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Safeguarding Humanity in the Era of Extreme Automation


By Abdurrahman Yusuf KalayalPublished 12 months ago 3 min read


The rapid advancement of technology, specifically in the field of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), brings with it both exciting possibilities and significant challenges. As we witness an exponential growth in automation, it becomes imperative to address the potential impact on humanity. This article explores the crucial steps we must take to protect and preserve our humanity in the context of extreme automation, ensuring a future that is both technologically advanced and human-centric.

I. Embrace Ethical Frameworks:

As automation becomes more pervasive, the development and implementation of robust ethical frameworks are paramount. These frameworks should guide the design, deployment, and use of automated systems, ensuring they align with human values, rights, and well-being. It is essential to establish standards that prioritize transparency, accountability, privacy, and fairness to prevent potential biases, discrimination, or exploitation.

II. Foster Continuous Learning and Reskilling:

To mitigate the negative consequences of automation, a renewed focus on lifelong learning and reskilling is vital. As certain tasks become automated, humans must adapt and acquire new skills that complement technological advancements. Governments, educational institutions, and businesses should collaborate to provide accessible and comprehensive retraining programs, ensuring that individuals can thrive in an evolving job market and contribute meaningfully to society.

III. Encourage Human-Machine Collaboration:

Instead of perceiving automation as a threat, we should embrace the concept of human-machine collaboration. By harnessing the strengths of both humans and machines, we can create synergistic partnerships that optimize productivity and innovation. Automation should be designed to augment human capabilities, allowing individuals to focus on complex problem-solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, and other uniquely human traits.

IV. Prioritize Inclusivity and Equity:

Extreme automation has the potential to exacerbate existing social and economic disparities. To protect humanity, it is crucial to prioritize inclusivity and equity in the adoption and benefits of automation. Policymakers and industry leaders must ensure that automation does not deepen inequalities but rather serves as a tool for societal progress. Measures such as universal basic income, job guarantees, and wealth redistribution may be necessary to create a fair and inclusive future.

V. Preserve Human Connections and Well-Being:

As automation advances, it is essential to safeguard the fundamental aspects of human life that contribute to our well-being. Maintaining and nurturing human connections, fostering empathy, and promoting a healthy work-life balance become even more critical in the face of extreme automation. Encouraging leisure, creativity, and social interaction can help preserve our humanity and counterbalance the potential isolating effects of technology.

VI. Ethical Governance and Regulation:

To protect humanity from the potential risks associated with extreme automation, comprehensive governance and regulation are imperative. Governments and international bodies should work collaboratively with industry experts and stakeholders to establish clear guidelines and standards. Regulation should address areas such as data privacy, algorithmic transparency, liability, and accountability, ensuring that automation is deployed responsibly and ethically.

VII. Foster Public Discourse and Engagement:

Engaging the public in meaningful discussions about the impact of automation is crucial. Promoting awareness, fostering public understanding, and encouraging participation in shaping the future of automation can lead to more informed decisions and policies. Open dialogue among policymakers, experts, industry leaders, and the public is essential to ensure that automation serves the collective well-being and reflects societal values.


Extreme automation presents a transformative shift in our society, and safeguarding humanity in this context requires proactive measures. By embracing ethical frameworks, promoting continuous learning, nurturing human-machine collaboration, prioritizing inclusivity and equity, preserving human connections, establishing ethical governance, and fostering public engagement, we can create a future where technology and humanity coexist harmoniously. Let us shape a world where automation enhances our lives while protecting our unique qualities and the values that make

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About the Creator

Abdurrahman Yusuf Kalayal

I'm Yusuf, 32 years old. I graduated from Akdeniz University, Department of Medicine in 2017. I have been serving in the emergency area of ​​Alanya Training and Research Hospital for more than 7 years.I love reserching and writing.

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