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The Concept of Time Heals All Wounds.

Healing is a path with no directions and no time table.

By M FPublished 2 years ago 17 min read
Photo cred. Jonathan Zoeteman & Chloe Chapdelaine

"Throw away the idea that you need to pause your life until you are fully healed; this is a different kind of attached to perfection. Progress happens when you make better decisions in the midst of living, you can simultaneously heal your past while being open to the present."

-Yung Pueblo

In life. In love. In work. In friendships. In all aspects.

Time allows you to become the person to accept, forgive, and grow into the person who is able to move on, move forward, and let go of your pain. Understanding that it doesn’t matter and does you no good to reflect and allow those things to hold any power over you.

The concept of time healing all wounds is flawed as it assumes that all wounds can necessarily be healed. Most pain just needs to be released and let go. Pain forgiven for you not for them.

Time allows the space to realize that it’s not worth it to hold on and that it doesn’t really matter, to ask yourself what truly matters to you. To allow yourself to find peace within yourself that you allowed to be taken from you and find that again for yourself, to give that back to yourself and to become a better person for it.

Time gives you a chance to become a version of yourself that no longer lets those wounds to have any place in your life or power over your energy.

A version of you that can process, be self-aware of the waves of emotions and effects caused, and let go in a healthy way. Time allows you to hold space for yourself to accept, acknowledge, and release what hurt you and understand why it did.

Time is a vessel to helping you make peace with the wounds and pain that were caused and to become the version of yourself to where you are ready and aware enough to process, let go, and grow from the pain.

To forgive what happened when you are ready and understand it is for your peace and not because what happened was fair or not or deserves to be forgiven or forgotten. Because you understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean that it is forgotten.

Healing is something that you have to do for yourself, in your own way, and in your own time.

Everyone's journey is different, everyone's way of processing things is as well. Time gives you the chance find your way of healing but time doesn’t do it for you.

Life and time continue to move and evolve, it’s is up to you to do the same. Time is full of potential but the capacity that time holds for you is up to you. And the time that you choose to take should never be compared to someone else’s.

While time is something that is limited in this life, it is something that should be experienced and appreciated. It is something to be valued. But, it is something that shouldn’t be rushed especially when it comes to matters of our being. Things will happened when they are supposed to and when you are ready if you are open and in the place to accept them. Naturally, not forced. Nothing good ever comes from things that are forced because forced is not a whole hearted action and comes from an ingenuine place that never results in true change and reflection.

"Taking a moment to figure out how you really feel instead of letting old patterns decide for you is one of the most authentic things you can do."

-Yung Pueblo

Life isn’t about pausing until you are fully healed because healing is a journey that often takes time. Time that never has a definitive answer for you. Time is about giving you the space in life to be honest with yourself to heal along your journey.

Healing is a matter of the heart and mind working together to find harmony.

Healing is not linear. It is not definitive. It has no set process. No guide and no limits. Healing has no time limits and often isn't ever on our time table.

Healing is about making conscious and intentional decisions to change your patterns and reacts to your pain in the midst of the chaos of life.

“You can simultaneously heal your past while being open to the present” -Yung Pueblo

Time helps us learn that there is no linear path to healing. There is no "right way." Life often catches us thinking we have healed and then realizing we didn’t as much as we had thought. Or maybe it simply is that we thought we were done and we had only finished one part in our journey.

Time helps us embrace the change in life that is out of our control.

Time gives us the insight that true healing takes time and often happens in stages much like grief. And often the two concepts are synonymous running parallel because most of the things than cause us pain in life hurt the most because we felt the loss of something or someone whether we choose to acknowledge that initially or not.

Healing is a journey that we take through all the parts of pain. Acceptance. Grieving. Forgiveness (for ourselves). Letting go. Peace.

"Time does not heal all wounds; it just gives them space to sink into the subconscious, where they will continue to impact your emotions and behavior. What heals is going inward, loving yourself, accepting yourself, listening to your needs, addressing your attachments and emotional history, learning how to let go, and following your intuition."

-Yung Pueblo

The most genuine growth and transformation happens when we allow and trust the process of life, seeking to better ourselves but allowing the constant flow of life not forcing anything but being open to everything. Understanding that when we are ready we will find peace with our pain, our insecurities, our past, our present, and even our future but making a conscious effort to work through those things without forcing ourselves to try to heal things we aren’t ready for and being patient with ourselves in the process of it all. Always coming from a place of self-reflection, awareness, and love. Seeking to find true inner peace with who we are and all that has made us into the person we currently are. All the good, all the bad, and the process of understanding and learning from it.

Time gives you space to grow. Space to heal. Space to feel all that it is you feel. Space to remember. Space to make peace. And space to just be.

