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The most common regret of dying patients is not living a life true to oneself

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

If you've ever been on your deathbed, chances are you'll regret not doing some things in your life. You will regret not trusting yourself and not loving yourself enough throughout the years. This is one of the most common regrets that patients have when they are dying. In fact, it's also one of the most common regrets that anyone can have in their life at any given point in time.

The most common regret of dying patients is not living a life true to oneself

The most common regret of dying patients is not living a life true to oneself. This is the conclusion of a new study that interviewed terminally ill patients and their families in the US and UK, who were asked what they wished they had done differently.

It's important for people living with chronic illness to know about this as it may help them make decisions about their treatment. For example, if you have been offered medicine but you know it will probably only extend your life by six months, maybe it's time to focus on other things that are more important to you than extending your life.

Many people live with the perception that life is too short to try something new, and will get stuck in a routine which makes them unhappy.

Many people live with the perception that life is too short to try something new, and will get stuck in a routine which makes them unhappy. They think:

  • I don't have time to try new things!
  • If I fail at something, people will laugh.
  • The unknown is scary!

Don't worry about pleasing others

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that we should be what other people want us to be. That by pleasing others, they will like you more and then you will have more friends. But this can lead to a life of constant worry about what other people think of you and whether or not they approve of who you are.

It’s important not to feel the need to please everyone because ultimately it’s impossible for all the people around us; there will always be someone who doesn't like or agree with something about us. The key is knowing when these opinions matter and when they don't. For instance, if someone asks for advice about which movie theater or restaurant in town is better than another one, it's okay if your opinion differs from theirs; just tell them why! However, if someone says something hurtful and insulting such as "You're so ugly!" then it may not matter how many times they apologize—the damage has been done!

Don't work too hard

People on their deathbeds regret working too hard. They regret neglecting family, friends and health. The majority of people don't say they regret not being more successful in terms of money or fame. It seems like the thing we often overlook in life is enjoying it along the way as much as we can.

We all have different passions, goals and dreams for our lives, but what matters most is making sure that you're happy along the way. Take time to rest and recharge because there's always more work to do!

Express your feelings

When it comes to communication, don't hold back. Don't be afraid to say what you feel. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Don't be afraid to say what you want or don’t want. Not speaking up might cause the other person to think that they can get away with not listening to your needs in the future, and that's no way for a relationship (or friendship) to go!

When it comes down to it, people regret not being open about their feelings more than anything else on their deathbeds—so if there's something bothering you at work or in life in general, speak up!

Stay in touch with your friends

They want you to stay in touch with your friends, family and loved ones. They want you to keep talking, texting and emailing them. They want you to keep asking how they are doing and checking on their health.

They want you to stay in touch with your partner because they love them dearly. They want the two of you to continue building a life together even after they pass away because they believe that it is important for the two of you to stay together forever.

They also want children who have passed away before them to know that their parents will always love them no matter what happens in life or after death occurs because nothing can ever change their feelings towards each other as parent and child respectively -- not even death itself!

Finally but not leastly...

Remember trust and love yourself always

In your life, you will encounter many people. Some of them may be friends and some may even be family. But do you know what the most important thing about friendship is? It’s trust. Trust yourself and love yourself always. Be yourself, don’t pretend to be someone else because we all deserve to live in this world with our own personalities and quirks.

So remember: trust yourself and love yourself always! Because if we cannot trust ourselves, then how can we trust others around us too? And if we cannot truly love ourselves for who we are and not what others want us to be then there wouldn't be any point in spending time with other people either as they will only bring negative feelings into our lives when they don't accept us for who we are instead of accepting everything that makes up our personality."


We’re not saying that every person who dies has regrets. But we do know that even though it’s tempting to regret things, it’s also important to remember that you can always change what you do next—even if it’s too late at this point! All of these things are simple and easy enough to do yourself, so there’s no reason not to try them out. And if they don’t work for you, then move on and try something else until something sticks.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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