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One Easy Mistake That Can End a Relationship

A Lesson I Learned the Hard Way and Hope You'll Take Heed on It

By Karasu 烏Published 6 years ago 2 min read
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." - Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul

What more can a person want when they've found someone they can love? Not for just how beautiful they are physically, and not even for how beautiful their personality is, but for simply how beautiful their soul is. You would think it was a match made in Heaven, or by the Norns (the sisters of fate in Norse mythology), and that who you have is someone you can call your soulmate.

Even if you blundered and became caught up in this in the past, or even come to reflect on it being potentially a problem you're facing now, it's not to be said that the mistake will damage the potential of renewal with you and the one you love. It does mean that there will be a lot of challenges ahead to overcome the pitfall.

This pitfall that I'm referring to is the mistake to lose sight on what you have, WHO you have. That person who stole your heart even if it wasn't imaginable when you two spoke. That person who you can relate in so many ways, yet be so very different that you two bring an interesting chemical reaction that just feels "right."

It's only been three months since I recognized my mistakes. Two since the relationship with a woman I can say without a doubt that I loved with every fiber of my heart and every element of my soul. In my constantly-running brain that loves to theorize, imagine, plan, and hope for the successes of ideas, has held a firm grasp of seeing the day where she and I would stand before each other and exchange our vows. Even today those thoughts linger, but it's hard to grasp after what's happened.

In short, video games happened. Worst of all, I happened. I was too caught up in a hobby and allowed myself to have time consumed focusing on various games. There's no shifting the blame, just recognizing I'd faltered in losing sight of what was more important while I numbed myself.

By the time I realized what was happening between us, it was too late. I don't blame her nor do I hold any ill will for being exhausted and without hope when I failed to provide emotional support, recognition of her existence, and just simply giving her the time of day that she deserves.

Whatever happens from now on will go as it will. Whether fate is dictated by a higher force, or simply the will of two people who were once in a loving relationship that went cold, the only certainty is that time will tell how things go.

Until then, I aspire to simply do better. Be a better man. Set aside video games for far more productive work, such as writing that I always tell people is my passion. In this case, taking the time to indulge in my passion with the bitter reflection to share with you this warning:
  • Don't let your hobbies consume your time and pull you from your significant other.
  • Remember that who you have, or who you wish to be with, is someone that needs your time and energy for a foundation to be built and to remain strong.
For those inclined to be intellectuals driven by rationality and logic:
  • Don't let that rationality consume you. Take the time to reflect on the importance of emotional energy exchange with your S/O. It may be hard to express yourself, but it's important to fight the worst of your natural disposition.
  • Remember that as hard as it may be to step away from the indulgence of what may intellectually drive you, your S/O can very well bring that satisfaction along—so long as you maintain a balance in your life with who you cherish with what moves your soul.

I wish everyone only the best in the court of love.


About the Creator

Karasu 烏

Horror enthusiast; Impassioned by Japanese culture, history, and the language.

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