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Sexual Dysfunction Does Not Take Into Account Age

It's better to stay informed.

By Chance RichPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Sexual Dysfunction Does Not Take Into Account Age
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

There is no man, just as there is no woman who has not gone through a passing episode of sexual dysfunction. The underlying causes are a messy, stressful life, no exercise, and an unbalanced diet - which often leads to decreased body energy and subsequent endocrine changes.

It lowers testosterone levels (in men) and lowers some neural chemical mediators (such as serotonin, considered the hormone of "happiness"). All this favors depression, irritability, insomnia, etc.

While male sexual problems are divided into erectile dysfunction (impotence) and ejaculation disorders (these can be the result of health problems - cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prostate disease), female problems are decreased libido, dryness of the vagina. , dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) or lack of orgasm.

Erection problems, a taboo subject

In our country, the phrase "erection problems" is still stigmatizing. Men feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, they feel physically handicapped. A sexual disability is experienced differently by a man than by a woman, because, unlike a man, a woman has ways to mask this disability.

In a recently consulted paper, I discovered a surprising statistic: 87% of women mimicked, at least once, the orgasm at the end of a sexual act, says Dr. psych. Augustin Cambosie. According to Dr. Cambosie, ignoring this problem, most men ignore the harmful consequences that this could have on their lives.

One in four people suffers from erectile dysfunction

Statistics show that one in four people over the age of 35 suffers from erectile dysfunction (ED), while around 140 million men worldwide have the same problem. Although sexual satisfaction is a very important component of life, about 95% of men refuse to seek the help of a specialist.

Sexual dysfunction and age at which they occur

It has long been thought that sexual dysfunction is specific to people past their prime, but time has shown otherwise.

For example, young couples at the beginning of the road, in which their partners are between 18 and 25 years old, are not immune to sexual problems. "Individuals between 18 and 25 years old are people who have not completed the process of mental maturation, and who continue to develop, on the threshold of very important life decisions. Besides other vectors that are in full maturity, the sexual one also appears.

From a biological point of view, both the exponent of femininity and that of masculinity are expected to be matured at the age of 18, but in humans, we are talking about a psychosexuality ", explains Dr. Psychos Cambosie. Sexual intercourse in a couple is dependent on both internal and external factors.

Addictive relationships

There are many relationships that, according to Dr. Cambodia, remain "hanging" because sex goes very well between partners. At the other end of the spectrum are the ones where sex doesn't work anymore, but the socio-cultural level allows the man or woman to question this.

Finally, in other couples, the partners want to solve this problem, which is why they ask for help. "It could be sexual misconduct that goes from psychological misconduct to sexual intercourse or physical sexual misconduct. Usually, a stressful life causes sex to be thrown out in the first place and become an end in itself - Don Juan syndrome, which is not unique to men.

However, individual problems can also occur - erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (in men), anorgasmic sexuality, pain during sexual intercourse (in women).

The fact that a woman with an adolescent mentality does not have sexual experience, causes that in these situations panic is triggered, which can even lead to a rupture of the relationship. The solution to these problems lies in the confluence of a medical and psychological attitude.

But a couple's partners are tempted to abstain from one side ("I don't like my boyfriend anymore and I refuse to have sex because it hurts"). Men have sexual dynamics disorders that they sometimes "solve" by blaming external factors or their partner.

No sexual yield 100%

Experts claim that there is no 100% sexual yield, but one is to have an isolated episode and the other is for it to be repeated and define the relationship. "Psychosexuality depends on many factors.

The important thing is that if we face such problems, we should not ignore them because they do not disappear by themselves. People do not realize that problems can be treated.


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