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Rebound Relationships

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

By Shelley WengerPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

Whether you are just getting out of a serious relationship or marriage, you will be dealing with a lot of emotions. You need to take some time for yourself to grieve and begin the healing process. 

Unfortunately, many people love being with someone and look to find another relationship right away. They don't want to stay single for very long. In fact, many jump right into a rebound relationship, which isn't always good. 

So, how can a rebound relationship be bad?

These relationships rarely end well. Most people who enter a rebound relationship want to feel better and be happy. They often jump right in so that they don't feel so alone. However, if you don't take the time to evaluate what went wrong, you are likely to end up right where you are now. SINGLE.

You might find yourself making impulsive decisions and spending money that you don't really have. You may buy your new love lavish gifts. You may want to take him or her away on an expensive vacation. Coming out of an old relationship or divorce, your finances may not be as stable as they should, so you should be more careful of your money, not spending it impulsively. 

You may get so wrapped up in your new relationship, and you may neglect your children when they really need you. Your children are going through the divorce too, and they need you more than ever. So, it may not be wise to spend all of your spare time with someone new, when your family so desperately needs you.

What are the ugly sides of a rebound relationship?

Many people wind up rebounding with someone who is just like your ex. Since we all love familiarity, many people find themselves in a rebound relationship with someone who is just like their ex. This will only lead to more heart break, because this relationship is going to be very similar to the one you just got out of!

Many people love the idea of being married and rush right into another marriage, which could ultimately end up in divorce. Rebound relationships rarely survive. To jump right into another marriage is just asking to go through the divorce process all over again. 

You may even find yourself stuck with this person for the rest of your life, especially if you have a child together. Many people have children with someone right after getting out of a relationship. 

If you broke up with someone due to not agreeing on children, you may rush to start a family with the next person who comes along. You may also be less careful as you age, and find yourself with an unexpected pregnancy. This will mean that this rebound relationship is going to be with you for the rest of your life, so make sure that you choose wisely. 

How can a rebound relationship be good?

It can make you feel better about yourself. One of the biggest reasons to get yourself back out there is to help you feel better. Finding a man or woman that is interested in you can be great for your confidence, which may be lacking after the breakup. Even if you just casually date, it may help you feel much better about life and who you are. 

Nothing is better when it comes to getting over your ex. Many people get hung up on their ex, especially when getting divorced. Sometimes it takes another relationship to help them get over their breakup. 

You might even start to feel better about the future. Life after a breakup can feel quite bleak. You may feel uncertain about your future and what life is going to hold for you. By investing in another relationship, you can start to feel some hope for the future. 

Even if this relationship doesn't work out, you will still be able to see that you are capable of moving on and having a worthwhile relationship. Your life isn't over, even though it may feel that way!

Rebound relationships aren't usually good. Many people rush into relationships and find themselves breaking up in the near future. In fact, some people rush right into marriage and end up getting divorced again! Some even have children in this new relationship, which will mean that you are stuck with this person for the rest of your life! 

That being said, if you are struggling with your self-esteem and hope for the future, dating casually or even finding yourself in a new relationship can be healthy. You might enjoy the attention that you get, and it just might help you get over your ex and heal!


Previously published on Medium and/or Newsbreak.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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