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Do They Really Exist

By John WhyePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Are you one of those people who believe in a soul mate? That there is that one special person in the world that is looking for you while you are looking for them?

The concept that there is one person, somewhere in the world, who is exactly, perfectly suited for you, and you for them is a popular topic of discussion these days.

Do you believe in the magic and mystery of a match made in heaven, of ever finding your counterpart and true companion for life and even beyond, the ultimate hook up? Many people do, especially today in our romantic, love-obsessed, technologically blessed society.

If you really believe that somewhere out there is that one special person in the world who can exactly match you in a very special relationship, a love that literally transcends space and time, the elusive soulmate connection, you are definitely not alone.

Many people are on the same mission, to find that one person who shares the same special unique blend of energy and outlook on life that you do. The other half of you, the one that completes you and makes you emotionally whole. Your soul mate.

Some people spend their whole lives trying to find, identify and hopefully connect in a blissful union of equals with that one special person. Two halves that together make a whole person. Many people succeed. Many don’t.

This is admittedly a very romantic and fairly new concept that did not exist in most people’s minds even a few generations ago. It seems to be gaining traction and enjoying a popularity and a life of its own more and more every day, especially among younger couples.

Fueled by the internet dating scene, which with a few keystrokes can open up a seemingly unlimited pool of possible matches there are suddenly thousands of more potential mates available than any other generation has ever had access to. We have never been so aware of and awash in the sea of possibility.

This is an option that our parent’s generation never had. It is a very romantic notion. It has always been a source of endless fascination to me to ask couples how they first met, and how some chance encounter changed their lives forever.

In the past, once we got by the medieval practice of arranged marriages, most people just settled for the first potential mate they ran into regularly. The typical scenario was fueled by sheer physical proximity. The boy/girl next door, classmates, fellow workers.

Or the answer could be that they met in high school, or college, maybe somewhere in the vast pool of potential mates that exist in the otherwise neutral zone of the work world.

It could be a work friend that you suddenly feel a special affinity for. It could be after working long hours together on a special project late into the night.

You are sharing ideas, insights, and energy and suddenly get that FLASH of recognition about your workmate that inflames the spirit and inspires the soul. And wondering if they feel the same bond with you!

Even more popular is the notion that by cruising singles bars you will find that perfect person for you. Somebody you meet in a bar, maybe the same bar night after night. You hang out, you hook up and you eventually pair off into a couple!

Many people tell me they are “set up” by friends of theirs. In other words, they let their friends pick out their potential mates, and they meet at parties or social events, museum openings, art galleries, the latest trendy restaurants. It could be a nightclub, dancing venue, opera, or a rock concert.

Any place where it is obvious that they at least share some common interests. But wherever it is, whenever you meet that “perfect stranger,” the “urge to merge” is a very strong and innate human emotion.

But this particular time period we are all living in has expanded our potential pool of likely romantic matches exponentially. Just look at all the online match-making companies that are thriving today, some more reputable than others.

The list of potential matches has never been greater than today! There are literally hundreds of them and they cater to all different tastes.

All of them dangle the promise to find, identify and match you up with your exact counterpart. That special, magical other with whom you can forge a romantic bond of love, intimacy, and shared dreams.

That special one, the chosen one, your soulmate! The one who matches your own hopes and expectations, that one special person with whom you feel the beginning of the soul mate romance that will inevitably lead to true happiness for both of you.

It is like you are driven by this gnawing compulsion that yes, there is another part of you, your missing half, somewhere out there. That if you can only find them you will be able to merge into a blissful relationship that will guarantee you lifelong and perhaps even eternal happiness.

So besides all the traditional ways of meeting people, today there is a seemingly endless pool of potential online mates available to us. With all these possibilities to narrow down and identify potential matches now easily available, is it really so hard to imagine that somewhere out there exists a perfect match for you?

I personally think the concept of a soul mate is a very valid and real possibility, and I sincerely hope that you find that elusive “one” who will match you in all the complementary ways that you crave and desire.

I hope you too will someday find your soul mate, that special emotional match who completes you, your missing half. It is a very romantic notion but then again, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Always remember the old saying:

“The saddest words, on tongue or pen, are these few words, what might have been."


About the Creator

John Whye

Retired hippie blogger, Bay Area sports enthusiast, Pisces, music lover, songwriter...

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