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The driven earthly world

The biggest force of the century, what is driving the world's big changes

By Karen GillanahPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The driven earthly world
Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

What drives human behavior? What drives the functioning of society? We all agree that profit and purpose are the driving forces behind human behavior and the functioning of society. What are your interests? What is the purpose? Interest is a scarce thing that man desperately needs; in other words, interest is a necessity for man. If survival is the purpose, then benefits are the various resources that support survival. Why do we need various resources of interest? It is our survival that must be based on these resources of interest, and it is survival that forces us to obtain these resources of interest; otherwise, we cannot survive. It is easy to see that earthly society is a human activity driven by survival.

To survive, we first have to carry out production activities to solve the problem of human food, clothing, housing, and transportation; we have to form a society to gather manpower and manage the distribution of resources; we have to establish government institutions for the deployment and management of social order; we have to establish a state for geopolitical security and stability; we have to establish an army for the existence of the state; we have to defend ourselves and We have to wage war to defend ourselves and our groups; we have to disappear our enemies for our existence. ...... Our complex series of behavioral activities are closely linked, and there is a powerful force that drives us to do all this. We know how this force works, and it is this force that we use to create the civilization of human society, and it is this force that has created this diverse and complex world on earth.

What is this power? It is the drive to survive. Survival drive is a backward thrust that cannot be denied, which pushes every person to make uninterrupted behavioral activities. Survival activities are the price one must pay for existence, one cannot help but survive, so everyone has to accept the drive to survive, and all human activities are compelled by the purpose of survival, although the complex facts of life have been covered up this compulsion, and it seems that we are all doing what is necessary on our initiative, but we have to do it. Not only are hunger, thirst, cold, loneliness, and danger driving us to engage in necessary survival activities, but by separating the differences and distinctions on earth, we are also intentionally creating this drive. Differences in life, differences in appearance, differences in status, differences between rich and poor, differences in wisdom and stupidity, differences in beauty and ugliness, differences in love and hate, differences in affinity ...... and all other earthly differences, for what purpose? It is to create a driving force, and the energy of this driving force is - pain. For a long time, we have been borrowing pain as a powerful driving force for survival activities, that is, the behavior we have to give to avoid all kinds of pain is the driving force we need.

It is common in human society that we toil to make a living, i.e., to feed ourselves; we defend and attack for the safety of life and property; we use our wits in order not to lose in competition; we resort to various means to deny death .....doing nothing but avoiding the pain of survival. But then we are intentionally creating pain to justify all our actions. Isn't that so? Where there is much pain, where the pain is deep, the more intense the activity of society and human behavior. Where there is less pain, where the pain is shallow, the social and human activity is much slower and smoother.

Why do you want to create social differences? Why do we need to create human differences? Why do we allow conflicts to exist? That is our unspoken truth that without these driving forces that produce suffering, society and human behavior would lose their vitality and the earthly world would lose its driving force. What this says is that from the very beginning of existence, we are driven to exist by the pain of existence and the fear of death, so we have to continuously create all kinds of painful experiences as a way to keep us in existence, otherwise, with what power and what energy do we exist?

This finally makes it clear why the world is a world of suffering, society is a society of suffering, and life is a life of suffering. Without the existence of suffering, what drives us? Without the existence of suffering, what would keep existence going? Suffering is a whip that follows us like a shadow, it drives us to accomplish everything difficult to accomplish, it d to endure everything thaand t is unbearable. It turns out that pain is not only our own self-inflicted but also the only thing we depend on for our existence to this day. It is pain that drives us to have this incredible paradoxical earth.

When we think about it, all the orders, all the systems, and all the actions we take on earth are intentionally or unintentionally creating all kinds of pain. We do not know that we have unknowingly suffered from "pain dependence". If there were no pain in the current human order, our society would come to a halt and we would not know where to go in life. What a tragedy it is: we are struggling to survive because of pain.


About the Creator

Karen Gillanah

The aggravation that can be told is not aggravation; the lover that can be snatched away is not a lover.

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