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Staycation for a week

I took a week off from work

By Priya GPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Staycation for a week
Photo by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

I took a week off from work and it was the best thing ever for my mental, physical and spiritual health. The job I have atm is stressful, ngl. It's demanding. However, the pay is good, hours are consistent, and its 7 minutes away from my apartment. Luxuries on luxurres, but yet, I sometimes bitch and complain about it. I’m allowed to, as is everyone else. However I know something better is on it's way soon.

But I decided to take a week off, and it was the best thing ever. I went to the beach and swam in a river. I was outside all day everyday, which I love especially in the summer time. MY whole body & spirit thrives outside in the sun. **cue “Standing on the sun” by Beyonce**

I was invited to a pool party, which awaken my child-like spirit and reminded me weirdly of a time in my adolescence when I couldn't go in the pool because I started my period, and I hadn't known how to use tampons at age 11.

Over my vacation, I relaxed and did nothing, but smoked a lot of weed, played Forza 5 on Xbox, went for drives around the city late at night. I had a lot of expectations going into it, and what I wanted to do, but it didn't turn out that way either.

Which made me learn a few things that I'd like to share:

1. Be open to other streams of income and not just one:

I am attached to my job, as are many people. It's their safety net, financial securities etc…etc, but there are millions of other jobs and the power of our mind. Whatever we’d like to attract, it will come to us. Whatever job you’d like to have, already exists and is waiting for you. (I've also started to re-read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. Once I started thinking about it like that, it took the weight off my shoulders, and I felt like I could breathe. This job isn’t everything there are others out there. It's okay to want to explore other things and try new things. We’re allowed. And also with inflation, we can stay open to different ways of making money.

2. Gave me time to reflect on my life:

I know that sounds deep, right? But I had time of solitude to reflect on my past decisions and have a quick scan of my memories and things that stood out to me that had an impact on me. It's important to reflect. Sit down & re-assess where you'd like to go next. A week off gave me that time.

3. Be more present.

As I was anticipating the vacation, it came and went fast. However, I was present through it all. I documented each day, I wrote. I enjoyed the experience, good & bad. And I surrended. When you're doing something, stay in the moment, especially if it's something you love.

4. Enjoy the luxuries...more often.

Sometimes we work too hard to forget that we can enjoy small things and huge things. I was off for a week, and I went to the beach( and I live near the beach, but don't go often) I was outside all the time, which I never feel I get to do. I have the opportunity on the weekends, but I don't take it. I don't feel like there's enough time sometimes to enjoy luxuries, but when we are in it, time slows down and we are present and we enjoy it.

5. Play more and be away from work more...if it makes you happy.

I guess this one ties into the last one, but awaken your inner child. I was at pool party, and my inner child was so happy. Being in the heat, the cool temperature of the pool, and coming out again and going back in. I was so happy. I was also away from work for a week, and gave someone else my responsibilities. It was bliss. Perhaps it's the job that I am not happy with, and I know that can change that, or perhaps my outlook on it. I know it's in a field that I love, but the work is too demanding, I desire to be dancing all the time, but instead am getting paid to be at the desk 70% of the time. Anyways, if it makes you happy take a few days off from work, relieve yourself. Even if you can a take a day. It helps. Be curious and go on adventures. My plan was to stay at home for most of my staycation, but i chose to create new experiences and more fun ones too!

It's also important to give your mind a break and priortize your peace of mind, whether it's going for a walk in the trees or meditating or journalling, whatever it may for you, you have to priotize it. I learned recently from Tony Robbins, that you have to take care of your mind & your body & spirit, as people are fantastic athletes, but hadn't learned to master their mind, which can result in different things.

So take care of yourself, in smallest ways possible, it will have long-term impact!


About the Creator

Priya G

I really enjoy writing, it has helped me process and document my life, my journies, the good, bad & everything in between. My hope, is that you as the reader and fellow writers, take what speaks to you! Happy reading! :)

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