Until the pain that you used to carry so heavily no longer thrives in that space. Until the hurt no longer has a home. Until healing has a home that only hurt used to live in your heart.

Time allows us the patience to feel everything we need to feel in the moment we feel it and address each emotion as it crashes into us. Time allows us to heal when we are ready holding space for our pain until we choose to face it. Until we are ready to be honest about every aspect of ourselves and the pain. Until we are brave enough to see everything that we want to and everything we chose not to.

Healing is an inward action that occurs on a multidimensional conscious level that leads to the kind of peace that can't be taken away, inward peace.

Reflecting on all emotions, reflection on all pain, and reflecting on ourselves in the process. Being radically honest with ourselves to find the deepest root of what hurt us the most and why. Finding it within ourselves to heal from the origin. Often times finding and addressing past pain and hidden patterns along the way that were never healed. Pain and trauma that we suppressed and ignored because we didn’t know how to deal with them or chose not to.

Time allows us to accept that we are not perfect and it is not fair for us to ever expect anyone else to be either.

Most of our emotional reactions to present pain come from past suppressed wounds that were never healed. Wound that were allowed to make a home inside of us impacting us in numerous aspects. These are the wounds that present pain reignites. Until the root pain is often addressed, familiar pain will continue to trigger us.

Because true healing is not complete until you can remember what happened and are no longer controlled by the same emotions that it once made you feel. Until that emotional association is no longer valid for you because you have worked through that pain making peace, until the attatchment no longer affects you.

Time gives you the chance to address your pain on your terms rather than let it address you on its own the rest of your life through its manifesting of a hurting hidden pain left unattended to. In our thoughts, actions, and words in how we treat others and treat ourselves.

Remembering without reacting. Feeling without fortifying. Acknowledging that you won’t ever forget about pain but that you deserve more than reliving it every time. Choosing to remember it differently because you deserve more. And accepting everything that happened for all that it is. Letting go of expectations that were unfair & projections that were only ever ours.

No more, no less and respecting the feelings that you felt at that moment without needing to hold onto them, without needing to attach to them anymore.

Remembering our pain and past wounds is inevitable but making peace and letting go means that when they come up again you will be able to release them and they will have no power over you.

Time does not heal all or any wounds. That is something that you have to do yourself, something you have to consciously want for yourself. Finding you when you are ready not when you want it to happen.

Letting go of blame. Anger. Hate. Letting go of what was and what could have been.

Time allows you time to come to realistic terms with what happened. The reality that no matter how you feel about it will still be the reality. To let go of what ifs and whys. To come to terms with what happened and the change that it caused you. Because often a huge part of what hurts us the most is the sudden change that was caused to us that we did not want. To accept the change, accept the reality, and allow that chapter to close.

Peace comes with learning to be kind to ourselves and have patience while we learn how to love ourselves.

Our pain will remain a part of us until it becomes peace. Peace doesn’t come without effort. Your identity should not be intertwined with your pain nor should your trauma define you. These are limits that happen unconsciously that we place on ourselves as we get hurt through life that we have to work to unravel.

This interweaving has prevented the fluidity that is necessary for your true sense of self to reveal itself and all the changes that life brings.

"We are built of all of those that have built and broken us."


Healing is a person transformation of our wounds that we have to be kind to ourselves in the process of. Allowing you to transform pain and grow from it. Accepting the changes that it caused in your life, in you, and in who you can grow into because of it.

"When you can be okay with things not having gone a certain way, life begins again. Making peace with the past opens you up to love and adventure and allows you to apply the lessons you have learned with a new calmness."

-Yung Pueblo

Grow into learning to love yourself, learning from mistakes, process your emotions, and learning to cope in healthy ways. Along with healing comes so much self-awareness in discovering a more mature way to handle the ups and down of life.

Learning that it’s okay to no be okay. Bring ultimately okay comes from allowing yourself to not be okay sometimes. And not being okay leads to being okay with letting go.

Becoming more emotionally intelligent and mature as you learn to have a healthier relationship with your emotions by working through the most painful parts of them. Learning so much about yourself in the process. Learning to have a healthier relationship with your emotions welcoming them with open arms, unpacking them when they need it, and the awareness to understand them. Allowing you to rise above all the ups and downs that life throws at you rather than crumbling, staying instead of running.

Healing much like forgiveness is something that has to come with the intention of doing it for yourself. And that is a realization it often takes time to accept.

It isn’t about an apology. It isn’t about justice. It isn’t about answers. It isn’t about closure. Once you understand that, you will start to find your peace.

It is about doing it for your happiness, for your mental peace, and for your emotional well-being. Learning to make peace with your past so that it no longer controls your future. Peace that allows you to no longer care and devote the energy that you once did. To reclaim your present and your happiness. To allow yourself to unpack all that you’ve carried and let go of the pain that you don’t deserve to hold anymore. To begin again in a new light and living with a renewed sense of clarity and freedom.

