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"Pain changes people"

We all get battle scars from life and those changes our way to look at the world.

By DoryPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
"Pain changes people"
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Hello and welcome new faces and old friends. I'm glad you wondered here/you are back. As you see, sometimes I have funny posts, sometimes thinker posts and other days pretty serious one... But I guess we all need this variety and it's good to sparkle thoughts.

During this uncertain time everyone is feeling lonely or craving love, some gets it and some doesn't... But also, single people gets targeted with the question, "what are you looking for in your other half (outside)?!". I'm not sure, if this question comes up because people are extremely curious or because nowadays we have to much time in hand to mind everyone else's business as much as we mind ours. Whichever the reason is, I got this question so much to actually take the time to think about it a little... When I answer, I get side eyes to it... Let's just say I have a weird answer to this question, at least an unusual one. I usually say, "I want a guy who smiles with his eyes and whose smile makes me believe that the world isn't falling apart." Unusual, huh?! Gentle look and sweet smile, you don't really hear that often, do you?! But quarantine gave me enough time to think about, why is this so important to me?!

I`m a half orphan. I lost my mother when I was just a teenager, so let`s just say Mother`s Day hasn`t been the same since, just like nothing. Why am I telling this to you and how is that connected to the fact how I think about guys?! Good question.

Over the years, my answer to the quarantine frequently asked question changed. But why the eyes and smile...?! I gave some thoughts about, why really do they attract me, and then it clicked. Like the last piece of the puzzle, it just all fit together. I`m looking for someone who makes me believe that the world doesn`t fall apart quite yet, because mine already did. I need someone who smiles with his eyes, because I used to have those, I lost them and I miss it.

I feel like when we are looking for our "other half", we are looking for things we are missing, we are literally trying to fill the holes in us. I`m not even going to write, what qualities I`m looking for on the inside, I don`t want you to fall asleep on me. But, what I`m trying to get out of this is that our stories are all unique, we are all different, we all are continually changing. Our story changes us, so stop judging according what we see. Start to understand that there is so much more in everyone that we don`t see, there is so much we don`t share. We all have scars all over, some of us have a heart broken into million pieces. Nobody comes out without a scratch from the battle of life. NOBODY! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!

I read somewhere about a movie I love, which doesn`t have a happy ending, that it didn`t have one, because life doesn`t have the fairy tale happy ever after. We don`t get the prince in shining armour arriving on a gorgeous white horse with flowers, love at first sight then they lived happy ever after. We don`t get any of this, or at least most of us doesn`t.

So let`s just say, we are all broken in one way or another. Nobody has a truly perfect life, we all went through things, we all got hurt, so don`t judge how broken is one or the other. Please see and understand, sometimes strong people aren`t strong by choice, there wasn`t any other way for them. Believe me! Now, in this uncertain time, we are quicker to judge and we are more sensitive with receiving judgement, so be careful, be kind. Give the love, you would like to receive, we all need this now and maybe that person needs it even more.


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