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That One Time My Little Sister Killed My Mother

A beautiful testimony.

By CharlenePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo By: Vidal Balielo Jr on

It was March 29, 1990 some time around 12pm and excruciating pain had overcome my mother and her whole stomach area. Having gone through 4 pregnancies before this one, the doctor had assured her that everything was going to be okay.

My mother at that time was a recovering heroin attic and had been clean for quite some time. So she knew it couldn't be anything drug related because my sister essentially was a healthy baby, and this was thought to be a healthy pregnancy.

They immediately take her in and prop her for tests and x-rays and then administer anesthesia for further and deeper testing. She had explained that it felt like my sister was tugging real hard on her insides and causing intense pain all around. And had continuously mentioned that something bad was going to happen.

While the anesthesia was kicking in the doctor had told her to count down slowly.


Moments later she says she felt her spirit jump out and now she is watching herself on the operating table. The room is pure chaos, doctors and nurses running back and forth as her vitals went crazy and her life was suddenly compromised.

The doctor was holding her eyes open telling her to, "stay awake, stay awake!"

All she responded with was, "don't worry, my God got me."

My sister was literally killing my mother from the inside. Her twisting and turning was grabbing a hold of her organs. She was losing a bunch of blood. The doctor then flipped the bed to try and keep the blood flowing and every last drop of blood pumping through her veins while he tried to fixed the issue.

This is all happening very quickly. And my mom who is down under and nearly dead is watching the doctors and nurses try and save her after they finally take my sister out and make sure she is alive and healthy.

My mother is now one on one with death and she is looking it straight in the eyes. She isn't scared. She knows her God will save her. She knows her faith is being tested.

She flat lined. After multiple transfusions and a full hysterectomy she was alive again. My mother had survived.

As she was slowly coming out of the anesthesia, my aunt who had worked at the hospital had came in to check up on her. My mother, a bit disoriented, had immediately questioned what had happened and why was she laying upside down.

My aunt was completely shocked, because how would she know that in detail if she was knocked out on anesthesia and pretty much dead at that point. She immediately said, "you have got an amazing testimony here!"

There's really no detailed answers as to what had happened and why and even how exactly my sister managed to, "kill my mother." But I am very grateful to have both in my life today.

I believe in miracles. I believe perhaps the drugs for so many years had tainted her blood and this was the only way for her to be completely free and completely clean. That dying on the operating table and being pumped back to life was her only way to start a new life. And I stick to that theory. It really is a beautiful testimony.

And today my mother is stronger than ever! Sometimes I stop and stare at my mother with full admiration. She really is my hero and every bit of strength she releases I am grateful to catch even half of it just to make it through my days.


About the Creator


she/her Creative Writer, Poetry, Blogs, Short Stories, Articles. Thoughts become letters, letters become words, & it all forms sentences that turn to magic!

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