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Sex of Appearance

How lashes, lips, nails, hair, and padding relate to sex

By Anna_K.Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Sex of Appearance
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

I appreciate the effort and skill that goes into makeup, nails, and eyelashes. It's a form of art and self-expression. However, it's important to remember that these things don't define your gender or sexuality. They are tools we use to enhance our appearance, but they shouldn't be seen as requirements for learning, curiosity, or sexual expression.

Throughout history, cosmetics have been used in various cultures and genders, from ancient civilizations to modern times. Lipstick, for example, has symbolized status, protection, and fashion. Nail polish has been worn by both men and women, and even used for signaling within the lesbian community. Eyelashes have been adorned and valued for their beauty and perceived connection to sexual activity.

It's fascinating to explore the historical and cultural significance of these beauty practices, but it's also important to remember that their meanings have evolved over time. Today, the choices we make regarding our appearance should be based on personal preference and not societal expectations.

Whether you choose to wear makeup, have long lashes, or styled nails is entirely up to you. It's your body and your expression. Embrace your individuality and don't feel pressured to conform to any specific beauty standards. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Lastly, remember that appearance is just one aspect of who you are. Your worth as a person and your ability to learn, grow, and be curious about the world around you are not dependent on your looks. Embrace your natural self and explore your curiosity without any limitations or expectations.

And if you do decide to use cosmetics, make sure to prioritize safety and choose products that are healthy for your body.

Certainly! Here's some additional advice:

1. Self-Expression: Cosmetics can be a powerful tool for self-expression. If you enjoy experimenting with different looks, colors, and styles, go for it! Use makeup, nail polish, and other beauty products as a creative outlet to showcase your unique personality and style. Have fun exploring different trends and techniques, and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

2. Body Positivity: Remember that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Embrace your body as it is and celebrate its uniqueness. Don't compare yourself to unrealistic beauty standards portrayed in media. Instead, focus on self-love and self-acceptance. Use cosmetics to enhance your features, but always remember that true beauty radiates from within.

3. Inclusivity: The beauty industry is becoming more inclusive, with a wider range of products catering to diverse skin tones, genders, and identities. Support brands that prioritize inclusivity and representation. Seek out products that align with your values and support companies that promote diversity and equality.

4. Skincare: While cosmetics can enhance your appearance, it's crucial to prioritize skincare as well. Take care of your skin by following a regular skincare routine and using products that suit your skin type. Healthy skin is the foundation for any makeup look, so make sure to cleanse, moisturize, and protect your skin.

5. Consent and Boundaries: Remember that beauty choices should always be personal and voluntary. Respect others' choices and boundaries when it comes to their appearance. Avoid making assumptions or judgments based on someone's makeup, nails, or style. Everyone has the right to express themselves in their own way, and it's important to create a supportive and inclusive environment.

6. Education and Awareness: Stay informed about the ingredients in cosmetic products and their potential impact on your health and the environment. Educate yourself about ethical and sustainable beauty practices. Look for brands that prioritize cruelty-free, vegan, and environmentally friendly options. Being an informed consumer allows you to make choices that align with your values.

Remember, beauty is subjective and personal. Use cosmetics as a means of self-expression, but also remember to prioritize self-care, self-acceptance, and respect for others. Embrace your own unique style and let it reflect your personality and values.


About the Creator


A soulful content writer who artfully intertwines the beauty of life, the depth of love, the intricacies of psychology, and the power of friendship in their words.

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