontaneously reappear as if no time had passed. That being said, if you're lucky enough to be loved by a Gemini, they most likely feel like you understand them. When they feel misunderstood by the world, this little fact matters to them a lot. So, whether they need a retreat or an adventurous hike, you'll most likely be invited to join them either way. Once they are in love, they want to include their special someone in all their activities.

~They Want to hold onto this Beauty they Found~

By Tani Eisenstein on Unsplash

Gemini's are free-spirited in so many ways. They desire the freedom to be who they are and do what they want. When they finally feel understood and cherished the way they're meant to be or when they finally find that one person to love them unconditionally and appreciate who they are or when they finally find themselves deeply fascinated and intrigued by another, they never want to let that go. It takes them a moment to allow themselves to get emotionally attached, generally speaking, but when they are there, they are fully in it!

They don't mind experiences with a wider range of individuals because their life-long quest (whether they are aware or not) is to find their life partner, their other half, 'the one'. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a romantic partner. Their other half may very well be a really good friend or a mentor, or it could, in fact, be that of a lover. Whoever this person is, it's the mission of Gemini to find this person.

~Steamy Moments~

By We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash

Now, for those steamy moments! Gemini's are usually willing to try anything at least once. This makes them very adventurous lovers. They will give you a very memorable fling if you are only looking for something casual. They enjoy planning these romantic getaways just to take you on adventures. Gemini's are very exciting mates because they are so passionate and fun.

They are great flirts and skilled at charming people. They have this natural dating ability. It's easy for them to date more than one person at a time or to be a 'player' until their thirst for variety is quenched. They tend to lose interest quickly and change partners often because they crave excitement and passion.

Commitment is scary for Geminis because they don't want to lose their independence. However, once they can truly dive in, they will give their relationships everything they got. There is no halfway or in-between with Gemini. Even when they keep it casual.

~Best Romantic Matches~

By Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

Their three best matches are Libra, Aries, and Aquarius.

Libra: Libra with Gemini would be a perfect match. They both love to have fun and are strong communicators. They are both adventurous in bed which allows the sizzle to continue throughout their relationship. Art and Culture is a common interest in which they share. Plus, they are both a match for each others' outgoingness and intelligence.

Aries: This would be an exciting match since both these signs are outgoing and enthusiastic. Aries, being a natural-born leader, compliments Gemini's intelligence beautifully. Aries will always love the zest of Gemini and these two signs are bound to have lots of adventures together.

Aquarius: With the amount that these two signs love surprises, they will enjoy being spontaneous with each other. Aquarius and Gemini will be the best of friends as well as lovers. Strong communication will most likely be present with these two lovebirds, but they are both very independent in their own ways and may enjoy the occasional alone time as well.

~Least compatible signs for Gemini~

By Breno Machado on Unsplash

Pisces, Virgo, and Scorpio are the least compatible matches for Gemini.

Pisces: This sign is a little too emotional for Gemini. Pisces is typically really sensitive and they will get their feelings hurt when plans get cancel because Gemini found a more fun, more adventurous activity for them to do.

Virgo: Both of these signs are very intelligent, it's true, but they will actually get on each others' nerves quite a bit. Both of these signs would find themselves upset by the nature of the other. The meticulous studying of Virgo will only bore Gemini. The flexibility and unreliability of Gemini will drive the Virgo crazy who really love precision. Plus, Virgo would most likely end up driving Gemini away by over-criticizing them.

Scorpio: Scorpios are far more introverted than the outgoing Gemini which will make these two signs clash. These two signs are essentially opposites and wouldn't attract each other. The Scorpio will find Gemini to be superficial with the way the Scorpio is usually intense and serious.

~Gemini Women in Love~

By Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Gemini women are known to keep their individuality in the relationship and to stay fiercely independent. Once in a committed relationship, they will stand loyal and faithful. Gemini women are not prone to jealousy. They are adventurous and fun. They are delicate lovers. They will go out of their way to make you feel safe and happy. The twins will always play their part, allowing her to be loving in one moment and emotionally aloof in another.

Trust goes a long way with the Gemini women!

~Gemini Men in Love~

By Tyler Nix on Unsplash

It's always best to be patient with Gemini men. It takes them a little bit longer to take the dive and readily commit to anyone. Love and patience are key if you want to have a committed relationship with a Gemini man. They can be very hard to resist being intelligent, witty, funny, and flirtatious ways. They will tend to woo you with their words.

They are adventurous and talkative and really love experimenting. Gemini men won't be clingy or possessive. They actually need someone who is willing to give them their space every once in a while.

They tend to believe that commitment takes away their freedom, but when they find that special someone and fall in love, they will love that person forever. You will never have to give it a second thought or worry that he's not being truthful. Because really he is!

Thank you so much for reading :)

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About the Creator

S. G. Marin

I'm optimistic, married, a mom, a writer, a reader, an artist. Being only thirty years young, I want to be a published author when I grow up. I hope to help heal the world with my words, for they are quite powerful when used correctly.

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    S. G. MarinWritten by S. G. Marin

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