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Relationship Key

Understanding your relationship

By Kitanna CovingtonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Hi everyone, this is me and my husband and today's story is about how we got our relationship back on track! I hope you guys find this to be very helpful!

<<Communication>>, <<Devotion>>, <<Patience>>, <<Determination>>, <<Trust>>, <<Love>>, <<Respect>>, <<Encouragement>> all fall under the true meaning of a 'Healthy Relationship'. Many people believe that 'sex' is what drives attention and love in a relationship and although sex is a way to show love it's not entirely what a relationship is based on. A relationship takes hard work and dedication to completely understand how it should be done and to completely determine how long it will actually last. So, how do we understand love? How can we improve our relationship long-term? How can we understand our partner? and the answer that I have received upon review with some elderly friends is to make a relationship last long-term or for it to be healthy mainly requires "Communication", "Trust", and "Patience"! Why are these factors most important? you might ask well, let's break this down using my and my husbands' situation... when we first met of course everything was amazing we always talked to each other, we were patient with one another, we trusted each other, and we respected one another. You may think that our relationship was going in the right direction and I must say that it was for a good while until we moved in with each other! I moved in with him when I was 18 and I figured that since we were doing so well in the relationship prior to moving in I figured that this wouldn't be so much of a problem it would just be like every other day we've had together. We went on occasional walks in the park, exercised together, our sex life was amazing, our communication was there, and the respect we had for each other still remained solid, so what caused it to go downhill if I am describing it to be so perfect? My patience started wearing thin whenever he worked I began to feel like I wasn't important to him or that he didn't love me anymore simply because he was always at work and when he came home he was asleep, so we never really had time for each other as often as we used to. Now him working was not an issue for me because I was more than lucky to have a hardworking man it was more of the lack of time that we spent together because of his work and I mentioned this to him a couple of times and explained that I wanted him to continue working, but I also wanted him to show me a bit more attention. Some people by this point would say that I was being 'greedy' or 'selfish', but I respectfully can say that I valued him with everything that I had left, but I did not trust him because of something that an 'ex' did to me! I have had multiple encounters with my ex that said he would be going to work, but in reality, they weren't at work, so yes I also assumed that with my fiance and I know that it was wrong, but he was also treating me like his ex treated him and I noticed it for a while just never mentioned. He would assume that I was talking to other men while he was at work, sending other men pictures/videos of my body, being on the phone with them while he was at work, or even just simply replying to messages with my friends that I played Call of Duty with. I thought for a while that this is ridiculous I was so tired of arguing daily because of some he say, she say b*!!$#!t and I left to stay with my mom for a few days, but I was still talking to him, making sure that he ate something, and making sure that he was okay, but why? why was I still in contact with him after we just argued about something so small? I realized the 3rd time that I left that he was the man that I loved and maybe that was why I couldn't leave him alone I tried so hard to lose feelings for him, to forget about him, and to just completely block him out of my life, but that never happened! I blocked and unblocked his number numerous time and even blocked him on all of my social media accounts, but he ended up texting me via email lol I must say that was a first for me I then realized that we were in love and didn't want to let each other go at all. The connection that we had with each other was far greater than love, and I was willing to accept that and fix me for him (vice-versa)! Every time we had an incident we will sit down and talk about it until it gets resolved we never cared about how long that might take (on average it took 3-4 hours) we were still going to do our best to keep "us" together. In order to keep that trust alive and well we also have taken the passwords of our phones off completely to stimulate some kind of understanding of "I want you and only you". Doing this has really made us so much better and I couldn't be happier to know that he has fully committed himself to me and I have completely committed myself to him! It is always best to communicate your feelings with your partner so that you both can understand where each other's priorities stand in the relationship. All I am saying is that if you don't have communication or trust in your relationship things can end pretty badly with no closure and that is something that we want to prevent, so communicate and respect each other's viewpoints and your relationship can and will be so much better! Now that you understand how we fixed our relationship let me lay some tips!

A major part of a relationship consists of "Communication, Trust, and Patience".

Understanding the way that your partner feels about a certain situation will only work if you or your partner "Communicate" that issue.

If you're feeling like your partner is doing something behind your back it is best to "Communicate" that issue in order to build "Trust".

Making 'assumptions' only hurts the relationship be sure to fully "Communicate" and listen to what your partner has to say before you defend yourself.

When "Communicating" with your partner it is best to understand (or try to understand) both points of view.

In order to understand your partner, you must be "Patient" in order to fully understand what it is that they are saying/explaining to you.

Giving your partner access to your accounts or passwords really builds more "Trust and Respect" in the relationship.

If you are feeling like you're no longer interested in the relationship please "Communicate" that with your partner with a brief explanation as to why you don't want the relationship anymore (don't just walk away with no closure you tend to regret situations that weren't properly handled).

Sex is a beautiful part of a relationship, but if you/your partner aren't feeling up to it be sure to "Communicate" that to them so they can understand why you aren't 'in the mood'.

If you are feeling 'ready' when it comes to kids or starting a 'family' "Communicate" that with your partner so that you both can come to an agreement/understanding.

Please leave a like or some feedback to help me improve my stories and advice that you can add will be greatly appreciated and if you really liked my story please give it a share this will really help me in boosting my career as a writer! Thank You again for taking the time out to view my story I hope you guys have a great day!

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