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Ten tips to help you gain muscles faster

Don’t ignore number 8

By Ikem BlossomPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Here's an article on "10 Workout Tips to Help You Gain Muscles Faster":

Gaining muscle isn't always as easy as just lifting weights. It's a combination of a consistent workout routine and a proper diet. If you're looking to build muscle quickly, here are ten workout tips that can help:

👉 1. Compound exercises: Compound exercises are movements that work multiple muscle groups at once. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. These exercises can help you gain muscle faster than isolation exercises.These are very important exercises and should be in everybody’s workout plan from beginner to intermediate and even advanced.

👉 2. Progressive overload: You should always be increasing the weight you lift to continue challenging your muscles to grow. Start with a weight that you can lift with proper form for 8-10 reps, and aim to increase it by 5% each week.You should always try to beat your best,if you lifted a 15kg dumbbell today,by tomorrow,you should be able to lift a little bit more than that,say 20kg

👉 3. Rest: It's important to rest your muscles for at least 48 hours after a workout. This allows them to repair and grow stronger.However,don’t take too long resting as it may not be ideal for muscle building and it also messes up your workout plan.

👉 4. Focus on form: Proper technique is crucial to preventing injury and maximizing muscle activation. Take the time to learn the proper form for each exercise.It is better you don’t attempt the exercise than attempting it the wrong way.because it might have little or no effect on you and alsohas very high risk of injury

👉 5. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water helps with muscle recovery and growth. Make sure you’re drinking at least 8-10 cups of water per day.This is one thing many people ignore but the truth is that as a fitness personality,water is needed as the exercise itself because you sweat alot while exercising thereby losing a lot of water from your body.

👉 6. Eat enough protein: Protein is necessary for building and repairing muscle tissue. Aim to consume 0.8-1g of protein per pound of body weight daily.

👉 7. Try supersets: Supersets are when you perform two exercises back to back with little to no rest in between. This can be an efficient way to increase intensity and target multiple muscle groups.But be sure to know your limits,strengths and weaknesses.

👉 8. Get enough sleep: Your muscles grow and repair when you sleep, so it's important to get enough quality rest each night (at least 7-9 hours).This is one factor that most people including bodybuilders,athletes,models and even the regular “gym bros” ignore.Which is very bad because it is during sleep ypur muscles grow and gives you enough energy for the day.

👉 9. Use a variety of exercises: Mixing up your routine can help prevent plateaus and keep your muscles challenged. Try new exercises or variations of ones you already do.Now this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be consistent with your workout plan.In fact having a plan is very important as it helps you stay focused and determined.

👉 10. Be consistent: Building muscle takes time and consistency. Stick to your routine and don't give up if results don't come right away.Mastery,they say answers to consistency,muscle building is not a miracle that happens overnight.You have to be a regular visitor at the gym as over resting might not aid muscle growth

Remember, workouts alone won't have you gaining muscle faster if your diet and recovery aren't in check. Prioritize these tips along with a healthy diet to get the most out of your workout routine.

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