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Gleaning from the Past to build a better Future

By Tara BranchePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Growing up during the 80s and 90s in Virginia was a simpler time compared to today. Kids played outside under the watchful eyes of concerned neighbors. People looked out for each other; Teachers and Older Adults in general were not only permitted to but were expected to correct or discipline you if they saw or heard you doing or saying something that you weren’t supposed to. Southern Hospitality and Manners reigned; It was customary to hold doors for people, help the elderly, say Good Morning, Evening, and Night and have respect for your elders. Libraries were our main source of knowledge and research; Computers were new on the scene, but for the most part, we still used typewriters. Violence against others was low; rarely did someone get shot or killed if you had a disagreement—people fought it out, made up, and lived to see another day. Our biggest health threat was A.I.D.S. There was no internet, social media, or cellphones; Telephones, Beepers and Payphones were the communications of choice. I miss these times.

Fast forward to the Millennium—we have made great progress in the areas of communication, medicine, and technology. Innovation and creativity have progressed life as we know it to a level that we couldn’t have envisioned or imagined a mere 25 years ago. For all the progress so far in history, we have regressed in some of the most important areas and that saddens me. Even though the Internet has made it possible to connect with people around the world, social media is not social at all. We are connected more ‘online’ than we are in real life. We text more than we have actual conversations. Today’s generation are proficient in using technology, but lack face to face communication skills, basic manners, and respect—gadgets have raised them, while most parents have neglected the wise standards of raising children. Teaching is harder than ever. The village has disappeared into the digital world. Violence is out of control; you can get shot or assaulted just for looking at someone wrong nowadays. Some parents curse and attack those who try to offer them wisdom or correct their children. Each ethnicity deems that their lives matter more than others. Everybody wants to do what they want—selfies and selfishness reign supreme. We are easily offended, and quick to insult and disrespect. This is what we’ve become, and it saddens me.

I’ve ranted about the problems from my point of view. But ranting without solutions is just empty air—talking just to hear oneself talk. What’s the solution? One of my favorite quotes is by Mahatma Gandhi: “BE the change you want to see in the world.” So, it starts with me. It starts with us. ALL LIVES MATTER! We all were created by God with a mind, body, spirit, creative power, reasoning, love, and most importantly a purpose. We each have the power to make a difference for the better in the lives of others.

Today, I resolve use my writing not only to tell the truth, however harsh at times, but to also encourage and heal. I resolve to spend less time on my cellphone and the internet and be present in the life around me. I resolve to spend less time texting, and more time calling my loved ones and having face to face conversations. I resolve to continue to speak and smile to strangers that I pass daily no matter their reaction. I resolve to be more kind and consider others as greater than myself. I resolve to be less angry, and judgmental and more loving and accepting of everyone no matter their lot in life, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. I resolve to be more considerate and understanding of others and less self-absorbed. I resolve to remember the sacrifices that those in history have made for us to have the freedoms that we have today, and to appreciate life. Will you resolve with me? If we want our world to change for the better, we each have the capacity to do so. One life, one moment at a time.


About the Creator

Tara Branche

I love expressing myself creatively through words.

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