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"Plenty More Mr. Nice Guy"

Might Finish Last, but the Finish is the Best

By Jose Wright Jr.Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Couple Aesthetics Photo from Pinterest

Whew, smh...

Countless movies have displayed it, so many decent men have experienced it, and quite a large number are regretting still knowing this all too well. What more can we say? Nice guys do finish last. You know that one friend who waited on line for Jordan's new kicks on the release date, since about 5am, on a line that appeared to rarely move? Now picture this...everyone's getting a pair, the line shrinks, and his heart pumps faster. He's about 7 feet from the door, and the employee guarding the entrance comes out and shakes his head. "Sorry guys! That was the last pair." The friend's heart drops, and it immediately starts raining. I guess you can hear the countless "F bombs," screams, and assorted varieties of bad language, unfit for the ears of a preschool kid to listen to.

Ladies, I promise you, that is what nice guys feel when you reject us, and go for the jerk (who by the way will later make you regret your selection). I used to be absolutely amazed when I was younger. "How in the world does a blatantly disrespectful, intellectually deficient gorilla get all the action?" My apologies! I shouldn't call dudes names; how rude of me. Interestingly enough, that cannot be more rude than the way most men (apparently) are, whenever they approach a woman.

- Social Media Messes!

They're all the rave, huh? To every nice guy reading this, who has any social media platform active...I have a disclaimer. Any interest you may find in a woman online, is subject to what I like to call the "automated curve." Quite a number of damsels (likely not in distress) have had their fill of unrequested, boldly delivered, photos of the male genitals. The rarely disputed concept of photographic disgust and visual harassment, has sickened enough women to the core. I know this, because I have quite a few DMs with women I connect & network with on Instagram, who tell me of the reasons they'd rather just block and delete the messages.

One message I read stated quote, "We're in a time where sex seems to be the admission to dating." - author unknown

To conceptualize a classy, or decent woman's interest being arrested by a man's private parts, even before he tells her his name, is generally impossible. Somehow though, there are guys who do get the women they push for, while having that carnivorous, sexually enslaved mindset. I know...I don't get it either. WAIT! Pump your breaks; calm your raging bull. There is still hope!

Make sure you keep being your very nice, well mannered, and decent self, fellas.

The optimistic heart full of vigor, hope, and determination, will find what it is that it seeks. I'm a former romantically uninvolved, nice guy. There are women scattered where you are (and further) who are aching for authenticity, respect, and what YOU bring to the table. Ensure that your approach is confident, strong, and intriguing, but remember...always respect a woman. Wait, you're a nice guy! The respect line isn't new to you. Anyway, patient. This part of the romantic journey is almost as bad as slamming a door on your index finger. Yes, I know that experience a bit too well. It felt like my pulse left my heart, and painfully entered my finger.

I know women will read this, who may dream of a man bringing them flowers.

I know you are hoping to find that woman, who wants to be swept off of her feet.

I know that for certain, unless you're one of the "lucky" few who get those chance encounters, or met their lady in high school/elementary school (even more rare), you won't find your Queen if you quit looking.

So what if nice guys finish last? Wait until you see who is for you. You may very well find a woman who will blow your mind, and prove that the patient mind was worth having. Nice guys might finish last...

...but our love with the right woman, lasts a lifetime!


About the Creator

Jose Wright Jr.

I am a published poet & writer, author of the book "Love's Urban Fragment" on Amazon, CEO of Dr. Ink Wright L.L.C., and a man who loves to use writing to entertain and uplift! May you find pieces of me here that uplift & inspire!!

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