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Secrets to Getting the Best Smile: Tips for making the best choice when it comes to your smile

kushel morjaria dentist

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read


One of the best methods to lift your spirits and enhance the beauty of your face is to smile. People will feel more comfortable around you and form a positive first impression when you smile naturally and properly. Your self-confidence will increase if you have a lovely smile.

To make your smile and teeth perfect, you must visit a dentist frequently for proper checkups. If you live in or near southeast London, Mindful Dentists will be a boon for you. Mindful Dentists have the best team of orthodontics in south east London.

Here are some tips for making the best choice regarding smiling.

● Perfection is achieved through practice

If you don't typically smile, practice in front of a mirror, especially before a big occasion like a first date or a job interview. You can see how you appear in the mirror when you stand or sit straight and confidently smile. You can also turn your head in different directions to discover your good side or the position that appears to be most naturally attractive.

● Stop using tobacco

Smoking is harmful to your dental health in addition to your lungs. Smoking is connected to oral cancer, gum disease, tooth loss, and stains on the teeth. The nicotine and tar in cigarettes can penetrate the tooth enamel and quickly turn teeth yellow. After years of smoking or consuming tobacco, many people have discovered that their teeth are virtually brown. Additionally, smoking increases dental plaque levels and the likelihood and severity of gum disease compared to non-smokers.

● Reduce your intake of coffee, tea, and red wine

Red wine, coffee, and other dark-coloured liquids are renowned for discolouring teeth. Similar to smoking, these beverages can cause a superficial stain that your dentist or hygienist can remove, but they can also cause interior enamel staining that is more severe. By using a straw when drinking, you can lessen the likelihood of developing dental decay and stains on your teeth. It can be beneficial to often rinse your mouth with water to prevent the dark liquid from being stuck between your teeth.

● Pick your whitening products wisely

You can select from a dizzying range of whitening products if your teeth have become discoloured with age, including toothpaste, gels, strips, bespoke and over-the-counter trays, rinses, and laser whitening. You can focus on problem areas using particular advantages offered by each type.

● Strengthen your overall health

As your physical and oral health are so linked, diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and even stress can impact how you look when you smile. By using preventive measures, you can help your health improve rather than ignoring your symptoms. Your body, teeth, and gums will look much better if you eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise and sleep.

● Visit the dentist twice frequently

If ignored, even a small cavity can develop into a significant issue that spreads tooth decay throughout your mouth. Make an appointment with your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups. A dental professional can identify early signs of tooth decay and treat them before they have a chance to develop. Maintaining good preventive oral health ensures the durability of your teeth and reduces the need for future invasive dental procedures. Whenever searching for a "private dentist near me?" Kushal Morjaria dentist in South-East London is the answer.

● Maintain the health of your gums

Even if you have the most stunning teeth, if your gums are unhealthy, it will be difficult to smile. Don't forget to maintain healthy gums as part of your regular dental hygiene routine. We advise you to use an antimicrobial mouthwash after brushing your teeth daily.


Your appearance and confidence can vary significantly with simple oral hygiene routine changes. You'll also agree that it's worthwhile to put effort and time into improving your general health.

So book your appointment with us, as our team is comprised of the best orthodontist in South-East London. At Mindful dentist, we strive to give you the best treatments and true care for your health.


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