"Letting go does not mean you have given up, and it does not mean you no longer care. It just means that you are releasing the attachments of the past that get in the way of your happiness and mental clarity. Letting go is the unbinding and disentangling of old behavior patterns that pull you into unnecessary mental tension and worry."

-Yung Pueblo

Time allows you space to lose the attachment and association that you held once for all the wounds that your pain caused you.

Peace that allows you to see what pain was meant to teach you, show you about yourself. With awareness comes the understanding that pain is an important tool in life that can guide us in a positive way if we choose to learn from it.

Finding our own peace gives us perspective that pain could never give us. Taking away all the falsities that clouded our clarity from our hurt. Stripping away the conditioning that we never wanted or deserved to begin with.

Time gives us space to release our past pain that led to limiting our capacity for happiness and love. Space to let go of our insecurities and assumptions. Space to let go of conditioning that our past has created to hold over us. Space to let go of our attachments. And awareness to learn how to be better to ourselves and others. Giving us more insightful understandings of who we are and how we all choose to exist as beings.

Time allows us patience to process within ourselves everything that our pain meant.

Our level of self-awareness, self-love, and the unhealed pain and conditioning that we carry with us reflects in all those that we come across in life. In how we treat them, in how we talk to them, support others, and in the manner that we ourselves convey our existence as.

Healing is freedom and allows you to be more open to all that life has to offer leaving space for love rather than hate. Healing allows us to transform and live with the honest intention of being our genuine selves free from limits while learning to reconnect deeper with who we are.

Time helps us find freedom within ourselves to release our past the pain that it held for us, and to begin again. Without judgement, from a place of understanding all from a place of self-love.

Time allows us to get to the point in our journey of healing where we are able to let go and it feel restorative and not as a loss. Without negative attachments. To be a moment of happiness and freedom and not sadness. To not question but confidentially and consciously choose to move on, move past.

Healing is something that we find as it finds us. It isn’t something that anyone or anything can do for us. It’s a journey of self discovery that we all take many times in our life at different points finding ourselves over and over again.

“We do not realize how powerfully our past grips our present” -Yung Pueblo

Life is a constant flow that is full of waves trying to block our happiness and knock us down. It is up to us whether they turn into road blocks or building blocks that allow us to move forward and closer to knowing ourselves better.

"Growth is not about forcing understanding; it is about allowing it to grow organically."

-Yung Pueblo

Allowing organic growth and healing to occur within us and around us. Being open and allowing it to flow and find us. Focusing on what is flowing within us rather than being at the mercy of what happens to us.

Not allowing temporary emotions a permanent place in our present peace. Not allowing unprocessed trauma, unhealthy patterns, toxic habits, and unchecked reactions to control and drive us.

Time allows you to truly understand that you don’t have to understand and have an explanation for everything. That you don’t have it have it all figured out but that eventually you will. That things won’t always make sense. That through confusion comes clarity. That sometimes you need to feel lost to find your way again. And that all of these things often will find you in ways that you don’t expect them and from within and not from external.

With lack of awareness our self only knows to protect us at all costs often in unhealthy ways that when we gain understanding it no longer becomes about finding ways to survive and hide our pain but about ways to thrive finding balance and clarity.

Awareness within ourselves leads us from a reactive state to a responsive state with our emotions in moments that challenge our internal balance. Awareness of our own inner tensions so that we can work to release them and inherently feel lighter. Awareness allows us to be open to objective reasoning that our pain would never have allowed us to see. Awareness gives us clarity.

Awareness allows us to learn to respond in ways that pain would have us blindly react to.

Healing allows us to let go of parts of us that may have been living in the past limiting us from living objectively and clouding our minds through old emotional thought patterns. Healing allows us to move forward and open our minds to living objectively with our interactions coming from a place of life instead of reliving all of our yesterdays. Healing is about making your pain right within yourself and finding peace within that. Healing is an opportunity to grow and learn to see yourself differently along the way.

Healing takes time but time does not heal. Healing is something entirely that you do yourself. Healing your past pain is only sustainable when it comes from within with the right intentions and it is yours to create.

Choosing not to let our pain define us but to heal us into becoming a more wholesome and intentional version of ourselves. Finding such inner peace that is unwavering by our past and future wounds. And being kind to ourselves in the process of figuring it all out.

Time allows you the space to find the journey of healing that start with pain and ends with love, within yourself.


About the Creator


Your Feelings Are Valid Author. Chainsmokers and Fletcher fanatic. Quote lover. More emotional than your typical Capricorn. TPA. ISTJ. Lesbian. Asian.

Insta: @garnishdaddy. Owner of Native Cocktail Events

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