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The death of the man

where did it all go wrong?

By Lena BaileyPublished 11 months ago Updated 7 days ago 4 min read

So, I wanted to do this post for a while. I've noticed that in the changing of what the traditional man is, it changed for the better and also for the worst. While it is good that men and women are now sharing responsibility in a relationship and men are allowing women some independence some men are treating women like trash. Men treat women like we all they want sex or all that we were made for was sex. It has gotten worse over the years.

This topic really came to light in a different way because of a conservative TV personality by the name of Candance Owens. In 2020 Candance made headlines for her remarks about Harry Styles wearing more traditionally feminine clothing. Forbes made a great point, why is this still an issue when we have had a lot of gender bending rockstars in the past and drag queens past, present and future. Candance stated “There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the west, the steady feminization of our men at the same time that Marxism is being taught to our children is not a coincidence. It is an outright attack. Bring back manly men.”

We complain about men being too macho and then we complain that they're too feminine. Will we ever be happy with men? Candance mentioned the East knowing how to be men. What East is she talking about? At one time in Japan and East Asia the suicide rate was high especially among men because they were under so much pressure to be manly men. In the Middle East men are so manly that they try to control women. They're also very radicalized and militant. So what East is she talking about?

The men that believe the same as Candance are very worried about their manhood. They are worried that they will look weak or gay. I had this guy recently harp on the idea of the fact that he wasn't gay or soft because in his mind being gay or soft wasn't what a real man was. In his mind you wanted a soft or a gentler guy, you were a man. Men like this and women like Candance think that there is only one way to be a man and that is too be tough and masculine.

Let's be honest though, the feminine man is (for the majority) less of a threat to women as a whole. I have never heard of a sensitive or feminine male hurting a woman and if there are news stories like that out there, it's not at the frequency as the masculine males. Women are getting raped, killed, kidnapped and abused by manly men. For that reason, I don't know why Candance is taking more of an offense to a man in a dress than a woman getting raped or killed by a guy. I am more scared of the manly man than anyone else. I am terrified to date because I don't want to get raped, killed, kidnapped or anything else like that.

Maybe if men were more feminine or in touch with that side of themselves women wouldn't have to be afraid. On average women are safer with more sensitive men. So let's talk about the real death of men and the real threat to women. Some of this may also be a threat to society as we know it.

The first problem is some men don't want to work especially if they are with a woman who makes decent money. I've had 4 exes that were broke all the time with 2 guys they worked, and I didn't. The other 2 they didn't work but I did. The 2 that didn't work also didn't take care of themselves.

It's not about taking care of a woman financially, it's about a man taking of himself and his responsibilities. Women don't always want to be taken care of, but they do want a partner who is willing to take care of themselves. We as women want effort.

The next problem is the fuck bois. Yes there are women who only want sex like men. The main problem with fuck bois now is that they will pretend to want what you want but then use you for sex. They will lie and do anything for sex.

The next problem is the disrespect. Women have been abused, killed and raped by men. We have also been cheated on and mistreated. Then on top of this we have to deal with men not treating us with respect.

Men don't act like they used to. Back in the day men used to respect women and treat them with dignity and respect. They used to have actual conversations with women and take them on dates. Women used to get compliments on our outfits and get called stuff like pretty. Now we get called bitch, whores and hot. Women get used for sex.

Men also get violent and mad when we tell them no. They act entitled to our time. If we tell them no, they insult us and/ or keep trying. Women have also been punched and set on fire because they decided to tell a man no. They also rape us when we say no. It is scary to be a woman.

So maybe the guy Candance is afraid of is the one we need the most. Maybe we need men to be more feminine, soft, and gentle. Maybe if they get more in touch with that side of themselves, we wouldn't have a problem. I'm not wanting all men to be gay just softer.

I don't know when soft and feminine men became a bad thing, but it needs to be a good thing again. When I say feminine, I mean more in touch with their feelings, emotions and sensitive side.

Let me know what you think and I hope you liked this post.


About the Creator

Lena Bailey

Georgia born writer. Specializing in dating and true crime

If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected]

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