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Reflections: Leaving Little Rock [Part One]


By PAT CHANEYPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

In the Fall of ’98 I did a Consulting Project in Little Rock Arkansas home of the Famous ‘Little Rock Nine’ who Integrated Central High School in 1957. These Nine Human Beings have always been heroes of mine, I have often wondered if I myself would have been as Brave in their shoes.

Little Rock was not as I expected considering its history of being a Flash Point for The Civil Rights Movement of the 50s-60s. In fact downtown Little Rock looked like a Ghost Town, most of the shops closed and abandoned for the more modern Super Malls.

The Client, a large Insurance Company, was not as progressive as I would have thought either. Though diverse, the mentality felt ‘stagnant’ to me. Most of the African-Americans were deeply involved in their own pursuits, and were not especially receptive to what was going on outside of their community. For the most part I kept communication on a Business level.

I found that their conversations were dominated by plans for attending Church Services on the weekend, which didn’t surprise me as Little Rock is dead center Bible Belt. I got numerous invites to attend their ‘all day’ services on Sunday, but I politely declined. I respect everyone’s Beliefs, but I’m more of Spiritual vs Religious Person. I would rather show in my actions than ‘preach’ to someone… my Goal is to be the best Human Being I can possibly be while on this Journey called Life. Soon they stopped inviting me.

I made a lifelong friend on this project who I keep in touch with… Dinah. She was a sweet, friendly, beautiful African-American Adjuster whose beauty rivaled that of Halle Berry in my opinion. The thing that stood out about her was that she didn’t have a conceited bone in her body.

I especially loved the Corporate Apartments in Little Rock located at the top of a Hill and Gated. At the bottom of the hill was a popular Blues Club that I frequented quite often, and had the opportunity to meet up and coming Artists. My colleague and roommate was a newbie, and we hit it off and learned our way around town. She was six months pregnant and homesick so she went home every other weekend while I chose to space out my flights home to Cali.

One of the first Historical spots we visited was The Magnolia Gas Station located across from Central High School, where The Press used to gather during the Desegregation. In 98 it housed artifacts and memorabilia from that heartbreaking time. The black and white photos dramatized the injustice and inhumanity visited upon those Nine Black Teenagers and their Supporters.

That Saturday a feeling of despair and lost hope came over me like a tangible, residual substance engulfing my body and my soul… Goosebumps prickled my skin. My eyes and my heart could not process the violent images before me. I glanced at Vanessa who had silent tears running down her cheeks... her pregnant glow temporarily dimmed. All this negative Emotion could not be good for her in her current condition.

“I think we’ve seen enough… let’s go grab some lunch… I need a drink.”

Our Hearts were heavy for the remainder of the weekend.

The following Monday, while discussing our weekend activities, Dinah informed me that she had a gentleman friend who lived at the bottom of our hill who she wanted us to meet.

“He’s a nice guy, and you two need a man to show you around just to be on the safe side.”

I saw nothing wrong with it, so we agreed with the stipulation it was me he agreed to show around as Vanessa was very pregnant and showing.

Sunday evening Vanessa cleared Lee through the gate and waited to answer the door as I was still getting dressed. I heard the door bell and snuck in behind Vanessa to get a peek at Lee. I chuckled because he looked alarmed when a very pregnant Vanessa opened the door.

“Uh… uh… I’m Dinah’s friend Lee…”

“I’m Vanessa, Pat will be out in a minute. Come on in.”

I raced back to the bathroom before Lee saw me, waited a minute, then entered the living room. Lee was a good looking brother, dark brown complexion, nice smile, great physique, around 5’10, and quite sure of himself.

“You should have seen his eyes when my pregnant self answered the door.” Vanessa giggled and rubbed her ever growing stomach.

We all got acquainted before Lee and I left for the movies.

After the movie, we went to a nice restaurant and I was amused at how the pretty waitress flirted with Lee and other staffers made a big fuss. They made sure we got one of the best tables. Dinah had told me that he taught tennis lessons, but I learned he was somewhat of a Celebrity around town and had once played tennis on the Pro Level. He had an engaging manner, and was very charming in addition to a wicked propensity for teasing you once he found your vulnerability. We had a nice evening getting to know each other.

Vanessa waited up to hear how it went, and let me know she approved of Lee. The following Monday I gave Dinah the report, and she was happy to hear it went well. Lee and I continued to go out and sometimes Vanessa tagged along.

Lee was also a church goer and always invited me, but I politely refused. He would stop by on his way to services dressed in a suit and smelling good… it was the first time I had smelled the men’s fragrance Boucherone. To this day when I smell that fragrance it reminds me of him.

I took advantage of my own personal escort, and planned weekends where I wanted to go and places I wanted to see. We attended Concerts at Riverfront Park and Blues Festivals all around Little Rock and nearby towns. I met his family at a Barbecue—who welcomed me with open arms… he had five brothers who were all a similar version of him with the same trait of relentless teasing. In my case it was that all Californians were ‘Kookie Hippies’ or Serial Killers. His mother had to call them off…thank God. Lee just laughed his infectious laugh, getting a big kick out of it. Also, all his brother’s name began with ‘L’.

Langston confided in me that they had not seen Lee this happy in a Long time. I also learned that his ex-wife was a local TV News Reporter, and their divorce has not been amicable. Whenever we were out, I flipped the script and teased Lee that I was worried I might get stabbed by one of his female admirers.

He just laughed and said, “Girl I won’t let nobody hurt you!”


About the Creator


I am a child of the Sixties; 50% Hippie and 50% Militant with a Bohemian flair. My career as a Healthcare Claims Configuration Consultant allowed me to travel all over the U.S.....saw many places and things that inspire my writing.

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